FIC: Five First Kisses That May (Or May Not) Have Saved Angel’s Life

Jul 27, 2007 00:10

Remember the first kiss meme, in which Angel and Faith both got a lot of action?

Somehow, Angel's mansluttery became a grown-up fic. Enjoy.

TITLE: Five First Kisses That May (Or May Not) Have Saved Angel’s Life
FANDOMS: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Bones
PAIRING: Buffy/Angel, Cordelia/Angel, Fred/Angel, Angel/Oz, Angel/Seeley ( Read more... )

story post, bones, angel, buffy

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lostakasha July 27 2007, 15:47:34 UTC
Just gorgeous.

Angel/Booth: You already know I have serious doubts about Booth's militant heterosexuality -- and you've gotten right to the heart of those doubts here:

All the pasted on bravado and the real predator competence had bled from his voice. All that remained was a small, thin thing with undernotes of want and panic. Brilliant. And to me, *this* is Seeley Booth.

Angel's reaction to the kiss actually made my knees weak. It was like turning somebody... All of that control and power over all that artifice. My mind is whirling. Wow.

Angel/Fred: Oh, sweet, broken, wonderful Fred. The idea that she could replicate what she sees as magic is so poignant. One of my favorite pairings in the B'verse is Fred/Angel -- it's tough to come by, butwhen it's done well -- like this -- it's wonderful.

Angel/Cordy: I adore Angel's Season one voice in this section. She was no dummy. Traces of Doyle there, too. Lovely.

Angel/Oz: God, do I love them stoned together. Crave that.

“A lot of things are like that,” Angel said. He wasn’t sure whether he was talking to Oz anymore or not. So trippy and perfect.

Angel/Buffy: Oh, this was painful and difficult to read, which is why it's so damn good. I adore the descriptives here: But he could barely greet Buffy before she was against him, her birdbone hands a vice around his wrist; a hungry, crawling spider inside his clothes.

Desperate and falling apart and impossible to face -- all those things two returned-from-the-dead souls might have in common, despite that one went to Hell and the other to Heaven.

Your economy of words throughout is amazing -- you get to the point and make these scenes rich and layered. You make me miss our beautiful dead show so much -- and make me crave a universe for Booth where he is drawn to his full, complex potential.

Thank you.


carlyinrome July 28 2007, 03:24:38 UTC

Holy crap, I'm so giddy. Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback; I'm all atwitter. Thrilled that you liked it, honey.

Angel/Oz: God, do I love them stoned together. Crave that.

To quote lafemmedarla: They should make it into a movie and show it every Christmas. Hee.

Also, you are the only person in the history of ever to accuse me of implementing "an economy of words," and I'm just . . . overwhelmingly happy. I've been trying really hard to just use the important words, to make a skeleton of images, but . . . that doesn't always work. I think the worst comment someone's ever given me was: "If you can say it in one word, you use six."

Thank you so much. I'm so happy you enjoyed this. <3


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