Wow, I feel terrible.

Jun 13, 2010 22:16

Hey, everyone! Wow. It's been a long fucking time, hasn't it? I feel so bad for not having posted in a long time. I'm really going to have to make an effort to get on LJ more. I miss talking to all of you. I've been horribly busy, but what else is new? I need to work on managing my time a lot better, grrrr ( Read more... )

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Re: Yeah, yeah, you should! capesofwrath June 19 2010, 00:52:33 UTC
Oh, it's ok! I've missed so many people's birthdays this year. I write it down in several very visible places, and I still miss it. I'm skilled taht way.

I CAN'T HELP IT, I'M BUSY. I really wish I had more time, but I work a lot and excuses, excuses. I have a million. Part is that LJ is, honestly, a lot to get back into and I'm sort of scared to do it. And scared people have, you know, forgotten about me. Which is understandable as I never post. I probably would have forgotten about me, too.

What have you been up to? Tell me a story! Anything will make me happy. Are you in school right now? I forget, it's been a while.

You haven't finished the last season of Doctor Who! Are you a big Ten fan? I can't recall. He is pretty, but I was ready for a change. I do like the new series, it's quite entertaining, and I loooove Eleven. Not as much as Five and some of the other Doctors, but he's up there on my list. And his companion is awesome. I love that girl.

The Angels were back! It was a good ep. I was glad to see them again. They scare me a ton and I obsessively practice not blinking after I see them. I admit it.

And yes, my birthday was good! I would love to do it all over again. It was a pretty good day.


Re: Yeah, yeah, you should! earthequality June 19 2010, 07:20:25 UTC
I don't really celebrate mine, so don't feel bad if you were wondering.

I HAVE EXCUSES TOO, BUT MOSTLY I'M TIRED/LAZY SO I PARDON MYSELF AND BEG FOR FORGIVENESS. We don't forget you, it's just a matter of you stopping by to tell us you're back and LDAJSKJDAL PARTY TIME! <3

What have I been up to, that is a good question. Mostly being a workaholic. Story that doesn't involve me answering your third question yet, hmmm. Falling deeper in love with Asian culture, definitely. Working towards my goals and getting the hell out of here. If I'm not out in a year, going to go back in time and beat the shit out of myself. Figuring out what I want to spend my life doing, just...looking towards the future when I can STOP LOOKING and START LIVING. Almost done with school, then I'll be out for about two months.

No, I knew when they came on and I was going to watch them, but I decided not to! I have them on my computer now, but I've been so tired and too busy to actually just stop and watch them. I love Ten, up until this point, he is my favorite Doctor and probably will remain so. I wanted more Jack adventures and the like and for IDK, RTD have the Doctor take him seriously but whatever. FU, RTD!

LOL, I re-enforced my staring skills after the first Weeping Angels ep so no need to feel alone. Tell me you saw the pictures of the girl cosplaying one at a Con? SHE WAS FREAKISHLY PERFECT!


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