They have worked long and hard, grandfather and grandson, to create this prototype. The gun is an elegant thing, exquisitely decorated,but it is also deadly, for the ammunition it shoots is more akin to an explosive than to an actual bullet
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She knows someone who is very good with guns.
"Did you hear that?"
He'll come to the window, lay a hand on her shoulder, to remind her that he's here.
"I did," he replies. "Don't think I heard that kind of gun before."
But it's a gun, it has to be. That much, he knows.
A knock on the door comes next. :-)
Michelle looks up at Mike when she feels his hand. "I didn't know there were guns here." Oh, all the things she's learning, none of them welcome.
The knock at the door has her almost flinching. Her anxiety may have lessened, but it is hardly gone, and it requires little to return.
Ah, Atani.
After a cursory inspection, Galadriel slips in under awed looks from the too young, too perfect to be human, yet untold - as if he was barely aware of who he is.
"Is this a bad time?"
Go ahead :-)
"Galadriel, have you met Mike?"
Michelle does have her manners, and she finds it right that the two should know each other. She owes both more than she can ever express.
She'll want to speak to Michelle about him one day, but not now, not now.
"There is yet another waiting to be introduced. My cousin comes to meet you, as requested."
Her eyebrows raise a little. She hadn't forgotten, but new people now have been difficult. Meeting them, trying to remember herself: it's become much harder.
"I'm happy to meet him." Michelle can't help she's not as put together as she'd like, but pride is something she has to push aside. It's easier for her than most.
He wanders in, and inclines his head to Michelle, after a quick nod of acknowledgement to Mike, warrior to warrior.
"My cousin speaks of you well," he tells Michelle. "And she says you are in need of... a place other than this, for a time."
For all the warm welcome, there's an undertone of nerves. "I would like to be away from the mansion, at least until my baby's born." She doesn't know how much Galadriel has told him, but she's willing to share it all, if to secure a place.
Moryo's for family, and it bore no luck to Faraday to be so close to him.
"Artanis mentioned it," he says. "There are several of our kin who have dwellings outside the Mansion, but few are appropriate for a woman of your condition," he replies.
He looks at Michelle, then at Mike.
"My home is the most fit, but it is also quite high up. You might need help going about." The hulking Atan shifts, a subtle movement more perceptible to Elven senses, and Caranthir glances at him, raises an eyebrow. "There's no good way to say it," he adds bluntly. "It's up a tree."
Looking at Galadriel's cousin, she doesn't see how Mike shifts, but she can't help but be shocked by the house in question.
"Would I even be able to get to it?" It has to be asked. She can't exactly climb ladders easily right now.
"Our buildings are made very differently," she says, "and my kinmen's craft is unequaled amongst the Noldor. You will be safe there, Michelle - for only our folk know of its very existence."
Hold on, Mike wants to talk! :-)
He feels the need to intervene and steps to Michelle's side, ever protective.
"That sounds like a prison," he tells the elves. "You can't possibly expect Michelle to go up a ladder." He turns to her, and adds, "... I can carry you, but do you really want to depend on me for that?"
He's worried about how unhealthy it could be for her, to be locked up away.
Go ahead! <3
"And he can come and go." Michelle nods at Caranthir, before turning, "but I'm making assumptions. How would I get there?
He smiles a bit, which is perhaps a touch sinister: Caranthir's scar creases, and though he means it well, it's almost a rictus.
"I just finished fixing the place up. The stairs are retractable."
"What if Mike came to stay as well? He's," are there the words for it? "Very important."
She'll go with that one.
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