The New Year and all her resolutions can kiss my ... grits.

Jan 10, 2012 16:03

For the first nine days of 2012, I thumbed my nose at the clean slate. Screw you, fresh start. Bite me, resolutions. I'm not down. I'm not on board. I'm not gonna and no one, NO ONE, can make me ( Read more... )

weight, diet, exercise, weight loss

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Comments 15

leigh_adams January 10 2012, 23:53:01 UTC
I'm right there with you, hun. I'm on Day Two of my 14-day cleanse (to jump start the system into waking the hell up), and already I'm ready to eat my desk. BUT. I don't feel nearly as bad as I expected.

The gym's packed. -_- And half those people won't make it -- and they're ALL skinny. I wanted to be like, "Get off my treadmill! I need it, you don't!"

Best of luck to you, sweetheart! If you want an internet buddy to vent to, I'm always here!


elle_blessing January 11 2012, 03:09:58 UTC
Getting into smaller sizes feels really good. It's incentive all on its own.

I know you can do it! It only ever takes putting your mind to it, and you've done that :D

Also, I saw this quote today and I think it's totally appropriate... "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing -- that's why we recommend it daily. ~ Zig Ziglar


goeungurl January 11 2012, 03:26:25 UTC
If you figure out how to grow five inches, would you pass that secret along? Until then, good luck, darling. I'm right there with you.

Oh, and Happy New Years to you and your boys. *muah*


heyurs January 11 2012, 03:32:32 UTC

*eyes you*


goeungurl January 11 2012, 03:39:23 UTC

I'm sorry, Urs!! I really, truly forgot it was Monday. I spent the entire day (Monday) hiding from the world on my couch and Netflix. I didn't even think to turn on my computer. I didn't realize I had forgotten until this (Tuesday) morning when I woke up and I was like 'it's about time for me to do a devo. It's Monday, right?' and then I realized it wasn't. And then I was so ashamed I couldn't say anything to you........ You can fire me if you want. Really. :(

*goes back in hiding*


heyurs January 11 2012, 03:44:55 UTC

It's funny that you knew exactly why I was eye-ing you. *g*

I love you.

I don't want to fire you. It's good for you. It's good for everybody else. *nods*

Maybe I will start sending you reminders again. Unless you REALLY want to stop... you are not allowed to be ashamed. ♥

Holler at me in a PM, or e-mail, or phone call about it. K?


brendanm720 January 11 2012, 05:41:42 UTC
Good luck. Keep your stick on the ice.

My Immediate weight loss goal is to get where I was just before Christmas (218 lbs). My goal by my Birthday (July) is to get to 210. We'll see if that happens.


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