The New Year and all her resolutions can kiss my ... grits.

Jan 10, 2012 16:03

For the first nine days of 2012, I thumbed my nose at the clean slate. Screw you, fresh start. Bite me, resolutions. I'm not down. I'm not on board. I'm not gonna and no one, NO ONE, can make me ( Read more... )

weight, diet, exercise, weight loss

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Comments 15

jandjsalmon January 10 2012, 22:07:33 UTC

(and sending good vibes and celery!)


carrie_leigh January 10 2012, 22:13:40 UTC
Oh, gag.

Celery is on the list of The Five Things That Carrie Will Never Ingest, which also includes tequila, tapioca pudding, gourds of any kind, and ...

I can't think of the fifth one.

But there's another.

:D Thanks for the luck, Jessica. Big, smushy hugs.


heyurs January 11 2012, 03:34:40 UTC

It's the celery, Love. The fifth one... celery.

I'll send loads of encouragement with this, Carrie. I sure do need to do something about my butt. And thighs. And stomach. And mouth. *nods*

Pray for me? I'll pray for you. ♥


jandjsalmon January 11 2012, 05:56:29 UTC
I like celery with peanut butter and raisins on it. Ants on a log, don'tcha know. ;)


nbaeker January 10 2012, 22:16:38 UTC
Good luck! You can do it! *cheering, with pom poms*


slitherhither January 10 2012, 22:19:58 UTC
*wishes I could hand you 5 inches of height*

I, too, am unwilling to be fat AND old. SIGH. Since I'm already old (ish? where's the line these days? no matter where it is I'm there) that leaves me with eliminating the former, because many unwanted pounds have made their home on my body in the past 2 years. Ugggh. Weight Watchers, huh? I applaud you.

My plan is to trade in my Nordic Trak which I NEVER USE (even though I adore x-c skiing) for a recumbent bike, so that I can exercise while lying down and watching movies/tv. Because then I think there's a chance I might do it.

I'll be listening with bated breath to what works for you and cheering you on all the way! Here's to health and whatever motivates one to get there!


13oct January 10 2012, 23:15:12 UTC
I'm in the same boat as you are. I've put on so much weight that my boobs have become bigger. And I hate that. Not to mention how I hate picts of myself too. :(

I'm sending you luck and good vibes.

And yeah, I wish to hell I could somehow acquire five inches of height as well. ah well.


ticklethepear January 10 2012, 23:21:16 UTC're sexy and lovely the way you are.


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