bones 1x07 - 1x08

Jun 08, 2007 23:49

According to my poll, my entire friends' list would fuck David Boreanaz. Second to Booth's hotliness is Angela, with 66.7% of my friends' list in bed; trailing her is Hodgins, with 55.6% of the vote. I, for one, am surprised that over half my friends' list finds Hodgins so foxy; I never would have imagined.

I'm having trouble connecting any other way, so I'm doing a recap/discussion post after only two eps:

A Man on Death Row

We're back to long intros. What's up with that? (Maybe I should stop thinking about this, but I haven't set the clock on my DVD player's display, so I have a constant readout of the time passed.)

Hahaha, I so love the whole gun-application-process scene. If Brennan were a normal person, she would have, as testy as she was, just screamed, "Gimme a damn gun! I'm smarter than you; I should have one if you get one!" Hee.

Booth: Name of arresting officer?
Brennan: You.
Booth: *standard issue FBI glare*
Brennan: Special Agent Seeley Booth. Do you need me to spell that for you?
Booth: I think I can sound it out.
Brennan: So, when do I get the gun?
Booth: *officially stamps Brennan's document, then officially flashes the bright red DENIED in her face*
Booth: You can't have a gun.
Brennan: Why not?
Booth: Because you were charged with a felony.
Brennan: Write down that you were wrong to charge me.
Booth: Oh, there's no space for that.

I love that Booth rebuffs her with FBI-logic, when Brennan's always using anthropologist logic to shut him down.

I didn't see this episode when it first aired (I didn't see either of these episodes when they first aired) but damn, obvious. Still a good episode, despite the duh factor.

Oh. Also. Re: the how long has Booth been with the FBI? question. I thought that he had to be out of the Rangers at least five years, since he had to be home to father his son, who's four in S1. But in this episode, it's revealed that Booth has been in the FBI at least seven years; he arrested Howard Epps seven years ago. The more you know . . .

Angela: He's cuter than a monkey with a puppy.

Dude, I love that this comes right after Booth talking about how much Angela loves baby animals.

I'm upset that Brennan called Angela back to the lab from her date. I'm upset that no one comforted Angela when her date bolted. They're supposed to all be super-great-friends, but they just don't act like it sometimes. Too often, they act like . . . actors acting out a scene, and it frustrates me.

(In my version of this episode, Booth comforts Angela later. A lot.)

Hodgins: Zack! When you talk that fast, human beings can't hear you.

Haha. Excellent. But on that note, who the hell writes themselves directions like that, 12402510221? Yeah, you're right, I totally know where I'm going now.

In summation: Booth was sexy in this episode.

The Girl in the Fridge

I really like that, after Michael sends Brennan a calling card/gift, Booth shows up announcing that he has a present for her. Almost all of the relationship-building with this couple is in dialogue -- either between them or, more often, from a second party -- so it's nice to see little actions contributing to the architecture.

Dude, Leonard Roberts. The Buffy connections on this show just keep on coming. (Possibly because, since every actor ever has been on a Jossverse show, you can pretty much find at least two people together on any project they undertake. But still. Forrest!)

(Wait, I'm not done. Wasn't he also on Tru Calling? See? See?)

Brennan: I was just saying that I myself feel no inclination toward either pain or dominance when it comes to sex.
Booth: Are you sure?
Brennan: Yeah, I'm sure.
Booth: Cuz you can be very bossy.

Watch out, ragazzi. The subtext is rapidly becoming text.

What's up with the Zack-apt-pupil thing? Does he want to bang Brennan (cuz this is pretty much the first evidence I've seen of that) or does he just want his head patted?

Zack: You're supposed to bump my fist with yours.
Brennan: Why?
Zack: I've been told it's a widely acknowledged gesture of mutual success.

I find this really funny because some people don't understand the mechanics of the fist-bump, and that amuses me. I love on Psych -- "Cloudy, Chance of Murder" -- when Shawn raises his fist for the bump, and the lawyer guy shakes it. Excellent.

(In fact, there's a lot of fist-bumping & fist-bump meta on Psych. I like, also, the episode -- "From the Earth to the Starbucks" -- where Shawn pisses off Gus and he keeps leaving Shawn hanging. "You know my tendons cramp!" Hee.)

Brennan: Why didn't she say anything about you? You can be very irritating sometimes.

It's good when Brennan grows as a character, even if it's forced like this. But I'm interested that she always feels the need to put Booth in his place, especially when she's feeling vulnerable. She doesn't do that with everybody.

Dude, that Michael guy is a dick. Why did he think Brennan'd be okay after he publically humiliated her? What the hell kind of relationship did they have?


Yay, the Christmas episode is next! Such love.

Oh. Also. My house is a Nielsen house now. I'd be mad with power, but it's reruns season and too late to cast my vote for Veronica Mars. Lame.

psych, vmars, david boreanaz, bones

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