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Comments 30

amberdreams March 30 2018, 21:19:18 UTC
I'm with you all they way! I never liked Scooby Doo for the same reasons (badly drawn cartoons were the bane of my childhood LOL), added to which I always felt cheated that the ghosts were NEVER actual ghosts. But this was awesome - I loved how protective Dean was of their Scooby innocence and how they effectively re-set the Scooby world before they left. It felt like a classic SPN episode, with that lovely mix of humour and pathos with a dash of horror. And no myth-arc, which makes sense when most of it was written 13 months ago.


caranfindel March 31 2018, 11:02:16 UTC
Yes, all of this.


quickreaver April 3 2018, 22:52:32 UTC
Thirded. But there was nothing else "scary" on Saturday mornings. (I was a creepy kid even then.)


xparrot March 30 2018, 23:00:31 UTC
I have never been a Scooby Doo fan for all I love a ton of kids cartoons. But this ep was hilarious, the best they've had in a season or more. All the ridiculous meta jokes, they were having so much fun with it! The book that wasn't painted into the background, yeah, I died.

And cartoon!Sam was super hot (I have a long history of crushing on animated guys so this is nothing new to me...) Dean...I have no idea. Maybe it was a projection of his inner self -- he wants to be seen as the tough guy, not the beautiful one. Or the animators just panicked when faced with such perfection (some fanartists struggle with him too, he's just hard to render? while as Jared's long masculine angles make it easier. They even got his little wrinkled brow. Which was good because it got so much exercise in this ep, hah!)


caranfindel March 31 2018, 11:01:45 UTC
I've seen really good fan versions of Scooby-style Dean on Tumblr, so I'm convinced it's possible. Maybe the animators were making fun of their own tendency to draw awful versions of their guest stars, because that's also a Scooby Doo thing.


fanspired March 31 2018, 01:24:39 UTC
I'm not sure how much credit "show" actually gets for this ep since it was penned by writers from Scooby-doo and the animators were probably Scooby-doers, too. So, technically, this was actually a Scooby-doo episode homaging Supernatural. And, doing it very well on the whole. The team are obviously big SPN fans. Kudos to them!

Re the bleeped out line: apparently Jensen ad libbed the line "yes, you fucking can!" and they decided to leave it in, but bleep it out, because they thought that was funny.

And, no. It's not just you.


caranfindel March 31 2018, 10:56:31 UTC
So the Scooby writers were essentially mocking themselves? Oh god, that makes it even better.


fanspired March 31 2018, 01:37:48 UTC

Dean hasn't always hated dogs. Check out the scene in Mystery Spot where he willingly approaches a barking dog with friendly intentions (before it savages him to death). I take it that his anti-canine feelings date from his run in with Hell Hounds and, since his love for Scooby pre-dates that, I can accept that it has retained the rose-tinted gloss of his youth rather than acquired the taint that has infected his relationship with all the dogs he's come across since Hell.


caranfindel March 31 2018, 10:57:04 UTC
All righty then.


cuddyclothes March 31 2018, 01:41:40 UTC
I'm still feeling disoriented by how much I enjoyed this episode!

"Moosylvania" was a reference to the Rocky and Bullwinkle Moose cartoons. The Russian bad guys, Boris and Natasha, came from Moosylvania. Reference within a reference FTW! Once in a while, it's fun to be older than dirt.

I did notice that Dean looked nothing like Dean, but maybe they were afraid he would look like Daphne. And cartoon Sam was really hot. I'm with Velma on that one. As always, your write-up is fantastic.


caranfindel March 31 2018, 10:57:47 UTC
Ugh! I'm embarrassed to have forgotten that!


Small correction beesandbrews March 31 2018, 14:28:14 UTC
Hi! Actually Boris and Natasha (and Fearless leader) were from Pottsylvania. Mooselyvania was a tiny country, located between the USA and Canada. Bullwinkle was the only (occasional) resident. Most of the time he and Rocky lived in Frostbite Falls, Minnesota .

Jay Ward cartoons are big at our house.


Re: Small correction caranfindel March 31 2018, 22:31:07 UTC
Accuracy is important around here! :)


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