[Voting] :: [Week 13]

Feb 19, 2010 23:24

Week 13 voting!

Voting Rules
01. For each question, choose the response that you feel is the best response. Base your decision on entertainment value, cleverness, and/or creativity; this is completely subjective to your own personal preferences. Which one do you like the best?
02. Only select one response per question. You do not have to vote for a question with only one given response.
03. You may vote for yourself if you truly think it is the best.
04. At the end of your comment, please specify whether you'd like two random cards or a Rank C Certificate.

Name: Your name~
Card Post: A link to your card post, as proof of being a tcg_exchange member
Votes:1a, 2c, 3f ..... 10a (or some other understandable listing)
Choice 2 random cards OR a Rank C certificate

Name: Your name~
Card Post: A link to your card post, as proof of being a member
Votes:1a, 2c, 3f ..... 10a (or some other understandable listing)
Choice 2 random cards OR a Rank C certificate

You have until 9 PM PST Sunday, February 21 to submit your votes.

01. Why is Hino Kahoko selected to participate in the school's musical competition despite having never played an instrument before?
Correct answer: She is the only one who can see the fairy Lili, and because of that Lili believes that she has something special to contribute to the competition and the world of music.

a) Who wouldn't want to be chosen by a special hyper fairy.
b) Official reason: Lili manipulated the list of contestants (he thought that Kaho had musical talents because she could see him). True reason: the scriptwriters wanted to set her up with one of the handsome male participants
c) The girl who runs the musical competition is madly in love with him.

02. Why does Azuma play the flute?
Correct answer: His older brothers are already pianists, and a younger sibling overshadowing an older one in talent is considered disgraceful.

a) Yunoki plays the flute because the piano was already taken by Tsuchiura his brothers.
b) He wasn't cool enough to play the clarinet.
c) Of course two siblings in a high profile family can't play the same instrument; who cares that the piano is most common and universal.

03. When he's not playing the cello, what is Shimizu often seen doing?
Correct answer: Sleeping

a) zzZZZzz...huh? What did you say?
b) zzzzzz.....
c) Facebook creeping.

04. Why does Seiso Academy have two different school uniforms?
Correct answer: The school has two sections: one for music and another for general academics.

a) The school district decided it would be easier to separate the cool and uncool kids this way.
b) Meet the day normal & night music classes.

05. Why did Hino's first piano accompanist fail to show up for the first selection performance?
Correct answer: She wanted Hino to fail the competition because she was jealous that Hino, a regular student, became such a prominent musician in such a short amount of time.

a) Vindictive jealousy goes a long ways in sabotage.
b) Personal problem
c) She was overcome with a green-eyed monster called jealousy.

06. How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?
Correct answer: n/a

a) Ask Son Goku, he knows how to handle clouds.
b) Return it to the form it was destined to be in
c) Buy a magically made cloud net - wonder what wizard could make one...

07. What happens if your black cat breaks your mirror?
Correct answer: n/a

a) If you take a picture of it and add a funny caption, all is forgiven.
b) I go and buy a new mirror.
c) Midnight says you'll just have to fix it so she can keep preening.

08. Just how many magical girls are there really?
Correct answer: n/a

a) What does the scouter say about the magical girl level? It's over nine thousand!! What? NINE THOUSAND?!?!?!
b) Too many to count.
c) Far too many...

09. What does Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious really mean?
Correct answer: n/a

a) Whatever you really want it to - just be careful you don't end up with a wife as a result.
b) That we're out of ideas for this movie, so here's a catchy song.
c) ..."atoning for educability through delicate beauty"

10. It's a bird! It's a plane! No wait, it's...
Correct answer: n/a

a) Well, we're screwed
b) It's a bird! It's a plane! No wait, it's...A GUNDAM!
c) Clark Kent?!

!voting, week 013

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