i want to fall

May 21, 2007 19:03

so. it's so strange, how days can turn into something different so quickly.

sam and i went to the gym this morning, as is our usual monday morning routine. and she settled onto a crosstrainer, as i met with my trainer and started my workout. about ten minutes in, i started feeling dizzy and nauseous and really hot. i told jayson (my trainer) that i had to stop. so we stopped, i made my way downstairs and to the bathroom, where i splashed some cold water on my face. after that, i felt fine.

i went back to him, told him i was good to go again and maybe we just take things a bit slower? so we did, and i did another set of shoulder presses, sitting at a machine, when i told him i felt a bit woozy again. i told him my vision was going a little black, and then --

-- i wake up panting and out of breath, with his hands on my face and him calling my name, and two other trainers at my side.

i passed out.

i felt pretty awful, so it took me a while to get off the machine. jayson took me on the elevator to go downstairs, where he sat me down while he got sam. god, i felt horrible. and poor sam; she seemed so worried.

basically, they made sure i was going to be okay. (i threw up as well, while there) and then sam drove us home.

she immediately booked a doctor's appointment for me. see, i've fainted twice before this, but both times had reasons. 1. i'd given blood for the first time, and didn't drink enough fluid beforehand. 2. i was in the states with my aunt last year, and it was in the middle of summer and again, didn't drink enough fluid. but this time? there was no reason. i'd had breakfast, i'd been drinking water, and we weren't even doing a crazy workout! just some weights... i've done much worse before.

long story short, kids? the doctor found a murmur in my heart.

in the space of this afternoon, i've had an x-ray. been hooked up to an electrocardiograph. had blood taken for testing. and tomorrow? i have to wear a heart monitor, called a holt monitor, for 24 hours straight to record my heart beat. i see the doctor again on thursday, for all the results.

basically guys, i know we're doing all these scary things to get answers. but i've never had to have an x-ray before. i've never had to do tests like this before. and it's just scary.

i'm sure everything will be okay. the doctor told me that many women have slight heart murmurs, and that it doesn't really affect them at all. so.. we're just looking into it is all, i guess.

but. still. i had a cry in the car with sam, coming home from the doctor's today. it's just.. overwhelming, you know?

i'm just going to have a shower, and then i'm going to mark's place. i can't wait to see him, i really need a good cuddle. and i really wish my dad was here. i'm lucky that he's only overseas, and that i can still talk to him when i need to. but sometimes i just really miss him being close enough for me to drive to.

-- and on a happy note? putting together my post of love. writing original fic. writing post beach games fic. avoiding my pharmacy cert III course at all costs.
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