tell the rambler, the gambler, the back-biter [introduction]

Jan 17, 2011 19:58

Mattie sleeps well, considering the long day she's had. Little Blackie is nearby her, which comforts her and makes her feel safe. She's still afraid of the snakes that come out at night even though Rooster told her that they don't attack young girls, but for now, she tries to forget that.

She dreams of revenge, mostly--of getting Tom Chaney back for murdering her father. There are many ways in which he dies in her dreams: stabbings, gunshot wounds, and once even by a blaze of fire. All are satisfying to her, even if they are a little scary.

She wakes the next morning and is...decidedly not where she is supposed to be. Instead of dust and trees, she sees a snow-covered field which she, unfortunately, is lying down in. And she doesn't have the proper outfit for it.

Mattie stands up, shaking the snow off of herself, and sees what appears to be a very large house in front of her. She looks around at her surroundings, and sees neither Rooster nor the Texas ranger LaBeouf.

"Hello?" she calls out, half-expecting an answer, half not. She starts to walk towards the house, still looking around (it's much larger than anything she's either lived in or seen).

"Anyone there?" There's silence for now, and as she approaches the porch of the house, she's finding that she feels a little frightened.

This certainly isn't the Choctaw Nation.

Name: Mattie Ross
Fandom: True Grit
Media: movie!
Typist: Louisa aka fruhlings
Other relevant info: Mattie's got a pistol in her pocket that she may pull out if she's frightened enough. She's decent at firing...for a fourteen year old girl. XD
The first commenter acts as a welcoming committee. All following interactions are deemed later in the day, when the character is settled.

mal reynolds, mattie ross, neville longbottom, niko leandros, delilah rose johnson, zz:(dropped)albert herrera, zz:(dropped)eda (black lagoon), !introduction, catherine morland, zhane, asato (lamento), zz:(dropped)hisoka kurosaki

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