Fanfic Master List

Apr 21, 2020 16:23

The Good Old Days
Summary: How did it get so late so soon?

Many Wounds
Summary: Lines and circles and 10,000 taste buds.

An Hour Badly Spent
Summary: The existence of forgetting has never been proved: We only know that some things don’t come to mind when we want them.

His Favourite Four-Letter F-Words
Summary: John isn't the most eloquent of men. John/Sherlock.

No catapult to all night kisses
Summary: I'm jealous of your cigarette. John/Sherlock.
Written for the sherlockbbc_fic Kink Meme.

Beneath His Skin
Summary: He can only fight a craving like this for so long. John/Sherlock.
Written as "Crave" for the sherlockbbc_fic Kink Meme.

The Death of Me
Summary: I was enjoying myself immensely until I died. John/Sherlock.

Water Is Another Matter
Summary: He thinks it’s in trouble, his poor heart. John/Sherlock.
Written for the 2011 Summer of Sherlock sherlockmas

Little Forks & Merrythoughts
Summary: This is how it always goes. Mostly. John/Sherlock.
Written for the 2011 holmestice

The Northern Sky in Winter
Summary: When it is darkest, men see the stars. Snape/Hermione
Written for the 2011 snapecase

Lake Effect Snow
Summary: Wait for me. Just a few more years. Snape/Hermione.
Written for the 2010 mini_fest

Summary: I knew she’d see it my way. Eventually. Snape/Hermione.
Written for the 2010 interhouse_fest

Here Is The Deepest Secret Nobody Knows
Summary: I carry your heart. I carry it in my heart. Snape/Lily, Lily/James, Snape/Remus.
Written for the 2010 dark_flowers Fall Mini-Fest.

Some Bind of Wonderful
Summary: Can I get a witness? Snape/Hermione.
Written for the 2010 hp_ssc_fest.

When I Cursed the Teacher
Summary: The gods’ most savage curses come upon us as answers to our own prayers, you know. Hermione/Snape.
Written for the 2010 sshg_exchange

Have You Seen My Ghost?
Summary: You can’t kill something that’s already dead. Snape/Hermione.
Written for the 2010 Severus Sighs Grand Challenge.

When Sleeping Feels Like Dying
Summary: Of infatuation, insomnia and the lost ones. A companion to I Am Not A Goldfish. Snape/Hermione.

13 Ways of Looking at a Thestral
Summary: A man and a woman and a Thestral are one. Snape/Luna.
Written for sc010f in the 2010 snuna_exchange. Original prompt: Snape and Luna have disappeared after the war and are discovered years later. Where are they? Who discovers them? How does that person react?

Piss Tank
Summary: Sometimes a storm comes on quickly, and when it’s over, everything has changed. Snape/Lily.
Author’s Notes: Written for 7types in the less_for_you Lily/Severus 2010 Fic Exchange.

I've Just Seen A Face
Summary: Falling, yes I am falling. Snape/Hermione.

Bad Days Are Going Around
Summary: Finding your way there, and back again. Snape/Hermione.

The Caretaker's Lament
Summary: The snow was just right tonight. Filch/Firenze.

I Am Not A Goldfish
Summary: Of impertinence, insomnia and the loneliest ones. Hermione/Snape.

The Flowers
Summary: She was decorated with red roses. Snape/Hermione.

There's A Good Girl
Summary: See? Over there. The one weeping into her pumpkin juice. Snape/Hermione.

10 Things I Barely Tolerate About You
Summary: Let’s begin with the least offensive, shall we? Snape/Hermione.

Who Needs A Hug?
Summary: Snape does. Snape/Hermione.

Toil & Trouble
Summary: Truthfully, he'd always rather regretted the teeth comment. Snape/Hermione.

It's Elemental My Dear Snape/1
It's Elemental My Dear Snape/2
It's Elemental My Dear Snape/3
It's Elemental My Dear Snape/4
It's Elemental My Dear Snape/5
Summary: Everything has been figured out, except how to live. Pay attention - there’s a test later. Snape/Hermione.


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