FIC: Five First Kisses That May (Or May Not) Have Saved Angel’s Life

Jul 27, 2007 00:10

Remember the first kiss meme, in which Angel and Faith both got a lot of action?

Somehow, Angel's mansluttery became a grown-up fic. Enjoy.

TITLE: Five First Kisses That May (Or May Not) Have Saved Angel’s Life
FANDOMS: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Bones
PAIRING: Buffy/Angel, Cordelia/Angel, Fred/Angel, Angel/Oz, Angel/Seeley ( Read more... )

story post, bones, angel, buffy

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Comments 17

kita0610 July 27 2007, 05:01:18 UTC
Oh honey, these are BEAUTIFUL.

These are my favorite bits:

He had a down payment on forgetting, and possibly a security deposit and first and last month’s rent. HEE!

...Now he believed with utter certainty that, if he revisited the lonely cemetery an ocean away, if he stood on the spot that probably still bore his headstone, the earth would open up for him. Wanting. You give such good word.


Beautiful. Thank you for this. *Very** much.


carlyinrome July 27 2007, 05:19:34 UTC

Aw, yay! Thank you so much for the kind words, honey; I'm thrilled to giddy that you liked this. (And thanks for letting me know your favorite parts; I'm always really curious about what worked for people, but hardly anybody lets me know!)



(The comment has been removed)

carlyinrome July 27 2007, 05:31:01 UTC

It was, obviously, my objective to make you cry. *evil laugh*

Seriously, I'm really happy you liked this, heart-punching notwithstanding.



cadence_k July 27 2007, 05:32:33 UTC
Oh WOW, these are fantastic. I really, really liked the Oz one. Makes me want more Angel/Oz like woah. I was just about to copy and paste the parts of the Angel/Oz part that I especially loved... and then realized I was highlighting over half of it. Suffice to say that the entire thing is beautifully written.

And, of course, I adore the Buffy and Cordy parts as well.

Her body surged against his, but before he could think of how much he wanted her, he counted her ribs through her shirt, through his shirt. Before he could think of how much he wanted her, he thought of the bright-eyed girl with the baby fat cheeks who used to blush and grin when he looked her way. That? Is perfection.

Have I told you recently how awesome you are?


carlyinrome July 27 2007, 05:40:44 UTC

lostakasha took my Angel/Oz feelings from mild interest to omgmaleslashotp when she wrote The Last Radio in response to my maleslashminis Angel Round prompt. Damn damn damn, the girl doomed me to loving another hopeless, underloved 'ship, but you need to read that fic.

Anyway . . . omigod, thank you so much! I'm really happy that you liked this; I'm honored simply that you took time out of your frenzied teachering/paper writing to read this. *squishes you with hugs*


carlyinrome July 27 2007, 05:42:18 UTC

*headdesk* Dammit, I lose at HTML.


cadence_k July 27 2007, 05:53:12 UTC
Thanks for the rec! *runs off to read*

And the day that I pass up excellent fanfic for getting work done... will probably be the day I finally finish my dissertation and get that stupid PhD thingy. :)


chrisleeoctaves July 27 2007, 12:38:11 UTC
Carly-fic always makes me happy! What a fabulous way to start my morning.

Obviously I loved the last one best- but I was also really taken with the way you made thei first one seem so possible. That Angel spends his time figuring out how to escape the whole time Seely is interrogating him was so perfectly in character Growling and parading like a show cock in a mid-priced suit.
(and kinda funny.)

The image of them kissing was hot. Imagine!

The Fred one was lovely and very reminiscent of that early interaction between them. Sad, too, knowing how Fred goes on to harbour those feelings for Angel- feelings he never returns.

A beautiful description of Oz: Angel became aware of the delicate architecture of the boy’s bone work: his thin, slanting cheekbones; his small, nimble-fingered hands.

And Angel/Oz is one of those pairings that actually works for me in the right hands. I think Angel could be drawn to him.

But that last one...oh, Carly.
That her scent had changed disturbed him profoundly, although he remembered that. He’d lived ( ... )


carlyinrome July 28 2007, 03:20:25 UTC

I was also really taken with the way you made thei first one seem so possible. . . . The image of them kissing was hot. Imagine!

Er . . . I have. And I think you should, too. Hee.

And Angel/Oz is one of those pairings that actually works for me in the right hands. I think Angel could be drawn to him.

I agree. lostakasha totally got me hooked on them.

Five Things?

Of course!

Thank you so much, Chris, for leaving me this wonderful feedback. Your thoughts mean a lot to me, and I'm really thrilled you enjoyed this piece.


lostakasha July 27 2007, 15:47:34 UTC
Just gorgeous.

Angel/Booth: You already know I have serious doubts about Booth's militant heterosexuality -- and you've gotten right to the heart of those doubts here:

All the pasted on bravado and the real predator competence had bled from his voice. All that remained was a small, thin thing with undernotes of want and panic. Brilliant. And to me, *this* is Seeley Booth.

Angel's reaction to the kiss actually made my knees weak. It was like turning somebody... All of that control and power over all that artifice. My mind is whirling. Wow.

Angel/Fred: Oh, sweet, broken, wonderful Fred. The idea that she could replicate what she sees as magic is so poignant. One of my favorite pairings in the B'verse is Fred/Angel -- it's tough to come by, butwhen it's done well -- like this -- it's wonderful.

Angel/Cordy: I adore Angel's Season one voice in this section. She was no dummy. Traces of Doyle there, too. Lovely.

Angel/Oz: God, do I love them stoned together. Crave that.

“A lot of things are like that,” Angel said. He wasn’t sure ( ... )


carlyinrome July 28 2007, 03:24:38 UTC

Holy crap, I'm so giddy. Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback; I'm all atwitter. Thrilled that you liked it, honey.

Angel/Oz: God, do I love them stoned together. Crave that.

To quote lafemmedarla: They should make it into a movie and show it every Christmas. Hee.

Also, you are the only person in the history of ever to accuse me of implementing "an economy of words," and I'm just . . . overwhelmingly happy. I've been trying really hard to just use the important words, to make a skeleton of images, but . . . that doesn't always work. I think the worst comment someone's ever given me was: "If you can say it in one word, you use six."

Thank you so much. I'm so happy you enjoyed this. <3


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