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centauri_fire June 6 2005, 12:31:51 UTC
OOC: Gunrunner reads comment over mun's shoulder. **Oh, Hell** I am going to the otherside of the galaxy til this is over.. you think I have a temper..**Gunrunner laughs** Mun shrugs I have to agree.. I am leaving too. ***Looks to MuMariel** Good luck girl...your going to need it if you are up to what I think.

Alexia isn't sure what happened and before he has time to muse on her words further his doctor rushes in.

The doctor checks on Tatyana's vitals and her hearts. Looking to Alexia he shakes his head.

I don't see any reason for this.

Alexia's mind thinks of the first thing an assassin always thinks of... Poison. He watches the doctor give her a shot. He doesn't know what it is but he trusts this man with his life constantly and trusts him to care for her. The doctor stands and turns to Alexia

She should come around in a few moments. If there is any change for the worse get her to medlab.

Alexia sits and waits for her to come around. He is at the very edge of his sanity and feels like he has felt his brotehr so many times, the swirling mix of concern and anger and revenge. As her eyes open Alexia takes her hand, his eyes and expression full of a terrified concern for her.

What happened?

He wanted to ask more but he couldn't manage it at the moment he just wanted to hear her voice to hear that she is well, and that he isn't about to lose her which is the dread that he is still keeping bottled up deep inside.


_mariel June 6 2005, 17:35:10 UTC
OOC- *mun braces herself and hides as the bomb is about to be dropped...*

Mariel still thinking it is Ke'Lan by her side shakes her head slightly her hands no longer fumbling for the poison as she murmers.

...Got what was deserved...Nothing more...I can't say...I'm sorry old friend...You must stop my master...before the others are harmed because of my foolishness...

Even in her delirium which is beginning to fade she refuses to speak of the incident. Not so much out of fear for Gunrunner learning she ratted him out but for the need to keep Alexia and Valerie's secrets away from his mate Tir’In. She may have lost their trust this time but she isn't about to further the damage done.

As the fever begins to fade she seems to slip in and out of conciousness till she finally becomes aware that it isn't Ke'Lan by her side but none other then Alexia. Her skin already pale goes ashen as she stares at him in both shame and fear.

Not remembering what she said during her delirious state she bites her lip wondering if she already told him the truth or did she manage to hold her own.

...How?...Where am I?...

She whispers noting his concerned expression as she feels her hearts sink.

...your concern is misplaced...

She replies quietly.


centauri_fire June 6 2005, 17:43:08 UTC
Alexia listens but can't make much sense of what she is saying. He assumes only what he can. That she was attacked by someone while with a Narn contact who was helping ot kill her master. His mind still isn't up to speed, still blinded by concern and fears.

Her words confuse him and he believes it is delirium or perhaps blaming whatever the incident was on her desire to kill her master. He smiles as reassuringly as he can in his state of mind filled with confusion and concern and pondering the unknown.


It was the only repoly he could think of and it was almost in a scolding tone though he had not ment it that way.

What has happened, My Lady?

His voice is gentle and comforting as possible as he waits still feeling that her mind has not completely cleared.


_mariel June 6 2005, 18:07:36 UTC
His words though meant to comfort her does little to sooth her shattered nerves. Her thoughts now beginning to clear prepares for the worse as she hopes desperately he isnt as volatile as the human. Biting her lip she closes her eyes.

I...got what I deserved...I would have done the same...If i was in his position...You must understand that...

She pauses furrowing her brow as she struggles to find the words as the dread begins to grow.

...I acted foolishly out of fear...I was afraid all of this was a trap, it just seemed too good to be true...My colleague and friend...Bali...Wanted to remove our master...But he learnt of the truth...So he faked contacts for her and played her like a fiddle as she would say...She arrived to the contacts quarters and was...

She falters tears forming in her eyes as she remembers her master forcing her to watch as her dearest friend was beaten to death. He had no proof of her involvement and fortunately for her, Tatyana's niavity for once kept her alive. He never truly believed she was capable of such "treachery" but just in case she was to ever harbor such ideas he made it crystal clear what would happen if she did. Snapping out of the macabre thoughts she continues in a shaky voice.

...I arrived earlier then expected to Valerie and Gunrunners quarters...I had to make sure this too wasn't a trap...But...I crossed the line...pried too far...

She goes silent closing her eyes shivering involentarily as she instinctivally places a hand to her throat still feeling the humans hands wrapped around it...


centauri_fire June 6 2005, 18:18:58 UTC
Alexia listens to her seeing that she is coming around and he still believes that her master or perhaps even Cassius is responsible When she says what she has done he first finds himself irritated with her and his eyes narrow but it is when she thinks of Gunrunner strangling her, his own brother he snarls and glares at Janus.

I want him here now.

The fury is clear in his voice as Janus shudders he is more then aware of what is going through his mentors mind and it is terrifying. Janus had seen Silvas lose his tamper many times but never Alexia and the thought of the brother's going to war freezes him in place. He glances at the woman briefly then moves feeling the piercing gaze of Alexia.

Alexia turns back to Tatyana pushing down his anger though he still appears angry his voice is more concerned.

Of all the foolish things you could do woman, that is near the top of the list. Right with going to war against the Narn Regieme alone.

He smiles trying more to amuse himself and keep his anger at bay. His voice again fills with concern.

What did he do?

The anger is starting to seep back in as he speaks and his free hand clenched in a fist speaks volumes for his intent once his brother arrives. He keeps Tatyana's hand cradled in his but Tatyana can clearly feel his temper rising much like Gunrunner's only at a steady rate and it seems to be reaching its hieght quickly.


_mariel June 6 2005, 19:08:15 UTC
Tatyana winces as she can almost feel his anger as he speaks to his protege. Shaking her head weakly she remarks softly, trying to intrupt the man's departure.

...He only did what anyone would have done...I'm the one at fault here...

She furrows a brow her eyes fluttering open once more as she remembers Gunrunners remarks. Biting her lip she whispers.

...Alexia...He's expecting you...

His next words fill her heart with dread as she nods weakly glancing away.

...I know that now...I betrayed you and the others trust without meaning too...I'd apologize...I imagine it's too late now for that...But for what it's worth i am truly sorry.

She says closing her eyes knowing she deserves his wrath just as much as she deserved Gunrunners. Opening slowly to his final question she glances to him and noticing his clenched fist she begins to feel his growing rage. No this isn't what she wanted. She may hate the human, she can't blame him, not now. He was right she crossed the line...Biting her lip she tries to ignore the ironic comfort she finds with his hand still wrapped around hers all the while trying to find a way to calm his fury.

...He was angry...I believe he felt...Valerie's life was endanger...

She shakes her head trying to block out the memory of him pinning her to the wall, her futile attempts to block his attack, his hand around her throat and the poison jammed into her shoulder.

...I would never wish to hurt her...or you...But he felt threatened...

She tries to smile but it doesn't quite come.

by me...by my actions...as if I'm really that much of a threat...He could have...he could have read my thoughts...He would have all he needed to know...


centauri_fire June 6 2005, 19:21:13 UTC
Alexia was looking for an answer not all of this dodging, she had been poisoned and his first concern was with what? He looks at her and the irritation is starting to creep again ito his features.

What did he do to you?

There is a curtness to his voice and a tinge of anger. He continues to listen to her and it only makes him more furious the magnitude of what she had done had yet to cross his mind. He only knew his brother had lashed out at a mutual business partner and... He shook his head looking at her and the fury spikes as he speaks. His eyes and features show only fury but his voice is flat and calm.

Threatened by what? A naive woman?

He knows better.

Hearing his own words cause his brows to furrow. he didn't know why he said it. Glancing at Tatyana the earlier fears rush back, the fear of loss and the fear for her safety. He takes a deep breath and knows what's happening, the same thing that happened to Silvas if this woman was telling the truth. He hadn't thought to check. He shrugs feeling the approach of his brother thankfully calm but Alexia had a feeling it wouldn't last.


_mariel June 6 2005, 19:31:14 UTC
She sense his agitation with her and bites her lip struggling to sit up as the room spins violently around her.

...We got into a fight...He already knew I had...pried...where I shouldn't...I think I got caught up in his fury...I don't know how else I would have snapped back...But then he...Injected me with the poison...The same one Lord Milifa, my master gave me when I arrived into his harem...One for now...One for later as down payment for my loyality...I suppose...As if that was really necessary...

She winces visibly to his anger feeling it peek as it threatens to consume her as well. Her final remarks are more sharp then she intended and Tatyana remembers Alexia's brief lesson and constantly reminds herself the desire for revenge she feels at the mention of her slaver isn't her own but a side effect of his.


centauri_fire June 6 2005, 19:36:24 UTC
Alexia doesn't react much to most of her comments but at teh mention of poison he nearly losses composure. The anger rolling off of him is strong and terrifying.

Poisoned you? with what? What did it look like?

He is nearly snarling his words he can feel that Silvas is about to enter and he is absolutely blinded by fury. Too blind in fact to hear that Valerie is there as well. He waits patiently and ready to attack.


_mariel June 6 2005, 19:48:08 UTC
Tatyana winces his anger is powerful and she instinctivally shrinks away sitting up fully now as in her fear she ignores the dizziness that floods her thoughts.

...Please...I only know that it is meant to work in two parts...alone it shouldn't do anything...

She stammers before her scattered thoughts come together.

...I dont know what it was...only that it is yellowish in color that is all...

Her eyes snap up as she catches sight of Valerie and Gunrunner entering. Alexia's rage is beyond control now and she feels it eminating off his body. The urge to run becomes harder to control but her body isnt working the way it should as the room continues to spin violently. So in silence she remains put her mind frantically struggling to think of anything anyway to calm this man down...Or at least escape before the fury is turned on her.


centauri_fire June 6 2005, 20:04:27 UTC
The description of the poison furrows his brow..

Are you sure? There is a brief confusion I have never.. Unless his brother had found a new poison he did have more contacts with the other races. His mind swirls what if it wasn't what he said.

He looks back to Tatyana and his expression goes calm, tehn blank and then to happy though it is devious and to Tatyana she knows it is fake, a ruse.

He stands as his brother enters and limps forward. Gunrunner gives him a concerned look.

I heard about Cristov. Gunrunner moves forward concerned and that is when "Hell breaks lose". Instantly the rage starts again and Gunrunner covers his eyes in pain and stumbles. Valerie looks confused but is trying to steady Gunrunner unsure of what is happening.

You bastard!

It is the only thing he can manage to say as he closes the distance and grabs hold of Gunrunner's throat. The next moments are a blur one minute Alexia is choking him and the next Alexia is stumbling back holding his side. Gunrunner gasping for breath and Valerie still at his side.

It seems no one has noticed Tatyana yet.


_mariel June 6 2005, 21:03:20 UTC
Tatyana studies Alexia for a moment noting his confusion and then the strange set of expressions as he seems to calm himself down. In silence she watches in concern knowing something is up but unsure what to do.

The human approachs concern in his eyes which is soon replaced by a flurry of emotions and actions that she is almost unsure what has happened. Rising to her feet quickly she isn't sure why she is doing what she is doing and the ground spins so violently beneath her feet she is barely able to maintain her balance as she grabs hold of the couches arm.

She isn't quite sure what is going on but judging by their actions she knows it has to be telepathically related. Animal instinct takes hold and to her surprise it isn't Gunrunner that she lunges at (threat) but rather Alexia's side (ally). Looking between them she struggles to maintain conciousness her thoughts growing clouded from the remnants of the poison.

...Please...calm down...All of you...

She studies Alexia wondering of the strange wound as he holds his side. Her thoughts grow more coherant as she forces herself to stay focussed.

If...If I really was an enemy...This is exactly...the sort of thing I'd want...

She remarks softly so that perhaps only Alexia can here.

You told me that...yet now you are falling prey to your own teachings...

She frowns slightly as she glances over to Valerie and Gunrunner watching them in silence. Alexia's prediction was correct. Continuing she adds in shakey tones as she leans heavily against the couchs front still watchful of Alexia not wishing to leave his side.

...If I was an enemy, truly an enemy i would have used this...to my advantage...In your distraction i could have attacked or escaped...

She states hoping to sound more brave then she feels at the moment. Or at least more coherant...


centauri_fire June 6 2005, 21:28:29 UTC
Alexia is obviously in pain. It takes a moment for Gunrunner's mind to clear Alexia had quite brutely assult his mind but with coherance returning he looks at Alexia in confusion.

What the hell happened?

It is all Gunrunner can manage through the confusion. Alexia looks suspiciously at his brother and the woman holding him on his feet. The situation catches up to him as he realizes there is someone at his side as well. Momentarily he believes it to be Janus but turning his eyes are wide with confusion and surprise.


His voice is shakey from pain. He turns back to Gunrunner's question as he sinks to the floor in too much pain to continue standing. He motions violently at Gunrunner.

Your whore... Alexia's voice breaks from the pain

Your little devil punched.. punched me in the.. he can't finish the sentance but motions to his side. Gunrunner looks at Valerie, a smile of victory and pride playing on her lips though there is an air of anger to her. Unable to contain himself Gunrunner laughs quietly through his pain.

Alexia remembers the woman at his side and wonders why she is there but he is afraid to ask, afraid of what she may say.


Alexia looks at Gunrunner and remembers what he has done and futilely attempts to pull himself to his feet.

You poisoned her. I could have you killed. Your own people would do it.

Gunrunner laughs more at his words but becomes serious remembering his own ruse.

Well it is your life that is at risk, your things she was fishing through. It matters little to me outside of protecting an ally and ensuring she doesn't run.

Alexia's eyes go wide suddenly knowing why Silvas had attacked her but the poison. Why did you poison her? Alexia had to know. What poison? Silvas answered causing Alexia's brow to furrow. What? Alexia is confused as he knows Silvas is telling him the truth. How could that be. It was K-Sil. Gunrunner smirks and Alexia looks between him and Tatyana.

You're a liar!

Alexia was yelling but Gunrunner shook his head no.

You are serious?

Gunrunner grinned

You are a Sly Bastard.

Alexia isn't sure whether to laugh or lose his temper at that moment looking between his brother and Tatyana


_mariel June 6 2005, 21:42:46 UTC
Tatyana watches them as best she can trying to keep herself alert as the exhaustion of the drug and the events catches up with her. Watching Alexia closely she notices his startled look and furrows a brow slightly before glancing away feeling her cheeks warm once more. You look as surprised as I feel right now she muses. As he is no longer able to stand she tries to help him but her own condition is less then stellar so she is of little help.

At his words she glances to Valerie and wants to smirk a little herself. So she was a little correct after all. She did strike at the threat as Tatyana imagined she would. Even in her ill condition her mind works observing and collecting hte much needed lessons that she has to learn.

Alexia attempts to rise again and Tatyana can't help but admire the mans stubborness but it soon dissipates as Gunrunners words snap her backto reality causing her to glance at her hands in silence. Unable to look at Alexia anymore she bites her lip wishing suddenly she was anywhere but here.

But the discussion takes on a strange turn of events leaving Tatyana curious about why Gunrunner is laughing or what Alexia is talking about. If only her head wasn't spinning so badly she could try to make sense of it but instead she is lost and confused.


OOC- curious- what did Alexia think she was going to say?


centauri_fire June 6 2005, 21:51:48 UTC
Alexia looks to Gunrunner

You are a lying scoundral all three of you, your all sneaky and deceptive.

There is humor and pain and anger in his voice at the same time.

He has pieced it all together, the fact Tatyana thought he was human, his poison and Valerie's sly hit while he assumed she was supporting Silvas. He persed his lips defiantly and pulled himself to his feet and despite the pain and the fact he is still wavering he helps Tatyana to her feet.

Taking his hand She realizes there is blood running down his arm but he seems unaffected. The confusion clears and he takes on a tone of
dominance it is hard to call it anything else.

Will you all explain to me what the hell is going on?

OOC: That she had come to his side for her own protection instead of to help him.


_mariel June 6 2005, 22:04:23 UTC
OOC aww! lol i think my muse wishes that was the case...she's still surprised by her own instinctive reaction and the protective urges she already feels for him...And she believes she is incapable of such feelings! HAH!

His words hit her hard and she is unable to hide the shame she feels by them. As he rises slowly to his feet and helps Tatyana to hers she watches him closely and feels concern rising as she notices the blood trickling down his arm. He doesn't seem to notice it and this too concerns her. There is a fair amount of blood trickling from what she can see and it does little to calm her nerves. She wants to move away to tend it (but why she doesnt dare say) but the room is still spinning and final words demands attention.

...I believe you already know my side of the story...

She remarks sheepishly feeling very much like a child caught int he act of stealing cookies,


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