Wow, I feel terrible.

Jun 13, 2010 22:16

Hey, everyone! Wow. It's been a long fucking time, hasn't it? I feel so bad for not having posted in a long time. I'm really going to have to make an effort to get on LJ more. I miss talking to all of you. I've been horribly busy, but what else is new? I need to work on managing my time a lot better, grrrr.

God, what have I been up to? Finished up my sophomore year, wohoo! I'm excited. I'm ready to be out of school and have a real life, but I really, really love just hanging out with all of my friends and having fun and all that. I love Bloomington and everyone I know there, I'm just getting burnt out on homework and silly things like that.

Oh, and I'm 21 now! YAY. I'm so excited. I had a good birthday! I went down to Bloomington, because, uh, who really wants to stay in South Bend for their 21st? I could have gone out to the bars for maybe an hour or so, but none of my friends are old enough to go with me. So I went down to Bloomington and we went out on Thursday at midnight. It was a lot of fun! I liked spending time with my boyfriend, a couple of my guy friends, and Jen and Ella (however briefly). And I brought two bottles of wine home with me. Ah, success.

Let's see, TV news. Uh,  not much. It's the summer. Watched the Supernatural finale, of course, and well. I think we all knew what made that finale suck out loud. Thanks, Dean. I really did not like him at all this season. He was whiny and I wasn't amused after too much of that.

And Doctor Who! I'm slowly catching up, I think I've watched two eps or so. I'm trying to save them/I work or I'm out of town a lot. Ahhh, FML. But anyway, I love Eleven! It's so refreshing to have a new Doctor and I love how he's not a big emo kid. I love Ten, but I'm so happy to have someone NEW as my Doctor. Plus, I love comparing and contrasting all the Doctors, and it makes my day making large mental lists about that. Excellent.

Other than that, I've been doing a bit of minor travelling. I've been down to Bloomington, and I'm going again on the 29th because one of my good friends is playing at Battle of the Bands at the Bluebird! I'm really excited about that. I love that kid and his little rap band (do we call them bands or groups? I'll have to ask). And I've been to Carmel, IN to visit my friend Taylor in her fucking MANSION. They have rooms in her house they don't even use! It blew my mind. And I've been down to Madison a couple times to visit Steve.

So, that's my life of late. Nothing exciting, just a lot of work and traveling and all that. But it's a good kind of busy. Definitely enjoying my summer, though I am lacking in good stories to tell all of you.
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