bones 1x09-1x11

Jun 09, 2007 23:14

Happy birthday sexycereal, even though you probably won't see this. Love you lots, S.


The Man in the Fallout Shelter

Tori Amos, how I love you. For serious, Tori has some really beautiful Christmas songs -- "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas," "Pink Christmas," "River" . . . are there more? "Christmas in Space" so does not count -- but I've only heard them live. (This is a hint for Toriphiles to ply me with studio tracks . . .)

(For those of you who are lost in why I'm beginning my I <3 Bones! post with an homage to Tori: she sings the hauntingly beautiful version of Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas that is played twice in "The Man in the Fallout Shelter.")

Okay. Focusing. I love Angela's elf outfit, but more than that, I love that she is the embodiment of Christmas spirit, and her insistence that everyone go to the office Christmas party . . . and, later, that they make a Christmas out of nothing. I love, also, that she photocopied her butt at last year's Christmas party. Angela, marry me?

Omigod. "You are going to kiss me under the mistletoe. On the lips." Yes. Yes. Why is Angela constantly the only sane one on this show?

Hodgins making moonshine to spike the punch? Awesome. Also, probably the reason Angela photocopied her butt at last year's party.

Zack + Jack sharing a shower = A nation of happy slashers. On that note, Hodgins is surprisingly buff.

Did I mention that, the first time I saw this episode, my roommate was going on about something incessantly, so I missed DB drop his pants?

Well, I saw it this time, and hallefreakinglujah. Thank you, Hart Hanson.

I love that Booth gets the wacky side effects. Besides being adorable, it's actually an oft-used and fairly sophisticated writing technique; get your character drunk/stoned/whatever, and you can speed up character development because people under the influence have lowered inhibitions and thus usually give away more than they usually would, both in action and speech. Aw, Bones, you're growing up!

Who decided who was bunking with whom? Angela/Brennan = obviously. Everyone else = gay. Hee.

On that note, Angela looks stunning in her relaxed, pajama'd state. Mrowr.

Dude, I love the whole drugged!Booth/Brennan scene. First, because he jumps up in celebration -- and to get Brennan's attention -- of "it's after midnight, Bones! Christmas Eve Day? Both an eve and a day? It's a Christmas miracle." And he's wearing Angela's hat . . . tell me there's fic for how he gets the hat? Because I'm writing some in my mind right now. . . . And he's so honest and open with Brennan (read my note on inebriation and character development above) it's just . . . awesome. Awesome scene.

(Oh, oh! And his faces! His yay, it's Christmas Eve! face and his what are you, the Christmas killer? grumpy face? Awesome.)

Holy crap, pullups. *has a cardiac event*

THING ABOUT 'BONES' THAT MAKES ME MAD: Dude, did we forget that everyone had already been briefed on the whole Brennan's painful past thing in the pilot? Bad HH, no cookie.

Okay, the Booth/Rebecca thing. myhappyface was just dissecting the Booth/Rebecca relationship, and Rebecca's seasonal character change (and do I have to mention Holly in every one of these posts? Evidently.) Anyway, her argument is that, in this episode, Rebecca is trying to protect Parker, which makes sense because, hey, do I want my child going to where a killer lung fungus is? Negatory on that one, chief. But she also has a . . . bad thing . . . with Booth; she won't even see him: Sid has been commissioned to transport Parker from parent to parent. (Dude, how close are they with Sid? Is he a family friend, an Army buddy . . . what's up with that?) So, while she may be being a good mother, with the evidence given in this episode, I can only conclude that she and Booth have not small issues. (See, Holly makes me think about things. That's why she's cameoing in these posts and you're not.)

THING ABOUT 'BONES' THAT MAKES ME MAD: Okay, could we please have consistent characterization of Brennan? I just . . . I get that she's emotionally stressed in this episode, but a few times in during the ep, she's just mean, and it seems to not be a product of her emotional state, but rather an attempt to emphasize the, Bones isn't good with people thing. Like, when she tells Booth that she understands why he identifies with the "Christ myth." I think they're going for a oh, she's so tactless and just says fact-things, haha thing, but that was mean, and she should recognize when she says something that will really injure somebody; she can't even tell how badly she's hurt him when he reacts. That's just . . . bad writing, a characterization backslide or something. It bothers me.

I love that Angela's dad is Billy Gibbons. It's strange and unexpected and made of awesome. Hee.

In conclusion: Thank you, HH, for making DB drop his pants this episode.

The Woman at the Airport

I like that they carried the FBI provides a sucky daily allowance joke into another episode.

THING ABOUT 'BONES' THAT MAKES ME MAD: I cannot believe that Brennan has never worked on someone who's had plastic surgery before. It's not that I don't believe that plastic surgery can alter a face beyond recognition, but she's a forensic anthropologist and should know that you can track people through the serial numbers on breast implants. Also, how does she identify decapitated victims? "Oh, sorry, no head; I'm going home." This whole thing just irritates me.

Woot, Harry Groener. Later, Booth tries to stab him through the heart with a letter opener.

THING ABOUT 'BONES' THAT MAKES ME MAD: I'm also irritated that Brennan thinks Booth is "ordering a hooker" to her hotel room, on her cell phone; I realize it's probably just a hard joke, but it feels unnatural; Brennan should know Booth better than that by now. You know, that's not the only weird chemistry between them in this ep; the first time they're together onscreen in this episode, she finds him at her desk and says she needs to hire a receptionist so not just anyone can walk into her office. She should be used to him invading her space, and she appears to have accepted it, at least a little (she made him his own swipey card for lab admittance in, like, the first episode). I just . . . gah, I'm irritated.

I like the coyotes jokes; Easterners have no idea that, once you're west of Kansas, pretty much everything is desert. Hee. "Cowboy thing," indeed.

THING ABOUT 'BONES' THAT MAKES ME MAD: I don't believe Special Agent Trisha Finn's (is anyone else tickled by the fact that both Angel and Booth have problems with Finn's?) whole thing. Who goes through the intense, unfun training for the FBI so they can have an in as a screenwriter? Makes no fucking sense at all.

Is it weird that I find Booth-with-a-hooker very attractive? The flirting, the body language . . . yum.

Brennan is too Brennan in this episode. It's almost like fanfiction. "I enjoyed your take on the time-space paradox." Whatever. Lame.

Oh, I've completely left out the other plot. I like seeing this side of Goodman. I do not understand why Hodgins was such an asshole the whole time, but I like their reconciliation, and also Zack's, "Just lay them on the table and measure them! Right, Angela?"


The Woman in the Car

This episode moved kind of slowly for me. (This was one of the ones I'd never seen, btw, so I was watching it for the first time.) I think they moved too quickly and too frequently from one topic to another, and I just . . . failed to connect, I guess. I guess it didn't help that they don't figure out the kidnappers until the last few minutes of the episode; we never meet them, so it's . . . anonymous . . . I don't know, it was weird. We didn't know the victim, and we didn't know the black hats, and I . . . I don't know. Didn't work for me. The ending was beautiful and touching and all that, but only, really, when viewed from Booth's perspective, thinking about truth, justice, and his son . . . I liked how worked up he got, because he's rarely less than cool, and I liked Angela's talk with the NSA lady: "Am I treating you too much like a therapist?" Hee. I would have liked the allusion to Booth being a "paladin" if it hadn't been forced.

In conclusion: Meh.

What does everyone else think?

tori amos, david boreanaz, bones, celebrity skin, yay birthday!

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