So, I finally watched the new movie Star trek, last night.
Here are a few random thoughts about it. i know there are other great commentaries on my flist and I apologize if this is repeated or downright boring. i'll try to keep everything under a cut.
Star Trek and the alternate universe )
Comments 10
I haven't seen it yet. I saw the trailer on tv, and was quite shocked by the amount of action. It did not feel like an ad for Star Trek at all. My flatmate said she had heard it was all sexed-up and action-packed, and as she said, "That's not what I watch Star Trek for. If I want that, I can go watch any other movie!"
I think you'd have to watch it, anyway. Not as a new ST, but it's still worth of a ticket.
I wouldn't rewatch it a second time, though, unless you give me only and just the personal scenes of the main characters (so really a short movie), and saving me the old Spock scenes. These, by the way, weren't welcome by me, but a LOT of Trekkies adored them...
Your artwork is beautiful, by the way. I love both of them, especially the color palette.
I'm so glad you agreed on Karl Urban's McCoy - I just loved him and wanted more interaction between the three of them, as it was meant to be. That's why I hope there's a sequel, so that they can explore those dynamics. I also hope that they can fine tune the other characters while at the same time letting the actors grow into the roles
Check this, if you're interested in knowing something about Shatner's absence in the movie:
I saw some screencaps and nuMcCoy looks to have greyish eyes. They are not dark, anyway. I watched LOTR only once and a bit carelessly, so I hadn't linked him to his role in that movie.
Uhura=total bitch. Oh yeah, that's exactly my feeling. I so miss the real Uhura! Do you want a more modern woman? I agree, times have changed. But don't turn her personality upside down!!
Thanks for the commenting my banners. :)
PS In all this, I still feel strangely attracted to nuSpock...
(Look at the icon- There are the blue eyes I wanted! 8D)
Modern women do not have to be bitches to get what they want. They can get it a lot easier if they don't fight with everyone.
And yes, nuSpock is very attractive. It's the fact that he shows more human emotions. We're able to relate to him and empathize with him that way, because he's a person, not just a pointy-eared green-blooded computer.
Personally, I'm so tired of the way Hollywood has to reboot everything. Are there no original ideas left?
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