more reasons to love db, or ways 'bones' makes me mad

Jun 07, 2007 21:47

Thanks, you guys. You're wonderful and I love you. I wish I could say more than that, but right now I just . . . can't.

Happy birthday chiara607!

Bones S1 was on sale for nineteen dollars at Target, so I picked one up. I have insomnia, and I'm not writing, so I had the time to watch the first six episodes.

I can't bring myself to use a 'bone' pun. Two words: played out. )

david boreanaz, bones, celebrity skin, yay birthday!

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Comments 17

cheshire_monkey June 8 2007, 03:08:18 UTC
It's been so long since I've seen any of those and I don't watch the show normally (I wait for DVD), but I got the impression Booth worked with them at least a couple of times. Probably for the reasons you gave, though (so, sadly, I can't add anything new and interesting).

I absolutely adore Angela (well, and Booth, but he's sort of a given).


carlyinrome June 8 2007, 03:29:01 UTC

I haven't really watched the show "normally," either; before getting the DVD's, I'd only seen maybe half the episodes.

Screw new and interesting! I appreciate your input.

Angela FTW, babe. She is too hot awesome.

Re: Booth -- I know. I wonder if I'd like him so well if he wasn't DB . . . but, let's be honest: if it weren't DB, I wouldn't be watching the show.


cheshire_monkey June 8 2007, 04:00:01 UTC
Angela is incredible hot awesome!

You know, I thought I would either really like it or really hate it (having studied anthropology and spending a summer at the Smithsonian). However, it's just one of those shows that's nice to watch every now and then. I probably wouldn't have watched it without DB, either, even though the premise slightly intrigued me. DB totally sold it.


carlyinrome June 8 2007, 04:15:00 UTC

DB absolutely sold it.

You studied anthropology? That's cool. I took one class for some gen credit and never liked it; it felt kind of creepy to me, like you were spying on people. No offense meant, really. I'm weird like that.

My problem with shows like this is that I am a) too "good" a TV viewer -- I think about how it's made, how the writing/acting/directing works, etc. -- and b) pre-med, so I can see a lot of the flaws and they bother me. I need to do some TV Zen yoga or something so I can watch less-than-stellar TV and just enjoy it for the eye candy.


chiara607 June 8 2007, 03:23:56 UTC
Thank you, chica! *hugs*


carlyinrome June 8 2007, 03:26:11 UTC

You're welcome! I hope you had a great day!



lafemmedarla June 8 2007, 03:49:07 UTC
Venezuelans are hot. (Not talking about the eppie, incidentally, but about lafemmedarla.)

*bats eyelashes. Shows some cleavage*

I love this ep. Mostly because I'm amused at English speaking people saying "Venezuela" the way English speaking people are amused at some of my English pronunciations.

am I the only one who'd do Brennan? *sneaks away with Brennan*

My impression from the Pilot was that Booth worked with them at least two or three times before. Like you said, there's banter and a bit of familiarity.


carlyinrome June 8 2007, 03:52:36 UTC

We talk funny. You talk sexy. I wish you were my alarm clock and my voicemail: that sexy, sexy voice would be a welcome switch from the most annoying sounds in my day.

Dude, have Brennan. She'd probably critique you. :P

Thanks, sweetie! I appreciate your input. Also: you checked "other." You can't just check "other" and then not tell me who else you'd do!


(The comment has been removed)

carlyinrome June 8 2007, 03:55:47 UTC

In all honesty . . . I'm really glad that I rewatched the pilot and gathered all that evidence, because if they'd only worked together once pre-series, I was going to have to rewrite so much of my bones_altships fic. So I was highly motivated to be persuasive.


(Haven't forgotten about your mini-fic, but I'm . . . I can't write right now, so it may be awhile. Sorry.)


rogueslayer452 June 8 2007, 04:55:26 UTC
*waves* How are you, sweetie?

I definitely think that Booth worked with Brennan before the series started, and the evidence your provided is excellent backup to that point. Perhaps he wasn't part of the whole "squints" circle as well as he becomes further into the show, but there's definitely chemistry between Booth and Brennan (i.e. bantering).

Brennan is, as indicated by both primary and secondary text, completely worthless at human interactions. She is openly confused about how to deal with and read people. Yet, by all indications, she is a character-conscious writer.I was confused about that too, though maybe there's something more to that. I think you can, in ways, capture a person's personality and how they are outwardly and how you percieve them, especially if you'd known them for a long while (as evidenced in what was mentioned above). Brennan may not be savvy in the communications department or reading other people, and is certainly not a people-person, but with those she's worked with I think she gets the jist of who they ( ... )


carlyinrome June 8 2007, 05:07:22 UTC

I'm actually not great. I'm trying to distract myself, though. Thanks so much for asking, and for your very sweet comment on my last post; I adore you, sweetie. *hugs*

I really like your explanation for Brennan-the-Writer; I hadn't thought of it like that before. Thanks. :)

According to my poll (so far), Angela is the second most fuckable person in S1, after Booth.

Hee, yay! Thanks. It's nice to be appreciated. (Dude, if you don't have the DVD's, apparently tons of Targets have them on sale; in some places they're only $16.99! Woot, discount DB!)


rogueslayer452 June 8 2007, 08:26:05 UTC
*hugs you back* *sends you good wishes*

Also on your poll, I didn't answer the "favorite episode" one simply because I kind of enjoy and like all the episodes you've watched so far. Maybe I'm just weird, I don't know. The entire first season I enjoyed greatly. For me, Bones is entertaining and fun to watch. And is shot beautifully and full of pretty people.

Already have the DVDs! I also have all of S1 downloaded, which I should probably delete because it's taking up room on my hard-drive. So this weekend I'll be having a marathon of that, which I blame you for enabling it. :p


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