Fic: The Weight of Us

May 29, 2011 23:31

Title: The Weight of Us
Author: cellochick92 
Rating: M (Triggers ahead, so please proceed with caution!)
Words: 6,078
Disclaimer: Not mine.  Woe.
Summary:  Fill for a prompt over at the rq_meme:  After all the Finn b.s. Quinn and Rachel work their stuff out and realize that they're hot for each other and begin to date. And things are going great, but when Quinn ( Read more... )

fic: the weight of us, rachel/quinn, fanfic

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Comments 23

ultraily May 30 2011, 07:42:09 UTC
I was trying to guess the reasoning behind the hickey thing the entire time and I didn't expect it to be something like that. Finn's a dick, but I'm glad that you had Puck have her back. I love that Rachel was willing to work through it and felt bad for leaving a hickey. Great story!


cellochick92 May 30 2011, 17:41:31 UTC
Haha thanks for the lovely comment =) I'm glad you had fun trying to figure the hickey thing out- and glad I was able to come up with something unexpected!!


ayden07 May 30 2011, 07:47:49 UTC
Sonofabitch FINN!!! I hate him!! He hurt Quinn!! This was greatly written angst. I just feel bad for Quinn, and then for Rachel who thought she was no better than Finn. I guess I am mad mostly because this happens to people in the real world. No one should ever feel that hurt, or scared, or damaged. It literally makes me sick. Great piece here for Faberry (aside from the abuse).


cellochick92 May 30 2011, 17:43:58 UTC
Haha yeah. I'm not a fan of Finn, in case you can't tell =P I'm glad you liked it though, thanks for commenting!


malexfaith May 30 2011, 10:48:12 UTC
Im not a fan of angst fics, but I'm so glad I read this, the love and understanding in this fic is amazing. Great writing. Thanks heaps for sharing


cellochick92 May 30 2011, 17:45:00 UTC
Oh yay! So happy you gave it a chance =) Pretty much everything I write is angst, so I'm glad this wasn't too overwhelming!


allsoundfades May 30 2011, 13:09:10 UTC
This was written very well.


cellochick92 May 30 2011, 17:45:15 UTC
Thanks heaps =)


t8kmybreathaway May 30 2011, 15:25:44 UTC
Trying to figure out the reason behind not leaving the Hickeys was kinda fun but the fact Finn did that, which I can totally believe because he's a douche, is just well crappy. Glad Rachel came around and finally realized she overstepped. Puck is awesome even if he's a man-whore, you just know he's got your back. Great job.


cellochick92 May 30 2011, 17:46:30 UTC
Haha you're the second person to say that- out of curiosity, what were some of your ideas???

And I'm glad I'm not the only one nurturing a deep-seated dislike of Finn =P Thanks so much for reading!


t8kmybreathaway May 30 2011, 21:44:09 UTC
LOL well she is very fair skinned, I imagined she would bruise easily and wouldn't be able to cover it up (not because she wanted to hide it or that she didn't want anyone to know, just because that's not something you tend to see on teenagers in visible areas). I was just always raised that if you're going to do that stuff to cover it up because other people don't want to see it. And ugh I hate Finn I want to smack him at least 95% of the time.


cellochick92 May 31 2011, 04:25:21 UTC
Got it =) Haha I thought about taking a lighter-hearted approach to the prompt and then stopped and thought "Why the hell would I do that? I live for deep, dark angsty stuff!"

Bahaha I yell at the tv every time he comes on. He makes me want to punch something...preferably his face!


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