Aug 08, 2010 13:44

About The Game

1. Okay, what is this place?
Please go to the the Maps page for more information about the building and further links.

2. Who runs Carriero Asylum?
You'd like to know that, huh? Do you really think that we will tell you that this easily? For all your character will know, there is Linda. She, or rather, it, is the seemingly sentient and omniscient computer system that seems to run the whole thing. Or maybe Linda is more than only a computer? There is a table bearing an inscription at the entrance to the garden that gives you all the information about her that you will have for now.

Carriero Asylum
In remembrance of my dear wife Linda.

Kalev Carriero

3. What happens if my character dies?
Well, they'll be dead. ...For a while, at least. The asylum is a strange, strange place, and it can bring your character back. The body will decay within a day to the point where it vanishes, and they will respawn in their designated room. The room will lock as soon as the character is dead, and kick all people that are there out as soon as the body is gone.
What happens oocly is that, when they die, you contact a mod to receive the number of days that your character will be out. The number will be random (we use a simple dice) and it can be anything between one and six days. There is no system to it. We do, however, ask you to be considerate about the number of deaths that you put your character through, and what dying does to them. If you don't happen to play from TF2 or a similar canon, it will probably affect your character greatly.

4. How do events work in this place?
There are three kinds of events: "Seasonal", "Minor", and "Major".
Seasonal: Small or larger events that are loosely based on festivities and special days from Earth and other worlds, for example Christmas, Shichi Go San, Ramadan, Midsummer, La Tomatina, Groundhog Day... Powers are usually not returned for those, and their duration varies.
Minor: A small event that may be dangerous and likely to cause damage to or kill characters - or be completely harmless. You never know. Powers may or may not be returned. It will last bout three in-game days (=one week).
Major: A huge event, taken from an existing canon. It might be dangerous or not. There are two ways to end one of these. Either someone finds the "key" that will be hidden in every "world", and the event will end. Or nobody finds it, Linda will get fed up and end it herself after about 7 in-game days (two or three weeks)... And everyone will receive a punishment. A key can be everything, from an actual key to a gem to a potted plant to an animal to a certain action.

Also, every once in a while, Linda will ...disappear. Or, at least, not do anything anymore, and the place will fall into decay, rot from the inside. All things that the computer normally supplies the facility with will, one after another, shut down. Now the inmates really are on their own.

5. Is there an over-all plot?
Yes. It will move slowly, but it is there, and we have it planned and a couple of things scheduled.

6. How about powers?
Please see the app faq about this.

7. What happens when my character arrives?
They will wake up in their room, wearing a white nightgown. They will find three sets of clothes, including shoes, in their closet. The keys to the room sit on the nightstand next to the bed, along with their portable computer.

8. Portable computer?
A detailed description can be found here.

9. Can that computer and the keys be stolen?
Yes, and you can use it and pretend to be the owner. But if the character dies, it will vanish after a day and respawn, along with the character and the keys, inside the character's room.

10. What's the deal with those strange names?
It's basically our great creator (now fairy modmother) being a geek. Kalev and Linda were the parents of Kalevipoeg, the protagonist of the Estonian national epos by the same name. "Valvamas" is Estonian for "on the watch". Carriero was one of the guys that initially developed the coordination programming language "Linda".

11. Can my character get pregnant?
Usually, the answer would be no. All subjects are sterile. But Linda has a mind of her own, and sometimes, females will be able to conceive. But the baby will be taken from them upon birth. Aka yes, your character may become pregnant, but there will be no baby. Please contact a mod should you wish to do something with this.

12. Are there NPCs?
Currently, we have three known and "alive" recurring NPCs: Linda, John Smith, and Anne Simon. Information on them can be found here.

13. What about languages? What do they speak, and how do they understand each other?
By default, they will speak "common": The asylum auto-translates everything they say so it will be understandable to others. They can, however, use their own language for a short amount of time before Linda catches on if they concentrate on it, or if there is a strong emotion behind it (cursing, declarations of love, etc), or if they do it normally (as in, if their canon has them throw in random foreign words into their normal English/Japanese/whatever speech).
The written word will be translated if sent to someone through the network; it will, however, stay the same and thus unreadable for everyone who does not know how to read the languagee if written on a piece of paper, the wall, etc.

Please keep in mind that Japanese honorifics and words will be mostly eleminated by the autotranslation that the asylum provides (and that non-Japanese-speaking characters would of course not use them in the first place). No honorifics is the current convention among our Japanese characters, but if you want to use them because they are very important to your character, you may.

Out Of Character Business

1. Who can I app, what can I bring, and other app questions.
For questions about the app, please go here.

2. I have a cool idea for an event!
Awesome! We love input! Please tell us here.

3. There is this big character plot that I'm planning or this character plot turned to get much larger than I expected it to be. Is there anything that I should do?
First of all, we LOVE characters having their own plot going on, so never be discouraged. There are only two things that we'd ask you to do if it has the potential to affect a lot of characters (like a murder, a war, a kidnapping, an escape attempt, someone spiking the food, etc): a) Keep it open for as many people as possible. Give every character the possibility to join into the action. b) Please notify the mods. We might have to postpone events or plot, or change it. If it overlaps with an event, we will put up a poll to decide if the event should be postponed, or if it should take place anyway.

4. My character breaks the fourth wall a lot.
If your character is explicitely shown to know a certain canon (like reading a manga, fangirling a character from it, etc), you may ask ALL players of characters from that canon if you are allowed to fourthwall them. Only if ALL of them explicitely agree, you are allowed to do it - please don't overdo it, though.
Any canon that you can not provide CANON EVIDENCE for, your character isn't allowed to know. They will only know the genre in general, or maybe a show that is a bit similar.

The magic word #3 is: eternal

5. What happens when I need to take a hiatus?
There are two options: Either you put your character on autopilot, or they will be locked into their rooms. Nobody will be able to get inside to them, or out of them. The bathroom's other door will be sealed as well. The walls and doors are now indestructible, and their device doesn't work anymore. The only sign for them not being gone from the building is that a) the bathroom isn't accessible from the other room (if that room is occupied and thus accessible at all, the occupant will just have to ask someone if they can use theirs), and that the subject number on the plate outside the room (under the room number) is still there.

OOCly, you comment here using the provided form.

6. What happens when I drop a character?
The character will vanish from the asylum, the room that connects the bedroom to the hallway and the bathroom will be locked. The subject number on the room number plate will disappear.

OOCly, you comment here using the provided form.

7. What are the communities? How do they work?
Main community: carriero
This is used like a blackberry, pretty much. You can text, you can blog, you can use video and audio messages. Usually, everything will go up on the network instead of being directed to a single person, but you can of course lock it to someone, to more people, or away from someone (Just put [locked to] or [filtered from] into the subject line of your post/tag).
It has proven useful to put [text], [video] or [audio] into the subject line of your post.
We ask you to try and keep the action in those posts to a minimum (accidential recordings of action are, of course, fine). If, in a thread, the partners decide to meet in person, you can keep that in the thread or make a log for it. That is your decision.

Log community: carriero_logs
This is where prose goes. You can log either in 3rd person or actionspam style.
3rd person: John scratched his head and walked over to her. "Do you have a banana?"
Actionspam style: [Walks over to her] Do you want a banana?
Posts in the log community should include the form below. You can also find it on the profile page of the logs community.

*TITLE [OPEN / CLOSED]* (In your subject line)

OOC Community: carriero-ooc
The community for all your OOC needs. Introductions, plotting, hiatus and drop notices, memes, et cetera, go here.

In addition, there is also carriero_dr, which is useful for testing characters in the asylum setting, with current and other potential characters.

8. Is there an OOC chatroom?
In theory, there is "carriero" on AIM.

9. How does the Activity Check work, and what do I need to do to pass it?
Activity checks are posted on the first of every month. Requirements for the check are as follows:
*1 post from any time during the month in either carriero or carriero_logs
*30 comments in any post that was not your own in either carriero or carriero_logs. This can be in one thread or in multiple threads; alternatively, you can use links to three decently sized threads in other poeple's posts.

Characters that have been accepted/on hiatus within the last 14 days of the month have reduced requirements; they only need one post to pass the AC. In addition, there will be times that extraneous circumstances will lessen the requirements. In those cases, the mods will inform the game of the change.

10. I want to retcon something about/reset/canonupdate my character.
Please contact a mod first. We will handle this on a case by case basis.
For retconning*/resetting*: If you can give us a reason why you want to do this, we will most likely approve it. We just ask you to not do it too often.
[* to retcon: To change something about your character that has already come up in-game or is in some other way essential to the way your character is played; for example when canon suddenly reveals your cute little boy to be a thousand years old evil mastermind or that your character has actually been dead the whole time.
* to reset: To erase all the in-game development that the character has gone through and nullify everything that has changed about them; to start over new like they were when they first came to the asylum.]
For canonupdating: If this includes a reset (aka, they come back from the future with no memory of the asylum), it works like retconning/resetting. If you want them to keep their memories, this is entirely possible, but before you think more about it, please contact one of the mods for details since there is a huge catch to it that hasn't been revealed yet.

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