[Crackplot] When the world ends...

Dec 16, 2012 17:39

It has taken time for this to happen, for the Dark Lord to gather it all, his influence of that which is not Arda but close enough to it, that which he hates about all else for the light of it remains a beacon ( Read more... )

zz:(dropped)finrod, natalie goodman, !re-introduction, falkor the luckdragon, celebrimbor, merlin, maledisant, titus groan, zz:(dropped)gunji, zz:(dropped)misa amane, lystra, zz:(dropped)greenback jane, jack harkness, benjen stark, ambarussa, zz:(dropped)hisoka kurosaki, anita blake, river tam, jimmy wild bill sandman slim stark, neville longbottom, marlene, zz:(dropped)koenma daioh, john reese, zz:(dropped)cal stephanides, zz:(dropped)mordred, tj gurney, zz:(dropped)blind mag, galadriel, feanor, elurèd of doriath, zz:(dropped)the warden, asato (lamento), zhane, gingalain, mal reynolds, icarus, geneviève émery, temeraire, inès serrano, paul (the historian), angélique hubert, zz:(dropped)genkai, gawain, zz:(dropped)eda (black lagoon), sophie rackham, zz:(dropped)utena tenjou, arthur (inception), caranthir, lukas ford, guinevere, manuel lorimer, will treaty, hatter, delilah rose johnson, kazutaka muraki, zz:(dropped)harumi chono, steerpike, !crackplot, morgoth, warren peace, lou mc cloud, denzel crocker, helen curtis (m2), jacquel, dominic cobb, justin finch-fletchley, bridget, elurìn of doriath, pandora (rice), zz:(dropped)yukio washimine, melou, katniss everdeen, daniel heerkins, pascal rougon, zz:(dropped)mia fey, catherine morland, tristan, cyrano de bergerac, tom yarbro, zz:(dropped)ann bransby-smith, billy thunder, aredhel, bobby ray, remy lebeau, sugar castaway, iphigenia, tony foster, catelyn tully-stark, niko leandros, zz:(dropped)phoenix wright, jim gordon, phèdre nò delaunay, robin goodfellow, l lawliet (riyuzaki), zz:(dropped)aramat drawdes, belize, johnny rockfort, asato tsuzuki

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51stcentry_jack December 17 2012, 01:18:02 UTC
Jack was on his way out to try the door of the TARDIS yet again, in a bid to speak with the Doctor (the younger, cheekier one, in the long brown coat and trainers), but he arrives in time to see it fading out of existence, at least in the space and time continuum of the Mansion. Normally, he'd bolt after the departing box, but not after the last time, not after she ran to the end of time itself with him hanging on for dear life, and he suffocated on the way. He's got another life to think of this tine.

Satellite Five all over again, only this time, he's lacking his vortex manipulator.

Well, it could be worse: he could be stuck in the Victorian era. In Cardiff.

He turns to head back inside, when a tremor hits, nearly knocking him off his feet. Well, it might as well be Cardiff, since there was that Big One that hit in 1906 and caused the roof to collapse on Torchwood Three.

"Earthquake!!" he yells and if there happens to be anyone passing by, typist willing, he'll grab them by the arm and pull them into the doorway for safety...


crimson_sugar December 17 2012, 04:25:49 UTC
Well, he might grab himself an armful of prostitute - Sugar was out looking for Cal, who was out looking for Niko, and somewhere in the process she lost Sophie, and she's rather hysterical, we're so sorry.

And so she'll try to claw her way out.

"I need to find my daughter! My daughter!"

Sorry, I know I sent someone else, but then I had this idea which I thought was BETTER so here we are.


51stcentry_jack December 17 2012, 07:26:18 UTC
He'll try and hold onto her, bracing his feet on the floor, knees bent but not locked, not minding how she claws at him. "Wait. Wait just a moment, till the shocks stop: you're no use to her if you get yourself buried," he grits, brooking no argument. "I've been through quakes before. Twice." And knowing how this guy gets around -- in space and time -- he's likely been through more.


crimson_sugar December 18 2012, 05:34:53 UTC
"You don't understand," Sugar goes on, screaming. "I don't know where she is, or where her father is!"


51stcentry_jack December 19 2012, 04:20:36 UTC
He'll look across, at the collapsing plaster and tipping furniture. "All right, but if things get more pear-shaped than they are, I'm covering you."


crimson_sugar December 19 2012, 19:22:21 UTC
She's never met him, but Sugar isn't about to question assistance. "Inside. She must have stayed inside...."

And so she'll go in, screaming Sophie's name.

She's actually with Hatter, might perhaps get them all to converge at one point, if you and Meg are interested?


51stcentry_jack December 20 2012, 06:04:27 UTC
He'll stay close behind her, keeping an eye out for any falling debris.

Sounds like a plan! Meg ready for a newcomer to the thread??


ooc crimson_sugar December 20 2012, 22:55:08 UTC
Meg is good with, but i need to play out the panic à touch longer. Can we keep it on hold for a short while?


51stcentry_jack December 21 2012, 01:53:36 UTC
Hee, waiting a bit to play out ye panic is perfect by me!


wears_a_hat December 27 2012, 00:08:02 UTC
Hatter is making his way to the exit with Sophie in his arms when he sees two people ahead of him, and as he gets closer he recognizes Sugar's voice shouting. "Sugar!" He calls back. "Sugar, is that you?"


crimson_sugar December 27 2012, 01:55:07 UTC
"Hatter!" Sugar can't help the excitement - she knows he likes her daughter, is her friend, and Sophie is rather mad keen on the odd fellow as well. "Hatter, have you seen Sophie?" And in the midst of the dust and wind and snow, she thinks she can see a recognizable form, and without thinking, she reaches for Jack.

"This way!"


51stcentry_jack December 27 2012, 02:54:41 UTC
"Thought you were calling for me for a sec there, except I ain't as sweet as the lady here who's actually called by that name," Jack might call back to Hatter, ever trying to make light in a bad situation. And he'll come along gladly as Sugar grabs at him. "Gentleman friend of yours?" he asks.


wears_a_hat December 27 2012, 19:12:20 UTC
Hatter chuckles at the man's antics and gives Sophie a squeeze as he head for them. "Sugar, I've got Sophie! She's okay!" He adds into the little girl's hair, "Hear that, poppet? We've found your mum."


crimson_sugar December 27 2012, 19:38:37 UTC
Sugar's going to just--- okay, weird as it is, or perhaps unexpected, for Hatter, she just hugs the both of them, her baby and her baby's friend, and sighs heavily her relief.

"Good grief, I thought she'd never --- I'm so relieved ---" she might be crying a little, so scared she was.

Throwing Sophie in imminently, hold on.


sophie_darling December 27 2012, 19:41:40 UTC
Sophie's just going to cling to her mum like mad, and somehow, unless Hatter is in the way (but we know his goodness, and he's not like that), the transfer takes place.

Both of them may need a nudge to get a hell out of dodge, though.


51stcentry_jack December 27 2012, 21:00:25 UTC
The floor might rattle under their feet. "Aftershock!" Jack calls. "Now that we've had the happy reunion, let's get outta here before this place goes all Pompeii on us."

He's been to Pompeii a few times: nice place to vacation, but no place where he'd want to live.


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