throw the sailors overboard

Jun 04, 2007 20:00

so i went to the gym today for the first time since my crazy fainting attack and even though both my trainer and i were very paranoid it was going to happen again, it didn't! i didn't faint! yay me!

lol. it looks like it was just a whacked out once off thing. which is good. because i really enjoy training at the gym, and it'd suck if i had to stop that. but haha, seriously. we were such idiots today. he was all, "you feeling okay? how are you feeling? still feeling good? how you going there? all good? yep, good stuff" - it was pretty hilarious.

and also, i may sort of be crushing on him. lol. personal trainers ftw!

i wanted to get a lot of writing done today, and that got shot to hell. i went shopping to get TWO things and it took me nearly three hours. gah. i literally cannot go to the shops and be in and out. i am a window-shopping addict. i'll admit it. it's too much fun!

then of course, i end up getting depressed because there's all this stuff that i want and i have ZERO monies so... it just doesn't work. but i can't help it.

lol, such a girl.

i did come up with an idea for challenge three over at unabridgedsalon while i was in the car this morning, though. so that's always good.

blah. boring day. and now i'm working all freaking week. sucky mcsuck suck.

more answers for this meme up soon. hee. ♥ personal canon is love.
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