more reasons to love db, or ways 'bones' makes me mad

Jun 07, 2007 21:47

Thanks, you guys. You're wonderful and I love you. I wish I could say more than that, but right now I just . . . can't.

Happy birthday chiara607!

Bones S1 was on sale for nineteen dollars at Target, so I picked one up. I have insomnia, and I'm not writing, so I had the time to watch the first six episodes.

I can't bring myself to use a 'bone' pun. Two words: played out. )

david boreanaz, bones, celebrity skin, yay birthday!

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Comments 17

canadiangirl_86 June 8 2007, 05:06:25 UTC
I actually really think the first season as a whole is pretty crappy. The season finale was quite good, but if David wasn't on the show I definitely wouldn't have kept watching it. Season two, on the other hand, has improved in quality immensely. Still probably wouldn't watch if there was no David ('cause it's too procedural for me) but I enjoy it when I do watch it.


carlyinrome June 8 2007, 05:08:47 UTC

I completely agree with you on all points. (Well, I don't know if I'd say the first season is "crappy," but it's definitely not polished or . . . you know . . . Buffy.)


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