throw the sailors overboard

Jun 04, 2007 20:00

so i went to the gym today for the first time since my crazy fainting attack and even though both my trainer and i were very paranoid it was going to happen again, it didn't! i didn't faint! yay me ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

missymeggins June 4 2007, 10:21:50 UTC
yay for no more crazy fainting attacks! I'm very pleased to hear that hun.

sounds like you had a funny training session today. hee crushes are such fun aren't they? even if it's nothing real.

i know how you mean with shopping. i'm like that too. i go to buy something specific that should only take like half an hour and i end staying for hours just wandering around looking at all the stuff i wish i could buy. it's such a terrible waste of time.


cathiexx June 7 2007, 14:58:21 UTC
thanks gorgeous!

haha, yeah, i'm enjoying this crush! obviously nothing serious - he's just a cutie and all adorable and lovely. i keep wanting to give him a hug and just go, 'awwwww!'.

isn't it just? and i just make note of all the things that i would like to buy, which means that when i eventually do have money, i just go out and spend it all straight away. so bad!


beeeez June 4 2007, 11:03:37 UTC
hee, im glad all went well for you at the gym today lovie! *squish*

haaa, don't i know how you feel with the money thing! gahskdhgha! i hate having no money. it's teh sucky. mcsucky as you so wonderfully put it (love that btw).


cathiexx June 7 2007, 15:00:12 UTC
thanks brookie! appreciate it, sweetness. i was a little worried it might happen again, but then it was all good. so yay!

i swear. i work 40+ hours a week and earn a decent amount of money, but it just freaking disappears. not cool at all.



biases June 4 2007, 11:05:10 UTC
Glad to hear you're doing better! ♥

And cute personal trainer? Mmm-mm. Sounds good, and surely that will help motivate you to get to the gym more often? :D

I know exactly how it feels with the wanting-but-not-having, which is probably why I'm watching so much tv nowadays. It's just easier to stay at home and watch free/downloaded things than leave the house and want to spend.

...although I usually just buy stuff. I have zero willpower. :(


cathiexx June 7 2007, 15:02:35 UTC
thank you sweetie! <3 me too!

haha, yeah, he's pretty adorable. it's not like he's a total hottie, right - he's just freaking cute. and i just want to cuddle him and hold his hand. lol. so sad. but yeah, it makes training sessions much more enjoyable!

true, true! but i still have the strange need for the actual dvds, which requires spending money as well. i literally cannot get away from spending. which sucks for my savings account. blah.


starry_night_53 June 4 2007, 17:15:10 UTC
It makes me so happy (and relieved) that you were a-okay today! How about YOU FTW =D



cathiexx June 7 2007, 14:56:10 UTC
hee. thanks jods! you always know how to make me smile. love you, darling. and it's totally you ftw! ♥


misunderstood_b June 10 2007, 16:52:20 UTC
cathie, sweetie, am i right in saying your birthday's june 15th?


cathiexx June 11 2007, 02:36:10 UTC
it is indeed, darling. and HEE! SO IS YOURS! *flails*

too awesome. ♥


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