i find it offensive. au naturale baby. that's how i like 'em.

May 19, 2007 12:36

i am still in tears because of this show.

i fucking love it.

okay. so. before i begin (and i give you warning now, i don't know how coherent this is going to be. i am still flailing and crying and yeah) i thought i'd share with you all the fact that i tried to get the afternoon off work so that i could come home, download the ep as soon as it was up and then watch it.

i didn't get the time off. boo.

so instead? i walked home during my lunch break, started the download, walked back to work (because remember, i killed my car in that accident i had a few weeks ago, right?) and then finished off the day, counting down every FREAKING second i had to wait.

but in the end i got home, i grabbed my dinner and sat myself in front of my computer and watched. still in my uniform and everything. see julester1, i told you i couldn't wait! lol.

OMG JIM'S HAIR!! guys, seriously. i can't even tell you how happy i was to see non!wig!jim hair. so awesome. and guh, doesn't he look fantastic with it? to be honest, i was a little worried that with the haircut he'd be less jim and more john, but ack. worked so well. and i'm SO with meredith there. "it's sexy hot!" lol. and when she asks him to turn around, and he's all no, and she gets all "DO IT!" and his reaction? oh man, i wish i could take screen caps! HAHAHAHAHA! i heart meredith.

and oh, i really really REALLY love andy. he's.. seriously. the coolest. just.. oh. i think i fell even more in love with him in this ep.

"s'up, big haircut? you are no longer big tuna. from henceforth you shall be known as big haircut. what big haircut? sorry, i can't hear you big haircut. what?"

FLASHBACK! and oh, jim/pam hug! eeeep! sdjgasjga.

and all of pam's talking heads this episode were freaking fantastic. just, oh. jenna, you killed it here love. you really did.

hahaha, dwight! "but that's my name!" and when he cries? and just cries harder? and is all, "thank you. thank you michael! thank you!" so so good.

pam's convo with karen in the breakroom? love. i'm so proud of her. she didn't even hesitate in making sure karen knew that she MEANT everything that she said at the beach. i just.. my heart literally swells with pride.

and oh man, i'm going to have to stop commenting on every single thing that i loved in this episode. because i'm only like, five and a half minutes in at the moment. eeep.

but but lol! kevin and his pam/karen comparisons. and jim pretending to take it so seriously. "hmmm. really tough call." and when he tells kevin to think about it more? and kevin says, "will do" and walks away and then off screen you hear him go, "yes!" -- i love this show for all the little things, like this.

everyone teasing pam about her speech in the breakroom = love. and LOL, creed! and ryan! and hahaha too shocking for even teh internetz! god, i love creed.

DWIGHT AND ANGELA! ♥ "how would you like to spend a night with the regional manager of dunder-mifflin scranton?" "no, dwight. i don't care if that's how they consolidated power in ancient rome..." "no, no, not michael! me! i'm taking his job." and her awfully big smile and quick, "not now!" lol. she wants him so bad!

dwight and his new number two! his number one choice is jack bauer! oh, i LOVE dwight!

all the girls (except meredith, lol!) in the conference room helping michael out with jan. and jan's a nutjob; but i love her. and she looked really pretty in this ep! (and i swear, it wasn't just the boob job!)

again, another awesome pam talking head. her and roy joking -- that ONE time. god, she's the best. she doesn't even try to pretend that that relationship was any good. love!


man, this is taking me TOO LONG! shortening things down now. because even i can only fangirl for so long.

jim and karen's conversation in new york made me sad. because karen was all, "you get it, right? we can't stay in scranton" and jim is all, "i get it" and then he holds her hand as they cross the road and at that point i was fhlfhdfsdfs-ing.'

pam and dwight's interactions always kill me. their conversation about her being the 'secret assitant to the regional manager' was terrific. "i learned from jim, if dwight ever asks you if you accept something secret, you reply 'absolutely i do'." AND HER SMILE? OH.

HAHAHA! i want a schrute buck!


in the conference room with dwight and his paper lecture, when he asks where trees grow? and kevin says 'forests' and then oscar just gives him this look from over his shoulder? i ♥ the accountants!

okay. skipping to THE IMPORTANT STUFF now. because clearly i cannot restrain myself.

PAM. YET ANOTHER EXCELLENT TALKING HEAD. "maybe one day i'll find my own karen. but you - that is a um, -- you know not -- a man. a man version. but until then, i can hold my head up. i'm not gay."

and jim's interview! david is SO taken with him. and then he finds the note! WITH THE YOGHURT LID MEDAL! (see house, continuity is a FUCKING GOOD THING!) and just completely loses his train of thought and is all, "i'm sorry what?" meanwhile, i LOVE that david is talking about their hr guy, kendall, and how irratating he is and how no one likes him. lol. does everybody hate ALL the hr people?

but JIM! and his, "i appreciate the buildings!" and the "friendships" and then the beach day FLASHBACK (i love flashbacks) and then his decision is made. dsjhlsdhlsadljhsa -- he's finally coming back from stanford!

i love love love how this plays out. the images of jim leaving the building, and driving back, all with the voice over of pam saying that everything's okay and that she'll be fine and that she'll be HAPPY if jim gets the job and never comes back. and meanwhile, we see jim in the car ON HIS WAY TO HER shjsfhdsahkdsakdsa. and she's smiling and going to be totally fine --


jim: are you free for dinner tonight?
pam: yes.
jim: alright. then, it's a date.

screencaps provided by katrina87

and here, right here is where i can't help but weep like a little baby. pam's face here... EVERY SINGLE reaction that she gives here, is just pure perfection. i swear, jenna needs an emmy for this. she just.. i can't not cry here. i can't. how she tears up and is smiling oh so big and her cheeks look like they HURT from how big she's smiling and oh. oh.

"i'm sorry, what was the question?"

this show kills me so dead.

and hahaha, what a way to end the episode. with RYAN getting the job! SO FREAKING AWESOME! and his break up with kelly, and her reaction? lol. BEST. although i am sad for the loss of ryan/kelly. i adored those two.

but omg, next seasom! jim/pam fluffiness, yes? I LITERALLY WANT TO PEE MY PANTS IN ANTICIPATION!

*breathes* seriously. this show pwns all.

the office flailing, tv

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