Fanfic Master List

Apr 21, 2020 16:23



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Comments 30

stgulik August 18 2011, 21:11:35 UTC
Thank you for this convenient list!


cathedralcarver August 18 2011, 21:16:43 UTC
Ah, THANK YOU for letting me know it worked! I've never done anything like this before, and it took me awhile to figure it out, lol. Dear leigh57 gave me some very useful tips, so yeah. <3<3<3


beffeysue August 18 2011, 22:03:24 UTC
I second stgulik's "Thank you." I don't follow Sherlock fanfic cuz I didn't see the new BBC version and can't make heads or tails of things. But I do love you Harry Potter fanfics, especially It's Elemental My Dear Snape. I would check your LJ many times a day to see if you had posted the next chapter. It is such a beautiful story, and there were times when I had tears in my eyes as I followed their journey. You ROCK!


cathedralcarver August 19 2011, 01:51:19 UTC
Ah, thank you, sweetie! It's about time I organized this mess of an LJ. I'm so happy you liked It's Elemental -- I had a lot of fun writing that one <3<3


cabepfir August 18 2011, 23:20:47 UTC
Wait... wait...


cathedralcarver August 19 2011, 01:51:35 UTC


teddyradiator August 19 2011, 01:17:16 UTC
Thank you for this - I have missed an amazing amount of your Snape/Hermione fics, and it was bliss to read some new fics - I've been seriously jonesing for new ones while waiting for the exchange to come out, and this was just what the doctor ordered. Thank you so much for sharing!!


cathedralcarver August 19 2011, 01:52:21 UTC
You're welcome!! I've been wanting to do this for SO LONG, but I'm SO UNORGANIZED omg. So yeah. Here we are, at last. <3<3


teddyradiator August 19 2011, 02:12:25 UTC
What a treat. Your writing is just flawless, and I enjoyed each one more than the last - and I loved reading 10 Things and Some Bind of Wonderful for the Huffle Hugs project - it was so much fun and a real privilege to read such fantasy stories.


cathedralcarver August 19 2011, 15:29:46 UTC
Oooh! So you did record some of mine? YAY! I'm so thrilled! Is there a link anywhere that I could access?

And, thank you, seriously <3


you are on my kindle cabepfir August 19 2011, 07:44:00 UTC

... )


Re: you are on my kindle cabepfir August 19 2011, 09:22:51 UTC
*didn't have* headdesk.


Re: you are on my kindle cathedralcarver August 19 2011, 15:30:30 UTC


Did you like Carver's work? I'm a tad obsessed with him, as you can probably tell :D


Re: you are on my kindle cabepfir August 19 2011, 19:34:17 UTC
I've read Will you please be quiet, please?, Jerry ans Molly and Sam, Collectors and Lemonade in their respective Italian translation, because they've been included in a collection of short stories which is being published along with a newspaper.

I loved the first two, especially Will you please be quiet, please?, so that I've read also a bit of criticism about it, a few articles I could find online.

The Italian translation, alas, cut out the second "please".

A friend of mine gave me the Cathedral collection in English, under my request, but I'm still slowly reading The Journal of Dora Damage which is taking forever, so its reading has been postponed.

And then the exchange will start and I'll forget real books for a while :P

By the way, are you taking part to hogwarts_houses as well? I'm quite curious about which will be your contribution. (I'm participating as well.)


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