tell the rambler, the gambler, the back-biter [introduction]

Jan 17, 2011 19:58

Mattie sleeps well, considering the long day she's had. Little Blackie is nearby her, which comforts her and makes her feel safe. She's still afraid of the snakes that come out at night even though Rooster told her that they don't attack young girls, but for now, she tries to forget that ( Read more... )

mal reynolds, mattie ross, neville longbottom, niko leandros, delilah rose johnson, zz:(dropped)albert herrera, zz:(dropped)eda (black lagoon), !introduction, catherine morland, zhane, asato (lamento), zz:(dropped)hisoka kurosaki

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Comments 478

YAY! misborncat January 18 2011, 18:05:30 UTC
Asato doesn't come into the Mansion often, but he can be found in the forest nearby as he checks and resets some of his traps.He never catches anymore than he can eat or use of course, and he's always willing to share or talk to new people.

Even if they are human.

Nearly all of mine are fairly odd, so if you would like any brain-breaking folk, let me know!


gritted January 18 2011, 22:17:09 UTC
Mattie is out exploring again, and stumbled upon--well, she's not sure what this creature is, but she's determined to avoid it. She stands away from Asato, careful to stay silent. However, she steps on a stick by accident, and gasps.

send whoever you like! :D


misborncat January 18 2011, 22:20:25 UTC
Aw. He'd be sad if he could read minds, but Asato has keep hearing and his ears swivel towards the sound first. He turns and fixes a bright blue gaze on the stranger.

"Hello. Are you lost?" His voice, while deep, isn't unkind and sounds merely curious.


gritted January 18 2011, 23:14:18 UTC
She gulps. "--Who are you?"


kamloops_rose January 19 2011, 02:02:50 UTC
Not the Choctaw Nation, and not the Shuswap Nation either, Delilah would add.

The young woman can be found in the kitchen, making soup, something hearty and warm that smells of home to her, and probably of Injuns to someone like Mattie.

Her dress is typical of a Shuswap woman of the 1910's, and she is humming peacefully, happily.

This might be a bit of a difficult encounter for them both.


gritted January 19 2011, 23:51:09 UTC
Mattie's nearby, and when she sees Delilah, she's almost comforted by the sight--it reminds her of home. Still, as she approaches the young woman, she realizes who--or rather, what she is--and stops, unsure what to do. She wasn't expecting this, necessarily.

"Hello," she says politely.


kamloops_rose January 20 2011, 02:42:45 UTC
Delilah has been in a world of white people for a while - though of course, her friends don't look as... colonizing as Mattie does.

When she spots Mattie, her eyebrows rise, she frowns, if only momentarily. Still, here is a child. She can't be blamed for the sins of her forebearers, she reminds herself.

"Hello," she replies, a touch cautiously.


gritted January 21 2011, 00:52:41 UTC
"My name is Mattie Ross. You are the first Indian I have seen around here. Are you new too?" Yes, she's making assumptions.


zhany_silver January 19 2011, 02:58:17 UTC
We have no idea what Zhane might look like to Mattie, but there he is! The Silver Space Ranger is currently dressed in civilian gear, with black Jeans and a gray hoodie, and sitting with his legs crossed in an armchair.

In fact, he's practicing his telekinesis in the library, playing with some paper weights.The smaller ones are easy to work on, but the heavier ones require a lot of focus.

Then again, maybe Mattie will wander in while the older teen is managing to keep an eagle-shaped paper weight in aerial suspension.


gritted January 19 2011, 23:53:32 UTC
Mattie doesn't care much for books, but she does enjoy exploring the Mansion. She stumbles upon Zhane, er, levitating things, and almost screams. She shuts her mouth in time, still stunned. Zhane might hear her gasp, though.


zhany_silver January 20 2011, 02:50:23 UTC
The gasp is enough to disturb his focus, though, and the paper weight falls onto the table with a clang. "-- darn it," Zhane says, and turns around, "you shouldn't sn---"

Pause. Not Warren's girlfriend. Huh.

"-- Hi?"


gritted January 21 2011, 00:54:14 UTC
"--What are you doing?" There's fear in her voice, although she's trying very hard to control it. She thinks he might be possessed. We're sorry, Zhane.


hismothersson January 19 2011, 17:36:23 UTC
Sometime in the late afternoon, she might be able to find Albert napping in the hayloft. He visits the horses, feeding and talking to the ones who don't seem to have people. He's not much of a rider, but he likes them. But today he did a little extra cleaning out a few stalls, and now he's tired. He isn't quite asleep, but sprawled in the hay with his eyes closed, that may not be obvious to her.

He's not snoring though.


gritted January 19 2011, 23:55:50 UTC
Mattie's found the stables, and is currently exploring them, talking to the horses a little. When she sees Albert, she stops, a little bothered by his presence--she had thought she was alone.

She clears her throat, waiting for him to wake up.


hismothersson January 23 2011, 16:29:37 UTC
That sound catches Albert's attention enough that he sits up, rubbing at his eyes. There's now hay in his hair, but he doesn't seem worried about it. "Don't mind me," he says cheerfully. "I'm just tired out from helping the horses a bit."


gritted January 23 2011, 23:29:17 UTC
"I see. Do you help out often?"


in_summer_leaf January 20 2011, 00:19:59 UTC
Mattie may find Hisoka cleaning his weapons at a table in the kitchen. This is probably not the best place to do it, but he has yet to discover a good location for a small workshop. He is dressed in his denim jacket, jeans, and boots. There are corn muffins in the oven. He has a pot of tea steeping and sending its fragrance up with the steam, and there is hot coffee on the stove as well. These scents blend well enough with the smell of gun oil, to Hisoka's mind.


gritted January 20 2011, 00:34:59 UTC
Mattie is walking by, and when she smells the gun oil, she stops, curious.

"Excuse me," she says to the man. "I could not help but notice you cleaning your weapons. It's an impressive collection."


in_summer_leaf January 20 2011, 22:29:19 UTC
"Thank you," replies Hisoka, who is reassembling his old Browning semi-automatic pistol, at the moment. "You're new here? Muffins will be out of the oven in five minutes. Coffee? Tea?"

He stands up and removes his sword from the other chair, so that she can sit down if she wishes.


gritted January 21 2011, 00:55:05 UTC
"I would like some coffee, yes," she replies, sitting down. "And yes, I am new."


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