Believe Me I'm Lying - Prologue

Oct 04, 2011 21:08

Dusk was falling on a cold November evening when they were leaving the Luke Snyder Foundation, heading towards the apartment building he had moved into with his boyfriend only four months ago. His whole body was tense and he had to remind himself to breathe as they got closer and closer to the apartment. He carefully moved his slightly red and swollen wrist only to realize that is was still throbbing, but that really was least of his worries right now.

Slightly turning his head to the left, he looked at the guy in the driver's seat, whose eyes were focused on the street, while his thumb nervously drummed on the steering wheel. His long brown bangs were falling in his eyes and Luke could see that his fingers were lightly shaking as he attempted to stroke them behind his ear. He sat back in the passenger seat wondering how he could have been so stupid to let this guy get close to him. Now he felt like an idiot for underestimating the way this nice guy had acted in the past weeks. Why didn't he read more into it when they guy started to ask him questions about his personal life or had even given him flowers once, to 'posh up the office' how he had called it? Now it was too late. How could he not have seen it?

The silence in the car made him more nervous than he already was and he hated to be helpless like this, not knowing what was going to happen after he had to do what he was told to do. It was then that it suddenly dawned on him that he might see his boyfriend for the last time today for who knows how long. He clenched his hand and closed his eyes to keep himself from crying. He needed to do this and he needed to handle this his way, alone.

The car came to a stop and Luke re-opened his eyes, realizing that they had arrived. His heart was pounding loudly in his chest as he turned to look at the guy he had once considered a friend, waiting for him to speak. When he didn't, Luke quietly cleared his throat before he spoke with a low voice "Look, I know that you don't really want to do this. If you just let me go now, nobody will ever know and---"

"Shut up. I told you how we're going to do this." He let his fingers run through his brown hair, before he turned to look at Luke, speaking with a soft tone of voice "You have fifteen minutes to talk to him and pack up some things. Remember what I told you and no funny business. Got it?"

Luke had a lump in his throat and was only able to nod his head. He grew stiff when a cold hand suddenly touched his cheek. All he wanted to do was slap it away when he heard him saying that they would start a new life together today. He didn't respond anything and started to get out of the car, when the cold hand grabbed his arm to stop him. Luke winced when he grabbed tightly to his already swollen wrist. His body tensed against the pain.

"Don't forget that I can hear every word you're saying." He said with a smug smile, pointed to where a mini microphone was hidden under Luke's shirt collar.

Again Luke was only able to nod his head, before he slowly pulled away from the grip and slammed the car door shut. He shook his hand; hoping to alleviate the pain. His hands were sweaty and his feet felt like lead while he was climbing up the stairs to the apartment. He closed his eyes for a moment and inhaled one last time, before he unlocked the door to enter the apartment...

>> Part One

fic: believe me i'm lying, pairing: luke/reid

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