Let's talk about Glee

Feb 07, 2011 08:55

No, I am not going to discuss sexual politics. Or religion. Or the headache-inducing lack of continuity on this ridiculous, ridiculous show.

Instead let's talk about all the evidence from last night's episode that Puck has been hanging out with Kurt. )

subtext, requests, glee, memes

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Comments 17

wonderlandchick February 7 2011, 14:22:51 UTC
The continuity makes me head hurt. And it seems like almost an insult that this show takes place in Ohio and I've been ice skating out my door all week and they are back to football season. (I love seeing the salty nasty cars in the parking lot on The Office.) Oh, and as I type I'm watching Regis & Kelly (because Chris Colfer is going to be on, this is not normal behavior). Michelle Obama is going to be on Wednesday and Kelly just told a story about the Secret Service. They will always make me think of you!


carolinecrane February 7 2011, 17:14:24 UTC
Did Chris say anything about why he no longer gets airtime? Did he upset Ryan Murphy? Seriously, why give him the Big Dramatic Storyline to basically kick him off the show?

I digress. Secret Service LOL. I did actual *research* for that story, that's the pathetic part.


theamusedone February 7 2011, 14:51:24 UTC
Bitch Cakes was over the other night and a repeat of Glee was on and, while watching, he kept going on and on about Chord's lips. The phrase "blow job lips" was never used (thank god), but I was very amused and a thorough mocking was given.

And I was having very similar thoughts as to Kurt's school. Silly writers.


carolinecrane February 7 2011, 17:15:13 UTC
Oh, Chord, you and your giant cock sucking lips. He is a ridiculous looking creature, and his character is about as interesting as a limp noodle, but bless him, he tries.


anonymous February 7 2011, 15:11:00 UTC
I love your reasons for Puck having obviously been hanging out with Kurt. This is now my canon. And I didn't mind the inconsistency with Puck shoving Karofsky into the lockers b/c it made me think of Burt shoving Karofsky into the lockers, which just....mmmm. And it makes my tinhat sparkle b/c Kurt would want someone who is like his ridiculously awesome dad.

If you want to write some fanfic, I liked where you were going with the whole Puck being over at the Hummels and Kurt ending up having "ladychats" with him instead of Finn. I just want to imagine them drinking warm milk together. And maybe Puck commenting on Mr. Schue's vests and what that could indicate about his sexual prowess. And I'd love if Kurt's quasi-BF became his non-BF after The Bills Incident. Or whatever you want to write.


rabidfan February 7 2011, 15:23:37 UTC
Sometimes I thing scripts must be filled with lines like :insert something here to move the plot forward: without regard to what that filler means to anything that came before.

On one show I liked...like...one of the writers actually said they try not to pay too much attention to continuity because when the shows go into syndication they're never played in order and they can get more money for them if the station can just plug one in and go.

It's always about money.

Fic requests! ::squirmshappily:: Let's see. Nick/Greg trying to decide if it's time to leave Las Vegas. or.... your wonderful AU of the president speaking to Puck at the White House, surrounded by all his former work associates. Something fatherly and embarrassing.

Don't work too hard.


writingpathways February 7 2011, 16:42:25 UTC
Doesn't sound like a missed much, by not watching.

Will/Bieste BFFs sounds awesome though!


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