Wow, I feel terrible.

Jun 13, 2010 22:16

Hey, everyone! Wow. It's been a long fucking time, hasn't it? I feel so bad for not having posted in a long time. I'm really going to have to make an effort to get on LJ more. I miss talking to all of you. I've been horribly busy, but what else is new? I need to work on managing my time a lot better, grrrr ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

citibyrd June 14 2010, 08:05:33 UTC
Hiiiiii! ♥

Yay being 21! That's exciting. :D

I'm really enjoying the new Doctor Who episodes. I love Ten to death, but Eleven is also super awesome. Yayness!


capesofwrath June 19 2010, 01:06:04 UTC
HEY! Thanks so much for dropping me a comment, it makes my day. How have you been? I'm trying to catch up with people's journals, but it's a work in progress. A very, very long process.

And yes, being 21 is exciting! I bought myself a couple bottles of wine and I've been working on them. I like being able to drink for no reason at all. Mostly just because I can.

I do need to stop wanting to buy alcohol on sale at the store just because I can, though. Do I need that chocolate-flavored vodka? Ewww, no, I don't. I just need some reminding.

I really like Eleven! I'm really enjoying the new episodes. Kind of annoyed right now because of River Song, as she was just in the last eps I watched, but I'll get over it. I really love Amy, though! And Eleven is so much fun. I really like him. Still making lists comparing and contrasting all my Doctors. Excellent.


Yeah, yeah, you should! earthequality June 14 2010, 22:20:25 UTC
Having fun, having sex but no, seriously...

I missed you and I KNEW THAT WAS YOUR BIRTHDAY ALERT, but it got lost amongst all my kpop emails and shit. >.>

My schedule has also been impacted due to school and though I haven't even finished Ten's last serials, I DO KNOW THUS SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER. The Weeping Angels are back! There's one more thing, but I want to leave you HANGING LIKE YOU LEAVE US. You never sign on, what is wrong with you?! :P

Happy belated birthday! I'm glad it was a good one. COME BACK, before we have to hunt you down! :P


Re: Yeah, yeah, you should! capesofwrath June 19 2010, 00:52:33 UTC
Oh, it's ok! I've missed so many people's birthdays this year. I write it down in several very visible places, and I still miss it. I'm skilled taht way ( ... )


Re: Yeah, yeah, you should! earthequality June 19 2010, 07:20:25 UTC
I don't really celebrate mine, so don't feel bad if you were wondering.

I HAVE EXCUSES TOO, BUT MOSTLY I'M TIRED/LAZY SO I PARDON MYSELF AND BEG FOR FORGIVENESS. We don't forget you, it's just a matter of you stopping by to tell us you're back and LDAJSKJDAL PARTY TIME! <3 ( ... )


mekare_enra June 16 2010, 13:51:40 UTC
I always get excited when you post again! I understand why you don't have the time to do it very often (as I struggle as well these days), but I'm glad you check in every now and again. :)



lostandalone22 June 17 2010, 20:23:37 UTC
Hi! It has been a while. I've missed you around here. *hugs*


the_vagrant June 21 2010, 17:51:40 UTC
Hi! long_halloween sent me over to you when I made a post about Doctor Who, so I'm adding you. :) Also, I live in Indiana! (In Lafayette with Purdue in fact, hello rival ;) ...)


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