Inside Carriero

Aug 08, 2010 14:06

Welcome to your new home, Carriero Asylum. One of 96 bedrooms will be yours and yours alone, but you will have to share the bathroom with one other person and the common areas with your fellow patients. Socialising is an important facet of human (and other) behaviour, after all, and the lack of it would disturb the healing process. There are twelve bedrooms per level, and they are all on one side of the level. [For detailed information on the bedrooms, please scroll to the bottom of this page.] On the other side is a common area, which is different on each level.

[Currently, patients also have the freedom to explore the crew areas of the asylum at their leisure. While ordinarily patients would only be permitted into treatment areas while under the care of the crew, due to the plot of the game and event happenings, patients now have access to those areas through a hole in the walls located on the second floor. All crew area rooms are outfitted with computer terminals that allow them to access the main computer. A number of these rooms show evidence of disrepair, such as broken or missing plaques that tell you what their purpose is.]

All walls, floors, ceilings, and other surfaces are pure white, the garden being the only exception. Hallways look like this. Hallways and common rooms have a high ceiling. Not excessively high, but just high enough that from the average human perspective there's something off about the architecture. The garden is the exception to this, being three stories high and uniquely constructed to fit within the asylum while giving the impression of being an actual outside space.

Floors, ceilings, and outer walls are ordinarily indestructible, but at the present time the computer is malfunctioning. As such, these structures are just as destructible as interior walls. However, destroying the outer walls will send you into either space or the bowels of the asylum, consisting of pipes, wiring, and possibly a fall to your death.

[Note: As it is currently taking some time to create new maps, the current maps reflect the asylum prior to the latest plot. However, in the interests of actually allowing players to utilise the new areas, the text descriptions are below. If anything is unclear, feel free to point this out.]

Level H | Petting Zoo | Carriero Residence
Petting Zoo: There are no animals left here. However, a few cages, as well as closets containing food and supplies for the care of various small animals such as rabbits, birds, and dogs can be found. Many of the large objects in the room not bolted down can be found shoved up against an area of the wall that looks like it was broken through at one point but has since been repaired.

Carriero Residence: There is a rather cozy and homey living room, a kitchen with some dining space, a formal dining room with some rather unusual decor, and a master bedroom suite with a very nice, spa quality bathroom.

Level G | Arts and Crafts Room | Doctors' Quarters
Arts and Crafts Room: There are huge boxes with coloured paper of various quality and thickness, glue, paper scissors, wire, feathers, canvas, acrylic and water colours, all kinds of pencils, pens, a weaving loom, pearls .... everything more or less safe that you can imagine. Peaceful creativity is the goal in this room. Or that was the plan, at least.

Doctors' Quarters: This hall is entirely living space for the doctors. There are eight suites, four on each side, with a bedroom, a small living area, a private bath, and a kitchen. The kitchens are wholly functional, and remain stocked with basic cooking supplies and foods to prepare. Which includes knives. However, as weaponry is not allowed in the patient area outside of controlled situations, any attempts to take a knife back over to the patient side will result in the blade being teleported off your person.

Level F | Karaoke Bar | Crew Living Quarters
Karaoke Bar: No alcohol is served at the bar, sorry. But there are a lot of different juices and there is lemonade, and really everything you would need for wonderful cocktails - except for alcohol. There are even silly paper umbrellas and cocktail cherries. At the other end of the room, there is a stage with a karaoke machine that offers a wide variety of songs - no matter where you are from, there will be some that you recognize. Between bar and stage, there are a few nice couches, and there is a low cupboard besides the stage that offers silly hats, boas and similar items.

Crew Living Quarters: This entire hall is set up like the bedrooms of the patient side, only rooms have much more in the way of individual decoration and style. Although long abandoned, patients may be able to find things to decorate their own rooms or use for leisure activities.

Level E | Music Room | Crew Living Quarters
Music Room: A mostly empty room with a few chairs, a couch, an army of music stands, a piano, and cupboards where you can find all instruments that can be expected in a marching band.

Crew Living Quarters: This entire hall is set up like the bedrooms of the patient side, only rooms have much more in the way of individual decoration and style. Although long abandoned, patients may be able to find things to decorate their own rooms or use for leisure activities.

Level D | Library and Reading Rooms | Crew Lounge and Cafeteria
Library: In the library you can find books in multiple languages, including yours. There are even picture books for the illiterate among you. A list of titles available at the library can be found here). Some of the books, however, especially the more interesting ones, have a catch to them. There are ones that have pages that are razor sharp, enough to cut you badly or even slice one of your fingers off; some have contact poison on their pages. The poison won't kill you, or at least not most of the time. There are drugged ones that will make you hallucinate, or sick, or cause a voracious appetite for apples... or anything that you can think of, really. (If in doubt, contact a mod.) And some are just perfectly normal books and and enjoyable read. And... some might even be useful for understanding this place...

Reading Rooms: These are outfitted with two chairs, a desk, and a psychiatric couch each. Although their stated purpose is for reading, they are also used for one-on-one therapy sessions.

Crew Lounge: The crew lounge is a rather fancy looking room, something like this. It is primarily a relaxation area, where the crew can read, watch television or movies, or socialise. Currently the televisions can only access the stored database of movies, though many files are corrupted and may not play properly. Occasionally they may pick up on news broadcasts from one of the many Earth governments.

Crew Cafeteria: This area has a rather pleasant atmosphere, with numerous small tables set up rather like a restaurant. Unlike the patient cafeteria, food is acquired through the use of replicators, which require a fingerprint scan and a Crew I.D. number inputted. However, these can be easily hacked into, so if someone is so inclined, they can do so. As long as the food can be found on Earth, it can be replicated.

Level C | Multi-Faith Room | Pharmacy, Laboratory, and Morgue
Multi-Faith Room: The decoration is sparse. There are a few benches that look like they are kidnapped from a Catholic church that face what seems to be a Christian altar of dubious denomination; a rather wide space where there is nothing at all; and an altar with a bowl in which artificial fire flares that looks rather pagan. Someone very obviously tried to be as tolerant as possible and failed spectacularly.

Pharmacy: Taking up one side of the hallway is the pharmacy. There are numerous medications to be found here, from pills to liquids to creams, and even medicated food and beverages. Although the room appears dusty, the medication labels all show that they are quite recent and nowhere near expiration.

Laboratory: Half of one side of the hallway is taken up by a lab. This appears to be set up to run blood, urine, fecal, and tissue samples. Everything in here is obviously for medical purpose and not general scientific experimentation.

Morgue: The room next to the Lab. It is set up like any typical morgue, with two autopsy tables and the requisite equipment, and a wall of cold storage. Likely this room reeks of lingering rotted corpses, as anyone who can pull open the storage 'drawers' will find skeletons in a few.

Level B | Cafeteria | Computer Core, Supply, and ????
Cafeteria: There are a lot of chairs and tables. At one end of the room, there is a buffet that offers cold and warm foods. They are not great in any way, but edible - basically what you can get at an average school cafeteria. A menu can be found here. At the other end, between tables and chairs, one can find a vending machine that offers a variety of goods. The vending machine operates with fingerprints, and a person can only draw three items per day from it, of which only two may be of the same kind.

Computer Core: This is where the main controls for the computer are, as well as the main hardware components. It is clearly showing the effects of decades of neglect. Many of the terminals are showing either a blank screen, static, or error messages; panels are missing on the server cases; and the internal components show signs that rats have been chewing on and nesting in the wires. There is a cabinet of repair equipment to be found in this room, however, it may not be sufficient to fix everything that needs repaired. Accessing a computer terminal in this room can lead one to find the patient and asylum records if they search enough through the many folders; however, they are password protected. This room dominates the far half of the wing.

Supply: This room contains all the necessary supplies for an asylum. Cleaning products, bedding materials, basic furniture, the issued clothing, medical supplies such as bandages and bedpans, and so on. Chances are if it's something necessary to have on hand, it's in here. It takes up one side of the hallway's remaining space.

????: This room is opposite the supply room and theoretically has the same dimensions as it. However, the door is locked and jammed, and the plaque labeling the room is missing.

Levels A | Garden, Pool, and Gym | Treatment Areas
The Garden: There is enough space to run around but no way out. It is surrounded by high walls that are unclimbable; above you, there seems to be the skies (there is even night and day, rain, snow and sunshine here), but if you fly up there, you will realize that it is only a very, very realistic projection and little nozzles. There are all kinds of plants in the garden, from all kinds of places. Some are edible, some not, and if you search a bit you will certainly find familiar ones. There are even bees in the garden, though it is impossible to say where they are coming from.
There is a table bearing an inscription at the entrance to the garden.

Carriero Asylum
In remembrance of my dear wife Linda.

Kalev Carriero

The pool: The shallow end is about 40cm/1'3" deep, the deep end about 3m/9'8". It is about 50m/164' long and about 10m/32'8" wide. The temperature is 19°C/66°F on weekdays and -7°C/19°F on weekends. A list of the equipment that can be found at the pool is here.
The gym: A list of everything that can be found at the gym is here. There are no changing rooms or bathrooms.

Level A1 is the originally perceived ground floor. It contains the patient bedrooms, the access point to the garden on the patient side, and the top story of the garden. On the crew side is the treatment area for physical injuries. The near side contains two rooms set up like a typical doctor's office. In these rooms basic medical supplies can be found for treating injuries up to sprains and small broken bones. Naturally, such equipment as thermometers, blood pressure cuffs, and stethoscopes can also be found. The next rooms are an x-ray room and an MRI room opposite each other. The end of the hallway is dominated by a surgical suite complete with with sterile airlock, a room for the sterilisation and storing of surgical instruments and other surgical supplies, and a decent sized operating room. While it is not equipped for delicate surgeries, it is supplied to perform most basic surgeries for such tasks as appendix removal, repairing severly fractured bones, and similar.

Level A2 is the psychiatric treatment area and the mid-level of the garden. The psychiatric treatment ward is only accessible via teleporter, and spans from the wall of the garden, under the lowest level of patient bedrooms, all the way across to the opposite end of the facility. Should patients access this area, they will find twenty rooms, each outfitted to a different purpose with various treatment devices reminiscent of asylums from all periods of Earth's psychiatric care up until approximately the 1950s. This will include rooms designed for electroshock therapy, solitary and chained confinement, rotational therapy, hydrotherapy, and sensory-deprivation therapy… among others. It is here that more grisly rooms can also be found, a seeming torture chamber and an operating suite designed solely to perform trepanation and lobotomies.

Level A3 is the ground floor of the garden, as well as the pool and gymnasium. The athletic recreation areas extend underneath the living quarters. On the crew side, there are matching facilities, although instead of a garden they have an indoor athletic court and the equipment for such sports as basketball, volleyball, badminton, and a few other odds and ends.

The rooming list can be found here
Each room is furnished with a king-size bed, a nightstand (contains an alarm clock, pencils and a diary), a wardrobe (contains three sets of clothes including shoes and swimming wear appropriate to their home/time) that will clean all clothes put into it (unless you climb inside to find out how, then nothing will happen), a desk and a chair. One door leads to a bathroom equipped with toilet, shower, bathtub and sink where you will find all the sanitary products that you need (two rooms share one bathroom; the doors to said bathroom can be locked from the in- and outside). Each room comes with one key which the occupant will find in their nightstand upon arrival.

Next to each bedroom door there is a little plate with the room number and, if the room is occupied, the occupant's subject number on it. It looks like this:


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