Let's talk about Glee

Feb 07, 2011 08:55

No, I am not going to discuss sexual politics. Or religion. Or the headache-inducing lack of continuity on this ridiculous, ridiculous show.

Top Three Reasons Puck Has Clearly Been Hanging Out With Kurt:

1) He mentioned Mellencamp, which is proof that he's been sucking up to Burt and bonding over classic rock.

2) He used a French phrase! His pronunciation was adorably awful, naturally, but that makes it even better, 'cause you know he heard it from Kurt. Seriously, how else would Puck know what 'tout de suite' means?

3) Waaay less homophobia than he would have displayed in season one.

::adjusts tinhat::

I like to imagine that in his efforts to become Finn's BFF once again, Puck's been hanging out at Chez Hummel a lot lately, playing video games with Finn and listening to him emo about his girl problems and watching Kurt be all cheerful and shit. And since cheerful Kurt is way more entertaining than emo Finnessa, Puck has a tendency to wander into Kurt's room. For girl chat, you know. And Kurt's not getting it from Finn, so he'll take it from Puck. What? He's not proud. It's weird, but he's not proud.

Plus, you know, he's got a quasi-boyfriend now and all, but he's not blind. Puck's often infuriating and always crude, but he's hot and he seems to find Kurt interesting all of a sudden, and a little fantasy never hurt anybody. Actually, yes it has, but Kurt's pretty sure this is harmless. Mostly. What Blaine doesn't know and all that. Plus, Blaine's a quasi-jock, as it turns out, so Kurt's jock fetish is still going strong*.

Speaking of Blaine, goodness, he is a tiny Lilliputian little thing. Adorable and pocket-sized you are, Darren Criss, but I had to ff through that number with my eyes closed because seriously. Never say 'scrub' again, I beg you.

Will/Beiste BFF OTP 4-EVA. ♥

There is no such thing as continuity** on this show, so I will handwave the fact that suddenly Dalton's not a boarding school, even though in the Christmas episode Will clearly drove there after hours and visited Kurt in the evening. I will also handwave the fact that apparently Dalton's not a boarding school, yet Finn suggested he and Karofsky go to Dalton to talk to Kurt instead of just inviting him over for dinner or something. Hell, I'm already handwaving Puck fighting with no threats of a Juvie reprise, so whatever.

I'm just going to take the Finn/Quinn business at the end of the episode as a nod to 99 Problems. I am no fan of Rachel Berry, as a general rule, but what Quinn did to Finn was waaaaay worse than what Rachel did, and the fact that he even speaks to her is kind of unbelievable. Then again, they are trying to redeem Karofsky after he sexually assaulted Kurt, and they glorify unprotected sex on this show, and if I think about it too hard I find myself being grateful I'm not a parent.

Though I did enjoy the mullets on every single member of the hockey team. LOL show you are so dumb, and yet so enjoyable. It's the little things.

I'm not even going to get started on the fact that football season would have been over before the Christmas episode, so there's no way that this episode could have happened after Kurt transferred to Dalton. Instead I will just enjoy it for what it's worth. Mellencamp, French, and wingmen. It's not a lot, but I'll take it.

Hey, it's Monday, which means I'm busy all day and I won't have any time for fandom, and I haven't written much of anything since Friday, so you know what I feel like doing? Taking fic requests. Usual rules apply: give me a fandom/pairing/prompt and I'll see what I can come up with. I make no promises, but every once in awhile I get inspired.
* I take my continuity where I can get it.
** It's frustrating, sure, but let's face it: Sloppy writing on a show with great potential makes for the best fan fiction.

subtext, requests, glee, memes

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