bones 1x09-1x11

Jun 09, 2007 23:14

Happy birthday sexycereal, even though you probably won't see this. Love you lots, S.

Also: ( 'Bones' 1x09-1x11 )

tori amos, david boreanaz, bones, celebrity skin, yay birthday!

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carlyinrome June 10 2007, 04:53:20 UTC

How much his sense of justifiable force gets . . . tweaked with when children are involved constantly fascinates me; I spend a lot of time curious about whether he was like this before his son was born

I'd love to know that. As I watch the first season, I'm constantly wishing for flashback episodes: Booth with the Rangers, how Brennan got her job with the Jeffersonian, Angela travelling the world and kind of getting married . . . you know? I guess that's what fic is for.

I find the characterization of Brennan sort of slip-slides a lot. Which is weird, because, you know, main character - or, at least, title character - and I figured they'd have a better grip on her.

Writing should never be left to professional scriptwriters. :P

Also, that slip where Booth didn't know about Brennan's Painful Past TM consistently irritates me. *growly face*

I know. Whatevers. Also, in "The Woman in the SUV," Brennan tells Booth that, yes, that was her first interview . . . when she'd just been interviewed in the previous episode. Whatever, HH. Hire a damn fact-checker.


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