this is what's real in my head

Jun 02, 2007 00:05

answers to this meme:

name a character and i'll tell you three (or more) facts about them from my own personal pseudo-canon.

pam beesly for yutamiyu

+ sometimes, when she's in bed at night, alone, she misses roy. he was warm, and now her bed is cold. she knows she made the right decision, calling off the wedding, but she prefers a warm bed to a cold one.
+ she looks at karen and admires the gloss and shine of hair and she thinks that maybe she might try to straighten her hair, one day. just for kicks.
+ she actually really likes dwight. he annoys her, sure, but in the end he makes her laugh. and she likes to laugh.
+ she wants to sketch jim. alot. she daydreams at work; and she thinks about the poses she'd put him in, how she'd angle the light to fall across his features, how she'd be able to stare at him for hours.

karen filippelli for yutamiyu

+ karen is not a quitter. she works hard, and pushes boundaries, and she does what she has to to get the job done. it's a real strength, she knows. but sometimes when she catches jim glancing at pam with that look in his eyes, she wonders if maybe quitting isn't such a bad idea.
+ she slept with andy. once. they were drunk. and she doesn't even know if he remembers. (she does, though)
+ jim told her after phyllis' wedding -- with his fingers on the inside of her thigh -- that she should wear skirts and dresses more often. she considered it briefly (when he hiked her dress up around her hips and slid into her from behind) but what can she say? she just prefers pants.

jim halpert also for yutamiyu

+ jim doesn't like change. he likes stability and comfort and the things that he knows. and he wonders if maybe that's why he sticks around. but then he hears pam laugh and sighs, because he knows the real reason.
+ he's a red blooded, american guy, right? so yes. he has thought about him and pam and karen. together. (more than once).
+ he likes dashboard confessional.
+ he likes the way 'mrs pamela halpert' sounds. and he's planning on telling pam (one day, one day) how much he likes how it sounds.

allison cameron for azuredamsel

+ cameron has a normal family. she knows house thinks about it alot; he's always trying to find reasons for why she doesn't talk about them, or why they don't come visit her. and there's no big secret: no abuse, no disease, nothing. she has a father and a mother and an older brother. she avoids seeing them because of the simple fact that they remind her of her past. (her wedding, her husband, standing by his death bed).
+ the thing with chase was a mistake. she knows that. but she also knows that it was something she'd been wanting to do for a long time. not because she had any feelings for him -- but because of the simple fact that she was a young, healthy woman. and she had needs. (and to be honest, it was getting exhausting, lying in bed alone and fantasising about someone she'd never have).
+ she owns a grey and white cat called 'bandit'. she's actually more of a dog person, but she doesn't have the room in her apartment. she does love bandit though; he keeps her feet warm at night when he curls up on her bed.
+ she admires dr cuddy. but she doesn't like her very much.
+ she thinks about leaving. all the time.

angela martin for book_worm_26

+ her father was a preacher and her mother left when she was twelve and her sister was eight. she remembers the exact day her mother walked out the door: that was when her father bought her first kitten.
+ she misses roy.
+ her favourite colour is white.
+ one of the things that attracted her to dwight in the first place was his thirst for power and authority (she loves a man who takes charge). but she enjoys the times that they're alone, when all she has to do is whisper in his ear and he melts for her.

dwight k schrute also for book_worm_26

+ dwight enjoys hunting. the bigger the game, the better. but it wasn't always that way. when his father took him hunting for the first time (he was seven years old) he shot a rabbit. and threw up.
+ he wants to have (at least) nine children. and he imagines them with shining blonde hair.
+ he counts jim as one of his closest friends. he'll never admit it, though.

james wilson for misunderstood_b

+ sometimes he feels that he is unfairly defined. by house, by cuddy, by everyone at the hospital. (and if he's honest, all three of his ex-wives). he's not simply james wilson, the hospital casanova. or james wilson, oncologist boy wonder, sidekick to house. he's so much more. he's so much more, and he doesn't know how to show them that.
+ he likes to fuck women. not make love, or have sex, or sleep with. fuck. he's a dirty, fucked up, manipulative bastard, and he knows how to get what he wants. panty-peelers, right?
+ he gives blood religiously. it's the least he can do.

rashida jones for sherlockelly

+ her and john still fuck, every now and then. it started when she began filming on the show. he told her, randomly one day, how fucking horny he was and how it was making him blow all his lines. so she blew him in the bathroom instead and he nailed every single line after that.
+ she wishes she could talk to her dad more. he travels so much, and when she calls he's always with somebody or at some party or in the middle of producing something. and she misses him.
+ when bj wished her luck for her new show, he pulled her close and told her he'd write karen back into the show in a nano-second just to have her back. sometimes, she almost finds herself hoping that the rules of starting over flops, just so she has an excuse to go back.
+ she wonders if she would have made a good lawyer.

james gunn also for sherlockelly

+ the box office records for 'slither' broke his heart. he thought it was fucking hilarious and edgy and creepy and great, honest to god. and he doesn't know why everybody else didn't think the same. but you move on, right?
+ he used to get annoyed when somebody would ask him about jenna or sean or patrick - but now he laughs and enjoys it. not many people can say that they have a famous wife and famous brothers that america adores.
+ he doesn't lie. full stop. he'll tell you exactly what he means, and he won't worry about it hurting your feelings. he thinks there's enough bullshit in the world for him to adding to it.
+ he really doesn't know what he'd do without jenna. she puts up with alot of his shit, and god, he loves her for it.

jennifer morrison for misunderstood_b

+ it's kind of stupid, she knows, but she can't help it - she feels defined by her hair colour. she feels like a completely different person when she's a blonde than to when she's a brunette. and she's not entirely sure which one is the real her.
+ she loves jesse. she really, really does. he's a sweetheart and gorgeous and funny and silly and lovely and the drawl of his accent when he says her name makes her stomach twirl. but she can't seem to quell the feeling that twists in her lungs when she hears hugh say her name in his accent; all proper and clipped but with a strain and roughness underneath it all.
+ she's obsessed with shoes. no, really. it's kind of scary. (she doesn't even look at the receipts anymore - she'd rather not know how much she's spending).
+ she wears socks to bed, even when it's not cold.
+ she's a karaoke queen.

james wilson/allison cameron also for misunderstood_b

+ she's always felt that he understood her, more than any of her other colleagues did (or even tried to).
+ he didn't promise her ever after (he knows he can't give that, not to her, she'll never be his) but he promised her comfort and passion and a way to escape house. she accepted without hesitation.
+ she makes him tea after they fuck, and they sit together and nurse the bite marks and scratches and bruises they can't help but leave on each other.
+ she's told him countless times that she doesn't want house to know, that it's none of his business, but wilson can't help but feel that she constantly hopes he finds out, somehow. he's good at reading women. he's told her that before.

kris//fwf for fireworkfiasco

+ she was blessed by three fairie godmothers when she was six months old. one - for all round loveliness. two - for the power to weave words like magic. three - for the ability to make anyone smile.
+ she constantly thinks about tying hugh laurie to her bedposts with his very own belt and teasing him and making him beg and whimper her name (and then growl it when she finally, finally sinks onto him).
+ john krasinski has read some of her fanfic. and he fucking loved it.
+ she has post-it notes pinned all over her room with random lines, ideas, phrases, quotes - things that inspire her. they're all the colours of the rainbow and she doesn't know what she'd do without them.

hugh laurie for fireworkfiasco

+ he misses england, his wife, his kids. he's thankful for all of his success in the states, he really is. and he'll honour his commitments here. but fuck, he wants to go back home soon.
+ jennifer makes it easier to stay.
+ he despises screaming girls who yell "I LOVE YOU HUGH!" at him as he passes them in street. he prefers the more mature, respectful fans. like kris. (he really likes her).
+ his favourite colour is pink. what? got a problem with that?

kris and hugh's babies for fireworkfiasco

+ they have three children - a boy and two girls.
+ they are fucking adorable. and clever, to boot.
+ they are also little fucking rat bags with energy levels that are insanely high.
+ they get spoilt. and punished. and then spoilt again.
+ their nanny is so in love with them, she likes to daydream about how she would kidnap them.
+ cathie is jealous.

malcolm reynolds also for fireworkfiasco

+ he loves (and hates and loves and hates) having inara back on his ship. her smile is lovely and warm and it makes it feel like home again and yet sometimes, he feels completely suffocated by what lies underneath both of them and what it could become.
+ river always seems to know when he's having a bad (the worst) night. she'll let him sit with her as she flies serenity, staring out into the black. she'll let him sit in silence (and he's thankful) but she'll know when he needs more. and then she'll slip her hand in his, and he knows he can make it through another day.
+ he really likes going out drinking with jayne. the son-of-a-gun is a bundle of fun. and he always knows how to pick the best fights. but mal knows he's the captain, so he tells jayne to behave himself and follows behind quietly, keeping an eye on the crew (always).

river tam also for fireworkfiasco

+ sometimes all of the heavy breathing and moaning and heat and want that burns from simon's room when kaylee is in there overwhelms her, and she has to curl into herself and hold her head in her hands just to stop herself from shaking. (it's not that she's scared, though. she shakes for another reason).
+ mal (bad) looks at her differently now. not like she's broken, so much. more like she's just different. and she can handle that.
+ inara likes to brush her hair, twist it in plaits, fold it against her head. and she sings as her fingers smooth in her hair, and river closes her eyes and remembers mother.

the men with the blue gloves also for fireworkfiasco

+ they're not evil. they just do what they're told. it's a job, really.
+ there was an incident, once, where one of them started to question his orders. he decided not to kill a target, letting her live, and thus sealed his own fate. (he was never seen again).
+ they'll find the tams. they won't ever stop looking.

roy anderson also for fireworkfiasco

+ roy knows he screwed up with pam. he had a fucking good thing going with her, and he screwed it up. but he also knows that she was right - they were never right for each other. (she always deserved more).
+ he keeps expecting an invitation to arrive in the mail, announcing, jim and pam are getting married!. he doesn't know what he'll do when it finally comes.
+ he still hangs out with darryl, though he refuses to talk about dundler-mifflin with him. they stick to sports.
+ he thinks about doing angela, all the time.

aladdin also for fireworkfiasco

+ when he was little, he used to dream about being a palace guard. even when they were chasing him with swords down the streets of agrabah. he wanted to know what it was like to be respected, powerful, feared.
+ rajah still kind of scares him. he swears that he catches that cat giving him the eye whenever he's around jasmine. but he can't blame him, really. he knows what it's like to want to protect the princess with everything that you are.
+ the wedding night? was fucking fantastic. and he won't tell you anymore than that. because when it comes down to it? aladdin's a gentleman.

peter pan also for fireworkfiasco

+ he kinda knows that tink is in love with him. and it's weird, because she's his best friend, y'know? but it's also pretty awesome because he can get her to do her a lot of favours for him and the boys, just by giving her that smile that he knows she likes.
+ it isn't until he meets wendy that he thinks growing up might not be as bad as he's always thought it would be. (not if it means spending time with her, learning about her, touching her).
+ he dreams about business suits and cell phones and kids of his own and he wakes up crying. he's not sure if it's because he's scared, or because somewhere deep down, he's looking forward to it.

ariel also for fireworkfiasco

+ before she found eric, she’d had one boyfriend. his name was callum and when they made out in the coral bed behind the castle, he’d turn into an octopus. all arms and hands and fingers and his lips would seem to be everywhere all at once. it made ariel’s stomach roll inside of her, not in a good way, so she’d slapped him and told him to give her some space.
two days later, she rescued eric in the storm. sometimes, now, as she settles besides eric and kisses him goodnight, she can’t help but look out their window towards the sea and wonder how callum is.
+ she misses her sisters. she even misses the way arista used to call her brat.
+ the ocean calls to her. she thinks that it always will. but when eric smoothes his hand along her hip and brushes his lips across the hollow of her throat, the sound of her own moans drown out the pounding of the waves in her ears. at least until morning.

♥ and i'm still taking more here kids, if you're interested. heck, i'm even willing to do REAL PEOPLE. let's throw some rpf in there too, for the hell of it.

aaaand that's a wrap for that meme, kids! thanks for playing!

rpf, fic: the office, fic: firefly, meme, fic: disney, fic, fic: house, prompt request

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