more reasons to love db, or ways 'bones' makes me mad

Jun 07, 2007 21:47

Thanks, you guys. You're wonderful and I love you. I wish I could say more than that, but right now I just . . . can't.

Happy birthday chiara607!

Bones S1 was on sale for nineteen dollars at Target, so I picked one up. I have insomnia, and I'm not writing, so I had the time to watch the first six episodes.


Michaela Conlin is so fucking hot I kind of lack the words. And I love that Angela was wearing an embroidered, bejeweled corset beneath her shirt and not a bra. And not just for the visual.

THING ABOUT 'BONES' THAT MAKES ME MAD: No one with half a brain scientist/medical personnel/forensic anthropologist would ever carry human remains in a duffle bag. Especially one that's still . . . intact. With the flesh and stuff. Bad form. It's also mandatory -- read, could be put in jail if you do not -- to inform the airline what you are carrying (if you're carrying human remains).

That said: letters to the Bones cast and crew:

Dear David Boreanaz,
      Why are you so hot? Please respond with photographic exhibits.

Dear Hart Hanson,
      Thank you for writing the word "sir" into DB's lines so often. It really, really makes your show more watchable.

THING ABOUT 'BONES' THAT I DON'T GET: Brennan is, as indicated by both primary and secondary text, completely worthless at human interactions. She is openly confused about how to deal with and read people. Yet, by all indications, she is a character-conscious writer. Angela tells her that she captured Booth "perfectly." Reading into this that Brennan is much better with people than she, or anyone else, thinks, is too much work for me as a viewer. Bad form, Bones.

Dude, is there only, like, fifteen seconds of tape on that graduation video Booth is watching? Because every time the camera's on the TV, the TV's on the same (not-paused) scene.

So, myhappyface and I were discussing how many times Booth and Brennan had worked together pre-series. She thought, with all sorts of very good reasons to back her up, that they had only worked together once previously. However -- and I went into this already thinking that they had worked together more often than that -- watching the pilot for the first time since it aired, I found some evidence that made me think that they had worked together several times pre-series:

  • Booth is not only featured, but "captured perfectly," in Brennan's book.
  • While telling Booth the many reasons she never wants to see him again, she cites the way things went "last time [they] worked together." While I'm reading a lot into semantics here, "last time," to me, suggests a repeated event; she needs to specify which time she's speaking about.
  • Booth seems to know Brennan and Angela pretty well. He constantly "forgets" Zack's name, but he knows Brennan well enough (for example) to know about her parents (he said he "read the file"), and to know Angela likes "puppies and kittens . . . jello shots and dancing on bars."
  • There's already banter. You don't banter with strangers.

That said, I'd like everybody's opinion on this matter, so I've created the Random 'Bones' Poll! (I also added a few other questions, because I didn't want to make more than one poll. Deal with it.)

Poll Random 'Bones' Poll

The Man in the SUV

THING ABOUT 'BONES' THAT MAKES ME MAD: I loved that maybe the terrorist was a Christian. (Not because Christians are bad, but because it would have been fresh and unexpected and a nice change from the Islam-hunting of late.) Then you immediately went back to, "Whoops, no, he's a Muslim. Our bad."

Color me thrilled that we get to see DB shirtless in the second episode of the series. Good market research, HH! Tell me this, though: you're wearing your beau's shirt, and then some strange woman walks into his apartment. Do you let your breast (bra'd or not) hang out of said man's shirt when you talk to the other woman, unless you are a great big ho?

That's what I thought.

I love Angela. A lot a lot.

ETA: myhappyface reminded me of this just now. When Booth and Brennan are at the peace conference, and she's urging him to shoot their suspect, and Booth goes . . . uncool, "Face! I need a face!" Dude, that bought Booth for me. Hook, line, sinker. My God.

(Also: Holly wrote me pretty much the coolest thing ever: Three Things About Booth from Holly's Personal Canon. Omigod, yes.)

The Boy in the Tree

Venezuelans are hot. (Not talking about the eppie, incidentally, but about lafemmedarla.)

This episode wrapped really quickly. It was like they were mostly through the script and someone said, "Dude, you're at time. Please solve the mystery." Lame.

I know Brennan's all socially retarded and whatever, but when Booth knew what a cochlear implant was and Brennan said, "not exactly," my kneejerk thought was, What a bitch.

The Man in the Bear

Okay, at the beginning of the season, the teasers with 6-7 minutes; suddenly they're half that. What's up with that?

I really like this episode, pretty much from start to finish. Booth and Brennan have great chemistry, and I love Ranger Sherman (almost everything he said, especially the thing about why he didn't trust the FBI, made me laugh). I love Booth needing to tell Angela why he "lost" Sherman, and how she flirted with him on the video screen. (She was so excited to see him!) I love how Brennan reacted to Angela's being Angela long-distance, because that's so me and Nina.

But I especially love the delivery girl rivalry. Not only are Zack and Jack very funny, but the ending . . . cherry.

You'll notice that Angela didn't turn down Toni's interest. They totally went out. (God, there's got to be fic on this . . . ?)

A Boy in a Bush

Aw, this one's so sad. Those kids . . . Kids do make it harder.

Omigod, hee, I don't especially love that Booth interrupts Brennan's lecture, but I adore the question he asks, and his expression/posture as he asks it.

Booth's scar FTW.

OMIGOD, <3 x 100,000 to Booth and Angela's conversation about how Angela was really "one of them." Also, I love that Booth uses the love of "baby animals" as a litmus test of humanity.

Single best part of the episode: "Apparently, all Angela needed was to hear her job description in a deep, African-American tone."


The Man in the Wall

I really dislike everyone trying to speak street. Even you, Booth.

I really like that Brennan surreptitiously switched Booth's music, and didn't realize that she was testing his limits, his alphaness. Bad anthropologist.

"No, fool. She's using Descartes' philosophy to say she's down with the music." Okay. That was funny.

The only parts I really liked about the Brennan-and-Angela-accidentally-high-on-meth bit:

Angela: "Yeah [we're high], but it was on accident so it doesn't count."

Brennan and Angela, watching Booth and Tessa kiss: "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!"

I like that Booth doesn't like parrots because he finds anything not human speaking unnerving. [[Alpha]]

I like how freaked out Brennan was about getting that cane. It was like she was still on meth; she must have said "cane" about twelve times.

Booth's whole thing with Agent Oakes? Fucking sexy.

I'll probably do this for the rest of the season, unless I'm asked to stop.


david boreanaz, bones, celebrity skin, yay birthday!

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