bones 1x09-1x11

Jun 09, 2007 23:14

Happy birthday sexycereal, even though you probably won't see this. Love you lots, S.

Also: ( 'Bones' 1x09-1x11 )

tori amos, david boreanaz, bones, celebrity skin, yay birthday!

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Comments 7

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carlyinrome June 10 2007, 04:53:20 UTC

How much his sense of justifiable force gets . . . tweaked with when children are involved constantly fascinates me; I spend a lot of time curious about whether he was like this before his son was born

I'd love to know that. As I watch the first season, I'm constantly wishing for flashback episodes: Booth with the Rangers, how Brennan got her job with the Jeffersonian, Angela travelling the world and kind of getting married . . . you know? I guess that's what fic is for.

I find the characterization of Brennan sort of slip-slides a lot. Which is weird, because, you know, main character - or, at least, title character - and I figured they'd have a better grip on her.

Writing should never be left to professional scriptwriters. :P

Also, that slip where Booth didn't know about Brennan's Painful Past TM consistently irritates me. *growly face*I know. Whatevers. Also, in "The Woman in the SUV," Brennan tells Booth that, yes, that was her first interview . . . when she'd just been interviewed in the previous episode. Whatever, HH ( ... )


rogueslayer452 June 10 2007, 04:27:27 UTC
Whee, Christmas episode! :D

I love Angela's Christmas spirit, too. Trying to convince Brennan and everyone else to join the party, to let go and hae a good time. Dressing as an elf, endorsing mistletoe kissage. Creating a virtual Christmas tree? Oh yes, I love Angela.

Zack + Jack sharing a shower = A nation of happy slashers. On that note, Hodgins is surprisingly buff.

Not only that, reference to Firefly! More Jossverse just keeps on coming. And yes, Hodgins is indeed buff another reason why he's on my "I'd totally jump if I had the chance" list.

Booth being medicated and stoned = much hilarity. I love DB with those scenes. And those pullups...*fans self*

Christmas episodes make me happy.


carlyinrome June 10 2007, 04:50:13 UTC

Dude, I forgot to mention: when everybody's all cheering about the Angelator-Xmas-tree, the first person Angela hugs (and she hugs just about everyone) is Hodgins. Hmm . . .

Christmas episodes make me happy.

I'm so not surprised. You're the Angela of my flist.


rogueslayer452 June 10 2007, 04:55:36 UTC
She totally had a secret crush on Hodgins. I love the fact that Angela is all sweet towards everyone. She's just so adorable like that.

I'm so not surprised. You're the Angela of my flist.

Awww, thanks sweetie! ♥


makd June 14 2007, 22:17:23 UTC
Here via the Bones Daily News ( ... )


carlyinrome June 15 2007, 02:12:45 UTC

Thank you! I'm glad someone other than me finds me entertaining, ha.

And thanks so much for the "proper" episode list; I had no idea about FOX pulling a Firefly on Bones! (It's strange, though, that the producers didn't put them on the DVD's in the correct order . . .)


makd June 15 2007, 15:15:57 UTC
You're welcome.

I cribbed this list from one of the more knowledgeable (spell?) posters at the Bones community board at Fox's Bones website.

'Round about the same time, I saw the list in one of the Bones LJ communities, so I figure it's probably valid.

FWIW, I've watched the DVDs in the order on the box, then watched in the order of completion and guess what? The order of completion makes SO much more sense.

We're gonna have a continuity problem with the Season 3 DVDs, too. Fox has again decided to move the Basketball episode to the season 3 show line-up and to the season 3 boards. Result? we're gonna again have Jack proposing to Angela, and Angela refusing. [wonders if that 'ship will become a continuing gag: jack proposes and angela refuses.]


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