[Crackplot] When the world ends...

Dec 16, 2012 17:39

It has taken time for this to happen, for the Dark Lord to gather it all, his influence of that which is not Arda but close enough to it, that which he hates about all else for the light of it remains a beacon ( Read more... )

zz:(dropped)finrod, natalie goodman, !re-introduction, falkor the luckdragon, celebrimbor, merlin, maledisant, titus groan, zz:(dropped)gunji, zz:(dropped)misa amane, lystra, zz:(dropped)greenback jane, jack harkness, benjen stark, ambarussa, zz:(dropped)hisoka kurosaki, anita blake, river tam, jimmy wild bill sandman slim stark, neville longbottom, marlene, zz:(dropped)koenma daioh, john reese, zz:(dropped)cal stephanides, zz:(dropped)mordred, tj gurney, zz:(dropped)blind mag, galadriel, feanor, elurèd of doriath, zz:(dropped)the warden, asato (lamento), zhane, gingalain, mal reynolds, icarus, geneviève émery, temeraire, inès serrano, paul (the historian), angélique hubert, zz:(dropped)genkai, gawain, zz:(dropped)eda (black lagoon), sophie rackham, zz:(dropped)utena tenjou, arthur (inception), caranthir, lukas ford, guinevere, manuel lorimer, will treaty, hatter, delilah rose johnson, kazutaka muraki, zz:(dropped)harumi chono, steerpike, !crackplot, morgoth, warren peace, lou mc cloud, denzel crocker, helen curtis (m2), jacquel, dominic cobb, justin finch-fletchley, bridget, elurìn of doriath, pandora (rice), zz:(dropped)yukio washimine, melou, katniss everdeen, daniel heerkins, pascal rougon, zz:(dropped)mia fey, catherine morland, tristan, cyrano de bergerac, tom yarbro, zz:(dropped)ann bransby-smith, billy thunder, aredhel, bobby ray, remy lebeau, sugar castaway, iphigenia, tony foster, catelyn tully-stark, niko leandros, zz:(dropped)phoenix wright, jim gordon, phèdre nò delaunay, robin goodfellow, l lawliet (riyuzaki), zz:(dropped)aramat drawdes, belize, johnny rockfort, asato tsuzuki

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Comments 1034

rob_fellows December 16 2012, 23:36:23 UTC
This is not going to be a good day for Robin.

He poofed in and out and avoided it all - pucks do have a way of avoiding trouble, but they're less likely to share that gift with others. And as he poofs into the living room, he finds her.


The nymph he couldn't save.

"Echo," he says, voice so soft, because he can tell, he can see she is on her way to Hades.

"Echo...." she repeats.

"I wish I could give you better parting words," he says again.

"Parting words..."

"It won't be long, I promise," he murmurs, his hand on her hair, and he'll shield her agonizing body from further debris.

When the nymph dies, the puck cries. He'll be found quietly stroking her hair, even as the cold wind blows over the fallen walls of the Mansion.

Again, an onscreen death for Echo, with her typist's permission, as she is also not coming back.


not1orthe_other December 17 2012, 06:18:36 UTC
Cal managed to escape the falling debris and may run across a man crying over a girl that is nearly dead...

He stays there, unsure of what to do.

But it feels wrong to keep running for some reason.


rob_fellows December 17 2012, 22:11:13 UTC
Robin is lost in sadness, and keeps stroking Echo's hair long after she can no longer feel it.

"She was the sweetest thing," he murmurs, to no-one in particular.


not1orthe_other December 28 2012, 22:57:41 UTC
He's unsure of what exactly to say. But they have to get out of here soon.

"Excuse me?"

Somehow he knows thats the wrong thing to say.


tricky_bowman December 16 2012, 23:53:16 UTC
Everything happened very fast - and Tristan was up, out on the patio when it did. He was lucky to dodge it as it fell upon him, and with the storm raging, he's only left with one option.

So out into the wind he screams.

"Iskierka! Iskierka!"

He knows she will come.

She always comes.

Except this time, of course, she won't...


ao_ji December 23 2012, 06:12:25 UTC
The earthquake frightened even the great black dragon, but Temeraire was nothing if not 'brave'. He will not allow his friends to come to harm and he takes to the sky almost as soon as he can. The storm is terrible, true, but he has flown in worse and it isn't long before he comes to the formerly grand Mansion.

The voice of Tristan is faint through the wind, but he finds the human as well and lands nearby, spreading his wings to shield them both from the snow and ice.

"Tristan! What is happening?"


tricky_bowman December 23 2012, 07:08:06 UTC
The moment he can, Tristan comes closer, in the shield of the great dragon's wings, grateful for the respite.

"A great catastrophe," is all that Tristan can answer, for Cornwall has never known any seismic activity, and so he knows no words for it. "May it be that this is the end of days? I know not. Temeraire, where is Iskierka?"


ao_ji December 23 2012, 07:13:48 UTC
Temeraire lowers his head down to better be able to speak to and hear Tristan. "I do not know. I have not seen her. And I do not know of this end of days."


51stcentry_jack December 17 2012, 01:18:02 UTC
Jack was on his way out to try the door of the TARDIS yet again, in a bid to speak with the Doctor (the younger, cheekier one, in the long brown coat and trainers), but he arrives in time to see it fading out of existence, at least in the space and time continuum of the Mansion. Normally, he'd bolt after the departing box, but not after the last time, not after she ran to the end of time itself with him hanging on for dear life, and he suffocated on the way. He's got another life to think of this tine.

Satellite Five all over again, only this time, he's lacking his vortex manipulator.

Well, it could be worse: he could be stuck in the Victorian era. In Cardiff.

He turns to head back inside, when a tremor hits, nearly knocking him off his feet. Well, it might as well be Cardiff, since there was that Big One that hit in 1906 and caused the roof to collapse on Torchwood Three.

"Earthquake!!" he yells and if there happens to be anyone passing by, typist willing, he'll grab them by the arm and pull them into the doorway for safety...


crimson_sugar December 17 2012, 04:25:49 UTC
Well, he might grab himself an armful of prostitute - Sugar was out looking for Cal, who was out looking for Niko, and somewhere in the process she lost Sophie, and she's rather hysterical, we're so sorry.

And so she'll try to claw her way out.

"I need to find my daughter! My daughter!"

Sorry, I know I sent someone else, but then I had this idea which I thought was BETTER so here we are.


51stcentry_jack December 17 2012, 07:26:18 UTC
He'll try and hold onto her, bracing his feet on the floor, knees bent but not locked, not minding how she claws at him. "Wait. Wait just a moment, till the shocks stop: you're no use to her if you get yourself buried," he grits, brooking no argument. "I've been through quakes before. Twice." And knowing how this guy gets around -- in space and time -- he's likely been through more.


crimson_sugar December 18 2012, 05:34:53 UTC
"You don't understand," Sugar goes on, screaming. "I don't know where she is, or where her father is!"


killedthesnake December 17 2012, 02:42:40 UTC
Neville is sleeping soundly in his own bed, alone of course, when a noise awakens him, followed quickly the shaking. He grabs his wand, not that it will help against a force as great as this, and jumps to his feet. The bed he loves with it's dark wood and tall canopy falls sideways, slanting into his body and knocking him off his bare feet. His wand flies out of his hand, and he cries out at that more than the pain. He's trapped until he can summon the magic to retrieve the wand or someone finds him, but fortunately not terribly hurt.


aboveallpride December 17 2012, 04:49:01 UTC
Neville may find a visibly shaken up Yukio in the hallway and she may notice Neville and hurry to him.

Lets hope this petite girl can lift some stuff...


killedthesnake December 24 2012, 04:16:08 UTC
We really hope so because Neville is hurting and frustrated. "Oh thank Merlin someone came along," he breathes out, trying to suppress how much pain he's in. "Are you well and safe?" Because he wouldn't want to cause her further injury if she's hurt too.


aboveallpride December 24 2012, 09:54:20 UTC
"I'm fine... now we have to worry about you..." She lifts the light rubble off first.


time_willdecide December 17 2012, 02:51:41 UTC
The rumble and crash as the house begins to collapse jolts the twins out of sleep and they race from their room, panicked. Their parents and brothers, nieces, nephew, cousins, they desperately begin to search, trying to keep from being trapped or crushed in the process.


elven_irs December 17 2012, 04:49:06 UTC
Well, they may come across a brother, carrying his human lover in his arms. Faraday is unconscious and bleeding profusely, and his eyes are wild, wild, wild.

"Where is mother?" Caranthir calls, as if it were their fault, "I can't find her, and Alata is wounded."

Yes, in the panic, his sense of priorities may seem skewed.


time_willdecide December 17 2012, 19:16:44 UTC
"We don't know!" Pityo's frantic, and Telvo's eyes are wide in fear.

"You're the first we've found."

"We'll keep looking, get her out of here, quickly." She doesn't look good, they know, and there isn't anything they could do for her while the house is coming down around them." Pityo squeezes his shoulder briefly before giving him a push.


elven_irs December 18 2012, 05:56:35 UTC
Something about the situation makes Caranthir hesitate - he pauses, stares at his brothers.

Looks at Faraday.

And then, somehow, it's clear.

And his feet stay there, unmoving.

"Now without you."


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