They have worked long and hard, grandfather and grandson, to create this prototype. The gun is an elegant thing, exquisitely decorated,but it is also deadly, for the ammunition it shoots is more akin to an explosive than to an actual bullet
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Comments 131
"Bad batch o' fireworks? Someone havin' trouble in the lab?" he asks.
".... That sounded like hand grenades, or C-4, in small quantities," he volunteers.
How the hell he knows what C-4 is would be rooted in his former illegal activities.
Hope that's okay? I thought he'd be a good candidate. :-) Doesn't change anything about plots with Arthur if you have any, of course - we'll stay out of your hair.
Hee, no worries! it's perfect and an interesting someone for him to chat with.
"Or maybe I like to think there are things that would make sense home, here," Johnny replies. "I'm probably wrong, though. I mean, who the hell has C-4 anyway?"
He doesn't even think Reese would, and he's a good candidate.
He quickly goes out the nearest door and starts slowly walking a circuit around the house, looking outward to see if he can spot any smoke or other signs of the explosion. It can never hurt to be too careful.
L went through a similar process, and is in fact standing already a bit further off from the Mansion, listening, as if he might expect another one.
We can play out the 3 hits? :-)
He's been keeping an ear open too, just in case, but it still takes him a bit by surprise when the next explosion occurs and he flinches slightly, having to resist the urge to duck.
"A gunshot, one," he replies. "Clearly muffled by vegetation."
She knows someone who is very good with guns.
"Did you hear that?"
He'll come to the window, lay a hand on her shoulder, to remind her that he's here.
"I did," he replies. "Don't think I heard that kind of gun before."
But it's a gun, it has to be. That much, he knows.
A knock on the door comes next. :-)
Michelle looks up at Mike when she feels his hand. "I didn't know there were guns here." Oh, all the things she's learning, none of them welcome.
The knock at the door has her almost flinching. Her anxiety may have lessened, but it is hardly gone, and it requires little to return.
Ah, Atani.
After a cursory inspection, Galadriel slips in under awed looks from the too young, too perfect to be human, yet untold - as if he was barely aware of who he is.
"Is this a bad time?"
Go ahead :-)
Shivering, afraid, she'll begin on her way back to the Mansion.
Intended for Lulu, Lou and Cat but anyone can tag her too :-) I'd assume she's found somewhere inside after first tag. ;-)
When she sees the young man on the porch, she'll ask, "Did you hear that?"
Being in the relative safety of the Mansion helps.
He can be found wandering about the woods, having no luck finding the cause of the blasts.
I know that Morgana and he need to reconnect, but as it's a mingler, anyone is welcome to tag him, of course. :)
Neville: she should've come to see him earlier, but she's had a distraction.
And right now, there's something more pressing. "Do you know what that was?"
He looks around them, as if the answer is in the forest air. "It almost sounded like a canon, a small one at least. It was incredibly loud for a gun," he muses.
"Are they not dangerous weapons? Why would someone be using one here?"
She tries to smile back at Neville, but she's concerned of whatever is coming their way, if anything.
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