TCG_Exchange Activity Log I

Mar 28, 2010 11:56

Ran out of room on my main post, so my Activity Log is now here. :B


01.03.10 - Signed up for tcg_exchange, got 8th 20, Betrayal 6, Burn 20, Chemist 9, Ginryuu 10, Pride 6, Producer 20, Southern 7, Typhoon 15, and Youkai 18.
01.03.10 - For updating my card page I got Noa 6 (special card) and Jellopy 67.
01.03.10 - Recieved Rank C Certificate for voting in the Week 8 quiz.
1. 1.12.10 - Received Pokedex 139, Solar 15, and Warrior 19 for submitting 2 icons to game_abc's week I1.
1.15.10 - Received Jellopy 52 for giving a suggestion for the main community to get more participation.
2. 1.17.10 - Received Warrior 11 for voting in xxxholic_still.
3. 1.20.10 - Received Ballet 20 for voting in clamp_icontest's week 128.
1.22.10 - Received Pokedex 107 and Trainer 5 from the Card Lake Giveaway.
4. 1.23.10 - Received Digidestined 7, Persecom 19, Unwanted 12 and a Rank C Certificate for submitting three icons in manga_itest's week 54.
5. 1.23.10 - Received Pokedex 86 for voting in Week 54 of manga_itest.
1.23.10 - Received Booty 1 and Exorcist 7 for Getting 3rd place and Special Category in manga_itest's Week 54.
1.23.10 - Received Summon 9, Fanservice 20, and Pokedex 140 for answering all questions correctly at tcg_exchange's weekly quiz.
6. 1.23.10 - Received Rayearth 13 for voting in game_abc's Week P2.
7. 1.24.10 - Received Key 17 for voting in anime_crops' Week 114.
8. 1.25.10 - Received Gotei 15 for voting in xxxholic_still's Week 144.
1.25.10 - Received Magic 14 and Returners 11 for voting in TCG_Exchange's Week 10 Quiz.
1.25.10 - Received Crossover 13, Loyal 10, and Unwanted 1 for responding to the tcg_exchange roll call.
1.28.10 - Received Typhoon 2 and Moon 2 for winning Best Response on two questions in TCG_exchange's Weekly Quiz.
1.28.10 - Received Ise 7, Armor 9 and Gemini 13 for submitting questions to TCG_exchange's weekly quiz.
1.30.10 - Received a Rank C Cert, Exsphere 19, Madamada 16, and Thrill 5 for submitting at tcg_exchange's Week 11 quiz.
9. 1.31.10 - Received Blue 3, Four 17, and Quest 47 for submitting two icons to anime_crops' Week 115.
10. 1.31.10 - Received Crossover 17 for voting in anime_crops' Week 115.
11. 1.31.10 - Received 13th 20 for placing in anime_crops' Week 115.
12. 2.1.10 - Received Pokedex 74 for voting in manga_itest's Week 55.
2.1.10 - Received Phantom 4 for winning Best Response in TCG_Exchange's Week 11 Quiz.
13. 2.2.10 - Received Dice 15, Dog 5, and Megane14 for submitting two icons to xxxholic_still's Week 145.
14. 2.2.10 - Received Star 12 for Voting in xxxholic_still's Week 145.
2.4.10 - Received Rank C Cert, Slacker 10, and Nishiura 2 for leveling up to level 2. \:D/
2.8.10 - Received Rank C Cert for Voting in TCG_Exchange's Week 11 Quiz.
2.8.10 - Received Rank C Cert for Voting in TCG_Exchange's Week 12 Quiz.
15. 2.8.10 - Received Beloved 1 for Voting in xxxholic_still's Week 146.
16. 2.13.10 - Received Ginryuu 13, Dice 5, and Disguise 14 for Submitting two icons to clamp_icontest's Week 269.
17. 2.13.10 - Received Duck 10 for voting in clamp_icontest's week 269.
18. 2.13.10 - Received Sitar 18 for voting in clamp_icontest's Week 270.
19. 2.13.10 - Received Ginryuu 9, Blitz 20, and Lancelot 17 for submitting two icons to clamp_icontest's week 270.
20. 2.15.10 - Received Dolls 6 and Detective 5 for submitting an icon to anime_crops' Week 116.
21. 2.15.10 - Received Ow 7 for voting at anime_crops' Week 116.
22. 2.15.10 - Received Hope 10 for voting at xxxholic_still's Week 147.
23. 2.20.10 - Received Drill 1 for voting in kingdom_chorus' Week 131.
24. 2.21.10 - Received Buster 19 for voting in anime_eloquence's Week 140.
2.22.10 - Received 2010 for completing the Chinese New Year Event set.
25. 2.22.10 - Received Nobodies 2, Silent 4, and Pantera 15 for submitting icons to anime_crops' week 117.
26. 2.22.10 - Received Windam 5 for voting in anime_crops' week 117.
2.22.10 - Received Ginryuu 12, Ginryuu 14, Ginryuu 15, Fiendie event card, Friend event card, Solar 14, Beloved 2, Ruffles 7, Dies 2, Shenlong 1, and a Rank S cert for Mastering the Chinese New Year Event set.
2.23.10 Received one Rank C certificate for voting in tcg_exchange's Week 13 Quiz.
27. 2.23.10 Received Dolls 8 for voting at manga_itest's Week 56.
28. 2.23.10 Received Moe 16 for voting at manga_itest's Week 57.
29. 2.24.20 Received Quest 34 for voting in manga_character's Week 9.
2.26.10 - Received Typhoon 20, Resist 4, Pun 17, and a Rank C cert for leveling up to level 3. \8D/
30. 2.26.10 - Received CEO 10 for voting in kingdom_chorus' Week 132.
31. 2.26.10 - Received Ballet 20 and Bure 3 for voting in anime_melee's week 88.
2.27.10 - Received Typhoon 11 and Heartless 5 for placing third with two of my icons in anime_eloquence's week 141.
32. 2.27.10 - Received Second 1 for voting in anime_eloquence's Week 141.
33. 2.27.10 - Received Ginryuu 2, Quest 30, Tone 12, and Persecom 14 for submitting three icons to anime_eloquence's Week 141.
34. 2.27.10 - Received Egyptian 4 for voting in anime_icontext's Week 45.
35. 2.27.10 - Received French 3 for voting in clamp_icontest's Week 271.
36. 2.27.10 - Received Extreme 8 for voting in clamp_icontest's Week 272.
37. 2.28.10 - Received Rabbit 10 for voting in anime_crops' Week 118.
38 3.1.10 - Received Summon 4 for voting in xxxHolic_still's Week 144.
3.1.10 - Received a Rank C cert, Crossover 10, Manager 8, and Saturn 20 for answering all questions correctly at TCG_Exchange's week 14 quiz.
3.1.10 - Received a Rank C cert for voting at TCG_Exchange's week 14 quiz.
39 3.1.10 - Received Pride 2 for voting in game_abc's Week X1.
3.2.10 - Received Disguise 17 for winning best response in TCG_Exchange's Week 14 quiz.
40 3.2.10 - Received Sharingan 5 and Vision 5 for submitting one icon to clamp_icontest's Week 273.
41 3.2.10 - Received Eat 6 for voting in clamp_icontest's week 273.
42. 3.3.10 - Received Espada 3 and Fox 20 for voting in anime_melee's week 89.
43. 3.3.10 - Received Raven 18 for voting in manga_character's Week 10.
44 3.6.10 - Received Shift 3 and Pride 5 for submitting one icon to kingdom_chorus' Week 133.
45 3.6.10 - Received Peach 16 for voting in kingdom_chorus' Week 133.
46 3.6.10 - Received Lunar 6 for voting in anime_eloquence's Week 142.
47 3.9.10 - Received Vision 4 for voting in anime_crops' Week 119.
48 3.9.10 - Received Heart 4 for voting in game_abc's week Q.
49 3.12.10 - Received Cameo 2, Raven 17, and Occult 12 for submitting two icons to manga_character's week 11.
50 3.12.10 - Received Nobodies 6 for voting in manga_character's Week 11.
51 3.15.10 - Received Jailbait 3 and Souen 20 for submitting an icon to anime_crops' Week 120
52 3.15.10 - Received Play 5 for voting at anime_crops' week 120.
53 3.15.10 - Received Dragon 7 for voting in xxxholic_still's week 149.
3.15.10 - Received Pan 21, Play 15, and a Rank A Cert for contributing 50+ times.
54 3.17.10 - Received Bow 7 and Jellopy 92 for submitting an icon to game_abc's Week K.
55 3.17.10 - Received Oresama 16 for voting in game_abc's week K.
3.17.10 - Received Kumajiro, W.Kitten, and Pi event cards in the White Day Scavenger Hunt.
56 3.17.10 - Received Magician 13 for voting in anime_eloquence's Week 143.
3.18.10 - Recevied Zero 18, Positive 12, and a Rank A Cert for trading 50+ times.
3.18.10 - Received Virtue 19, Cook 20, Wishes 18, Demon 10, and a Rank B Certificate for leveling up to level 4. \o/
57 3.18.10 - Received Knives 13 for voting in kingdom_chorus' Week 134.
58 3.19.10 - Received SOS 12 for voting in anime_icontext's Week 46.
59 3.19.10 - Received Fanservice 7 for voting in anime_icontext's Week 47.
60 3.19.10 - Received Thunder 13 for voting in manga_itest's week 60.
61 3.19.10 - Received Dies 6 and Emo 14 for submitting one icon to clamp_icontest's Week 275.
62 3.19.10 - Received Summon 18 for voting in clamp_icontest's week 274.
63 3.19.10 - Received Gotei 14 for voting in clamp_icontest's week 275.
3.20.10 - Visited the card ship and got April 2 and Ginryuu 20.
3.20.10 - Received Simon 1, Simon 2, Simon 3, Simon 4, Simon 7, Simon 8, and Simon 9 by trading in a Rank A cert and a Rank S cert.
64 3.20.10 - Received Burn 2, Pokedex 11, Hod 12, and Sharingan 4 for submitting three icons to manga_character's week 12.
65 3.20.10 - Received Wolf 6 for voting in manga_character's week 12.
3.21.10 - Claimed Cherry 18 and Colonel 6 from the card shop.
66 3.22.10 - Received Itako 4 and Sadist 2 for submitting one icon to manga_itest's week 61.
67 3.22.10 - Received a Rank C cert for submitting an icon to manga_itest's week 60.
68 3.22.10 - Received Quest 37 for voting at manga_itest's week 58.
69 3.22.10 - Received Relative 9 for voting in manga_itest's week 59.
70 3.22.10 - Received Gemini 3 for voting in manga_itest's week 60.
71 3.22.10 - Received Gay 1 For voting in manga_itest's week 61.
72 3.22.10 - Received Peach 11 for voting in anime_crops' week 121.
3.22.10 - Claimed Punisher 13 and Short 12 from the Card Shop.
3.23.10 - Received Dual 14 for trading in my Nun Red pair at tcg_match.
3.23.10 - Claimed Rose 10 and Sky 19 from the Card Shop.
73 3.24.10 - Received Pokedex 107 and Kaede 15 for voting in both categories at anime_melee's week 90.
74 3.25.10 - Received Pokedex 15 for voting in game_abc's Week Y.
3.25.10 - Claimed Dark 18 and Firearm 7 from the Card Shop.
75 3.26.10 - Received Prodigy 11 for voting in kingdom_chorus' week 135.
3/26/10 - Claimed Future 12 and Gurren 10 from the Card Shop.
76 3.27.10 - Received Souen 8 for voting in manga_character's week 13.
3.27.10 - Claimed Ainu 5 and Ainu 12 from the Card Shop.
3.28.10 - Received Wife 19, Split 12, Flower 6, Lost 6, Job 15, and a Rank B cert for leveling up to Level 5.
3.28.10 - Traded in 1 Rank C and 1 Rank A cert for Exorcist 1, Exorcist 3, Fuuin 7, Fuuin 9, and Cosplay 1; also upgraded two Rank C Certs for one Rank B cert.
77 3.28.10 - Received Shaman 11 for voting in anime_crops' Week 122.
78 3.29.10 - Received Persecom 5 for voting in anime_icontext's week 48.
3.29.10 - Claimed Cherry 15 and Dust 20 from the Card Shop.
79 4.1.10 - Received Novelist 10 for voting at game_abc's week O.
4.1.10 - Received April 10, Beast 7, Scar 9 and a Rank C Cert for answering all questions correctly at tcg_exchange's week 15 Quiz.
4.1.10 - Received a Rank C Cert for voting at tcg_exchange's Week 15 Quiz.
80 4.1.10 - Received Bomb 12 for voting in manga_character's week 14.
4.1.10 - Received Rookie 12 and Fuuin 33 for winning best responses at tcg_exchange's week 15 Quiz.
4.2.10 - Received Stocking event card as part of Uri's April Fool's Event.
81 4.5.10 - Received Traitor 9 for voting in clamp_icontest's week 276.
82 4.5.10 - Received Purity 12 for voting in clamp_icontest's week 277.
83 4.5.10 - Received Wizard 17 for voting in game_abc's week I.
84 4.5.10 - Received CEO 11 for voting in anime_crops' week 123.
4.5.10 - Claimed Gurren 6 and Gurren 19 from the Card Shop.
85 4.5.10 - Received Pokedex 117 for voting in manga_itest's week 62.
86 4.7.10 - Received Digidestined 8 for voting at manga_character's week 15.
87 4.7.10 - Received Puu 2 for voting at clamp_icontest's Week 278.
4.7.10 - Claimed Occult 11 and Shukaku 20 from the Card Shop.
88 4.8.10 - Received Jewel 3 and Destiny 82 for voting in both categories in anime_melee's week 91.
89 4.10.10 - Receieved Scar 12 for voting in anime_eloquence's Week 145.
4.11.10 - Claimed Trainer 9 and Trainer 20 from the Card Shop.
90 4.15.10 - Received Short 14 for voting at anime_crops' Week 124.
91 4.15.10 - Received Buster 5 for voting at anime_icontext's Week 49.
92 4.15.10 - Received Pharaoh 19 and Persocom 2 for submitting 1 icon to game_abc's Week X.
93 4.15.10 - Received Pan 5 for voting at game-abc's Week X.
94 4.15.10 - Recieved Peace 7 for voting at clamp_icontest's Week 279.
95 4.15.10 - Received Warrior 17 for voting at manga_character's week 16.
4.15.10 - Claimed Fox 10 and Fox 14 from the Card Shop.
96 4.24.10 - Received Sky 4 and Dolls 12 for voting at anime_melee's week 92.
97 4.24.10 - Received Wishes 15 for voting at anime_abc's week P.
98 4.24.10 - Received Shift 18 for voting at anime_crops' week 125.
99 4.24.10 - Received Taijutsu 3 for voting at anime_eloquence's week 146.
4.22.10 - Received Katana event card for trading in card pairs at tcg_match.
100 4.24.10 - Received Straight 17 for voting at manga_itest's week 63.
4.26.10 - Received Moe 14, Pokedex 120, Gene 11, Bandage 16, Zangan 1, Pizza 5 and a Rank B Cert for leveling up to level 6.
101 5.1.10 - Receieved Left 14 for voting at manga_character's week 18.
5.1.10 - Claimed Fanservice 10 and Nobodies 16 from the Card Shop.
102 5.1.10 - Received Saturn 19 for voting at clamp_icontest's week 281.
103 5.2.10 - Recieved Tactics 12 for voting at anime_crops' week 126.
104 5.7.10 - Received Crossover 5 for voting at anime_abc's week Q.
105 5.7.10 - Received Blue 3 for voting at kingdom_chorus' week 137.
106 5.7.10 - Received Pharaoh 13 for voting at game_abc's week H.
107 5.7.10 - Received Pokedex 135 for voting at game_abc's week N.
108 5.7.10 - Received Typhoon 1, Photos 7, Pride 2, and Author 17 for submitting three icons to manga_character's week 19.
109 5.7.10 - Received Disguise 6 for voting at manga_character's week 19.
110 5.7.10 - Received Duck 3 and Sky 6 for anime_melee's week 93.
111 5.7.10 - Received Moon 10 for voting at clamp_icontest's week 282.
112 5.7.10 - Received - Beast 1 for placing at manga_character's week 19.
5.6.10 - Received a Rank C Cert for voting at tcg_quiz's week 16 Quiz.
5.7.10 - Received Colonel 3, Liek 20, Hod 15, and a Rank C cert for ansering all questions correctly at tcg_quiz's week 16.
113 5.7.10 - Received Pan 20 for voting at kingdom_chorus's week 138.
5.7.10 - Claimed Dark 12 and Short 15 from the Card Shop.
114 5.11.10 - Received Pipe 20 for voting at anime_eloquence's week 148.
115 5.11.10 - Received Thunder 5 for voting at manga_itest's week 64.
5.11.10 - Received Thunder 12 for winning best response at tcg exchange's week 16.
116 5.11.10 - Received Ougi 18 for voting at clamp_icontest's week 283.
117 5.11.10 - Received Egyptian 16 for voting at anime_icontext's week 51.
5.13.10 - Received Hawaii Event card from the Golden Week Event.
5.13.10 - Traded in 1 Rank B Cert for Raven 3 and a Rank C Cert.
5.14.10 - Received 1 Rank C Cert for voting at tcg_quiz's week 17.
118 5.15.10 - Received Lock 9, Quest 59, and Quest 65 for voting with full critiques at manga_character's LIMS r01ch01.
119 5.15.10 - Received Ghosts 13 for voting at game_abc's week E.
120 5.15.10 - Received Jellopy 78 for voting at manga_character's week 20.
5.15.10 - Received Viola 7, Rookie 11, and Jellopy 20 for Roll Call.
5.16.10 - Received Typhoon 18 for my Wish on the Wheel of Fortune.
121 5.19.10 - Received Trigger 1 for voting at anime_abc's week R.
122 5.19.10 - Received Pokedex 100 for voting at anime_crops' week 128.
123 5.19.10 - Received Adopted 3 for voting at anime_abc's week S.
124 5.19.10 - Received Summon 3 for voting at manga_itest's week 65.
5.19.10 - Received Dust 15, Homicide 14, Dino 19, and a Rank C Cert for answering all questions correctly at tcg_quiz's week 18.
125 5.19.10 - Received Jenova 2 for voting at clamp_icontest's week 284.
126 5.19.10 - Received Neptune 15 and Mafia 12 for voting in both categories at anime_melee's week 94.
5.20.10 - Claimed Pharaoh 17 and Punisher 16 from the Card Shop.
5.20.10 - Received Ginryuu 5, Chariot 19 and Cactuar Event Card for Mastering the Stocking Event Set.
127 5.20.10 - Received Jagan 5 for voting at game_abc's week C.
128 5.23.10 - Received Dust 14 for voting at anime_eloquence's week 149.
129 5.23.10 - Received Buster 14 for voting at anime_eloquence's week 150.
130 5.23.10 - Received Objection 8 for voting at manga_itest's week 66.
131 5.23.10 - Received Venus 12 for voting at kingdom_chorus' week 139.
132 5.29.10 - Received Pokedex 36 for voting at clamp_icontest's week 285.
133 5.29.10 - Received Punisher 18, Moon 13, and Primrose 11 for voting with full critiques at manga_character's LIMS Round 1 challenge 3.
134 5.29.10 - Received Disney 9 for voting at manga_character's week 22.
135 5.29.10 - Received Illusion 7 for voting at anime_abc's week T.
136 5.29.10 - Received Neptune 1 for voting at game_abc's week P.
137 5.29.10 - Received Tensai 15 for voting in anime_eloquence's week 151.
5.29.10 - Received Ginryuu 3, Burn 17, Typhoon 19, Ainu 4, Ainu 15, Ainu 3, Ainu 20, Dice 3, Duck 13, Duck 20, Duck 5, Duck 9, Egyptian 1, Firearm 2, Firearm 5, Firearm 1, Firearm 4, Knives 1, Knives 10, Occult 18, Shaman 6, Shaman 9, Shaman 18, Shaman 14, Shaman 20, Warrior 8, Nobodies 8, and Nobodies 9 from Card Spirit Uri from the roll call back log. O_________O (gdi, this is going to kill me making sure the coding stays right.)
5.30.10 - Received Attack! 07, Blue 5, Exsphere 12, Stone 17, Job 4, Summon 16, Pun 7, and a rank A Cert for leveling up to level 7.
5.30.10 - Received 8th 11, 8th 15, Fuuin 3, and Pluto 9 for Mastering Typhoon.
5.30.10 - Claimed Crossover 2 and Fanservice 8 from the Card Shop.
5.31.10 - Received a rank C cert for voting in TCG_Exchange's week 18 quiz.
138 5.31.10 - Received Dice 11 for voting in anime_crops's week 129.
139 5.31.10 - Received Lunar 11 for voting in anime_abc' week U.
5.31.10 - Received Hosts 9, Lion 14, Jobs 1, Burn 5, Burn 9, and Lock 15 for my first no-cert mastery for Typhoon.
5.31.10 - Claimed Solar 1 and Shukaku 12 from the Card Shop.
6.1.10 - Received Twin 9, Noa 11, Kendama 7, a Rank S cert and a Rank B cert for having a June Birthday.
140 6.1.10 - Received CEO 14, Hell 12, and Gamuza 1 for voting with full critiques at manga_character's LIMS r01ch04.
141 6.1.10 - Received Ainu 14 for voting at manga_character's week 23.
142 6.2.10 - Received Dust 8 for voting in anime_icontext's week 53.
143 6.2.10 - Received Heart 6 and Booty 8 for voting in both categories at anime_melee's week 95.
6.2.10 - Claimed Vision 3 and Vision 12 from the Card Shop.
6.2.10 - Claimed Drill 4 and Vision 18 from the Card Shop.
144 6.5.10 - Received Dolls 3 for voting at anime_eloquence's week 152.
145 6.5.10 - Received 8th 1, Hikikomori 10, Cook 12, and Wizard 3 for submitting three icons to anime_eloquence's week 152.
146 6.5.10 - Received Relative 7 for voting in manga_itest's week 67.
6.5.10 - Claimed Drill 13 and Punisher 3 from the Card Shop.
6.9.10 - Claimed Phantom 9 and Punisher 8 from the Card Shop.
6.10.10 - Exchanged Blast Red card pair and a Gold card for Burn 11 at tcg_match.
6.10.10 - Received a Rank C Cert for voting at tcg_quiz's week 19.
147 6.10.10 - Received Armor 2 for voting at anime_abc's week V.
148 6.11.10 - Received Simon 10 for voting at manga_itest's weel 68.
6.11.10 - Claimed 13th 3 and Hope 19 from the Card Shop.
149 6.14.10 - Received Cameo 13 for voting at anime_crops' week 131.
6.16.10 - Received Duck 11 as a birthday present from lefthandpenguin. ^_^
150 6.17.10 Received Lancelot 1 for voting at anime_eloquence's week 153.
151 6.17.10 Received Heart 9 for voting at anime_eloquence's week 154.
152 6.17.10 Received Youkai 14 for voting at manga_character's week 25.
153 6.17.10 Received Occult 5, Drink 14, and Blast 10 for voting at manga_character's LIMS r01ch06.
6.17.10 - Received Taijutsu 17, Tree 4, Earring 1, Crow 19, Book 10, and a Rank S cert for contributing 150+ times.
154 6.20.10 - Received Nyoron 13 for voting in anime_abc's week W.
155 6.20.10 - Received Legend 12, Sugar 6 and Kompeito 4 for submitting 2 icons to game_abc's week F.
156 6.20.10 - Received Sky 3 for voting at game_abc's week F.
157 6.20.10 - Received 8th 6, Puppet 11 and Jellopy 62 for submitting 2 icons to clamp_icontest's week 286.
158 6.20.10 - Received Four 3 for voting at clamp_icontest's week 286.
159 6.20.10 - Received SOS 17 for voting at anime_crops' week 132.
6.20.10 - Received Burn 14, Burn 18, Beloved 6, and Pun 19 for Mastering 8th; received Illusion 20, Despair 17, Knives 2 and Knives 4 for Mastering Burn.
160 6.24.10 - Received Thief 7 for voting at anime_abc's week X.
161 6.24.10 - Received Egyptian 20 for voting at manga_character's week 26.
162 6.24.10 - Claimed Pokedex 150 (FUCK YEAH MEWTWO), Sky 18, and Phobia 15 for voting with full critiques at manga_character's LIMS r01ch07.
163 6.25.10 - Received 13th 15 for voting at kingdom_chorus' week 142.
164 6.25.10 - Received Exsphere 14 for voting at clamp_icontest's week 287.
165 7.2.10 - Received Money 20 for voting at game_abc's week Z.
166 7.2.10 - Received Crossover 12 and Traitor 5 for voting in both categories at anime_melee's week 96.
167 7.2.10 - Received Madamada 5 for voting at anime_abc's week Y.
168 7.2.10 - Received Splat 3, Taiyoukai 13, and Normal 15 for voting with full crits at manga_character's LIMS final round.
169 7.2.10 - Received Materia 15 for voting in manga_character's week 27
7.2.10 - Claimed Shaman 1 and Vision 9 from the Card Shop.
170 7.13.10 - Received Exsphere 3 for voting at manga_character's week 28.
171 7.13.10 - Received Rayearth 16 for voting at manga_itest's week 71.
172 7.13.10 - Received Virtue 2 for voting at anime_eloquence's week 155.
173 7.25.10 - Received Burn 6 for voting in anime_crops' week 135.
174 7.25.10 - Received Ginryuu 6 for voting at clamp_icontest's week 289.
175 7.25.10 - Received Hope 18, Loveless 17 and a Rank B Cert for completing 26 icons ar anime_abc's super-mega challenge.
176 7.25.10 - Received Mystery 4 for voting in the Super-Mega challenge Single Icon competition.
177 7.25.10 - Received Simon 10 for voting at anime_abc's week Z.
178 7.26.10 - Received Wishes 17 for voting at anime_crops's week 136.
7.26.10 - Received Fuuin 8, Kansai 3, Sky 16, Bite 11, Egyptian 16, Pokedex 114, Japan 14, Genrou 6 and a rank A Cert for leveling up to Level 8.
179 8.1.10 - Received Future 16 for voting in manga_character's week 31.
8.1.10 - Exchanged one Rank S cert for Taiyoukai 15, Taiyoukai 15 and Cameo 1 and 2 Rank C certs for 1 Rank B cert.
180 8.11.10 - Received Lancelot 13 for voting at manga_itest's week 74.
181 8.11.10 - Received Creation 1 for voting at manga_itest's week 73.
182 8.11.10 - Received Ballet 14 for voting at manga_character's week 32.
183 8.14.10 - Received Smokes 2 for voting at clamp_icontest's week 292.
184 8.16.10 - Received Youkai 14 for voting at anime_crops's week 139.
185 8.16.10 - Received Kyuubi 5 for voting at anime_eloquence's week 157.
186 8.17.10 - Received Occult 6 and Lost 6 for voting at anime_melee's week 98.
187 8.21.10 - Received Sketch 18 for voting at manga_character's week 34.
188 8.21.10- Received Revolver 16 for voting at game_abc's week Y.
189 8.21.10 - Received Returners 7 for voting at manga_itest's week 76.
190 8.29.10 - Received Nya 18 for voting in anime_crops' week 140.
191 8.29.10 - Received Cynic 18 for voting in anime_abc's week A.
192 8.29.10 - Received Pun 13 and Rain 20 for voting in both categories in anime_melee's week 99.
193 8.29.10 - Received Plum 2 for voting in manga_itest's week 77.
194 9.14.10 - Received Emo 13 for voting at anime_crops' week 142.
195 9.14.10 - Received Celes 3 for voting at manga_itest's week 79.
196 9.14.10 - Received Ginryuu 4 for voting at manga_character's week 37.
197 9.14.10 - Received Eat 14 for voting at anime_eloquence's week 158.
198 9.14.10 - Received Kompeito 1 for voting at anime_eloquence's week 159.
199 9.14.10 - Received Cosplay 5 for voting in game_abc's week R.
200 9.14.10 - Received Cosplay 3 for voting in anime_abc's week C.
9.14.10 - Exchanged 2 rank B certs for Ruins 1, Ruins 4, Ruins 8, and Ruins 9 and upgraded 2 Rank C certs for one Rank B cert.
9.15.10 - Received Knives 14, Knives 15, Burn 2, and Rose 6 for mastering GINRYUU.
201 9.25.10 - Received Lost 20 for voting at clamp_icontest's week 295.
10.15.10 - Obtained Bandage 20, Creation 8, Novelist 17, Sadist 15, Blue 17, and a Rank S cert for trading over 200 times.
202 10.21.10 - Received Ocarina 13 for voting at anime_crops' week 145.
203 10.22.10 - Received 13th 15 for voting at anime_abc's week F.
204 10.22.10 - Received Pokedex 96 for voting at clamp_icontest's week 297.
205 10.22.10 - Received Byakugan 12 for voting at manga_character's week 40.
206 10.22.10 - Received Rabbit 18 for voting at game_abc's week B.
207 10.22.10 - Received Ougi 19 for voting in anime_icontext's week 59.
208 10.22.10 - Received Tongue 5 for voting at manga_itest's week 81.
10.28.10 - Obtained Artemis 20, Visor 7 and Simon 12 for responding to the active player roll call. S-shut up, I'm getting more active now I swear.
11.22.10 - Received Perfect 16 and Betrayal 8 for submitting images for the Genome deck and naming the Dancer deck.
11.28.10 - Exchanged a Rank B cert for Growl 1 and Growl 3 and two Rank C certs for one Rank B cert.
11.28.10 - Received Lock 11, Seal 7, Firearm 3, and Firearm 11 for mastering AINU; 13th 7, Smokes 20, Firearm 12, and Firearm 16 for mastering KNIVES; and Reverie 20, Coach 10, Egyptian 2 and Egyptian 3 for mastering FIREARM.
11.29.10 - Obtained Beast 3 and Disney 1 from the card shop.
11.29.10 - Exchanged 1 rank A and 1 Rank B cert for Tristan 15, Emo 4, Emo 11, Growl 16 and Growl 17 and 2 Rank C certs for 1 Rank B cert.
11.30.10 - Obtained Blitz 4 and Digidestined 16 from the card shop.
12.5.10 - Obtained Digidestined 10 and Kyuubi 8 from the Card Shop.
209 12.15.10 - Received Moon 9 for voting in anime_crops' week 152.
210 12.16.10 - Received Truth 15 for voting in manga_character's week 49.
211 12.16.10 - Received Pride 4 for voting in manga_itest's week 88.
212 12.16.10 - Received Kansai 16 for voting in clamp_icontest's week 304.
213 12.16.10 - Received Shenlong 16 for voting in game_abc's week Q.
214 12.16.10 - Received Peach 17 for voting in anime_eloquence's week 168.
12.21.10 - Exchanged 1 Rank S cert for (SECRET SANTA STUFF) and Plum 1; 1 Rank B cert for Painter 15 and Painter 16; and 2 Rank C certs for 1 Rank B cert.
12.23.10 - Received Ornaments event card, Present event card, and Tree event card for participating in the Secret Santa event.
12.23.10 - Received Egyptian 8, Egyptian 10 and Shaman 17 in the Secret Santa event.

!activity logs, !tcg_exchange

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