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Comments 246

OPEN TO CAVIL ascending_angel April 16 2010, 23:34:29 UTC
Warren flew to Washington the moment Major's post went up, having shifted into his Horseman form to get there as quickly as possible. Thankfully he made it in a timely manner, but seeing the sheer amount of chaos going on started to trigger that Horseman programming of his up. His talons grew a few inches and his eyes glowed bright red before he flew straight for the first villain asshole to get in his way.


bestmachine April 17 2010, 01:42:03 UTC
With his own mortality thrumming in his ears, Cavil longed to destroy something beautiful. He hadn't spared any mercy on the guards or civilians that crossed his path. He paralyzed their muscles. He looped an arm around their necks. He snapped each and every one of their spines, felt their bodies slacken against his own, threw them aside, and started again. The sirens and screams let his powers flow effortlessly from his mind. They couldn't escape.

--And, somehow, it was supremely unsatisfying.

He bit back a sneer. None of this did anything to erase his problems back home. None of it brought back the soothing, maddening sounds of his mother's voice. For Cavil, that realization was maddening. Killing was supposed to be a perfect solution. And yet.

All that flew from his mind, however, as he caught sight of a metallic angel gliding over his head. Irony of ironies. This one he would take out. Using the sirens to propel his abilities, he aimed a psychic twist at Warren's neurons. He hoped to paralyze his muscles, too. Pull this ( ... )


ascending_angel April 17 2010, 01:59:42 UTC
Though Warren was very well guarded against psychic blasts, he wasn't completely invulnerable to them. Cavil's attack was enough to bring him down and out of the sky, causing him to crash to the ground.

However, despite the fact that his body could not move, his metal wings could. Any attacks to his motor system put them in complete cruise control, and dozens and dozens of knives exploded from them in every direction--including a few straight at Cavil. The blades were made from advanced techno-organic metals and could cut almost anything in their path.


bestmachine April 17 2010, 02:29:18 UTC
Cylon reflexes helped, but only so much - he wasn't exactly expecting knives to shoot out of the guy's wings. He yelped and released his grip on Warren's brain, stumbling to the side an attempt to dodge the weapons zipping towards him. He was partially successful. One knife nicked his upper arm, but another sunk itself decidedly into his upper leg. He stumbled but didn't fall, cursing under his breath. In that same breath, he ripped a handgun from his jacket.

"Don't move!"

Yelling commands, he thought numbly. That was sure to help. But he was quickly realizing that he was in over his head. He needed to slow this down, to think. If he could just get Warren to stay still a minute, maybe he could figure out a way to take him out.


OPEN TO HAVOK & DAZZLER fangsmile April 16 2010, 23:50:54 UTC

It had been too long since Sabretooth had been able to enjoy a good, long, genuine laugh that wasn't seeped in sarcasm or gallows' humor, but in pure joy. Two underpaid security guards scuttled out of their hidey-holes with handguns. Horrible shots. Bullets ground into the pavement or pinged off of the lamppost above Creed's head. If he didn't know any better, he'd say they were actually trying to miss. Probably couldn't stand the sight of blood, or the burden of murder.

But boy, Creed sure could. By the time he'd dropped one the other was running away, smelling like fear and urine. He grabbed the runner by the back of his neck, and just for kicks, bit off his ear. Blood running down his chin, vision getting a little hazy with a violent, blind lust. This was it. This was old times. Before being the X-Men's little pet, before the Glow, before Birdy... he was just an animal. A killer. All of a sudden he was starting to like it again. It was all coming back to him.


idateforsupper April 17 2010, 00:12:47 UTC
Dazzler and Havok arrived in a small surge of light, an old form of transportation she used to rely on when moving from Mojoworld to Earth. Since it's a power Ali rarely uses these days, it does make her tired for a moment.

She caught sight of Sabretooth not too far from them, and she gaped at just how bloodthirsty he was being. Oh, man. Turning her glow on to defense mode, she grabbed Alex by the arm and pointed. Kicking his butt wouldn't be too hard, yeah?

"Ohmigod, Alex. We need to stop him!"


cry_andletloose April 17 2010, 00:35:50 UTC
Alex hit the ground running, muscles tensed up and senses on the alert. He noticed the situation ahead instantly: screams, and blood, a predator and his prey. A predator they knew. Taking stock of the situation, Alex fired off a warning blast-- but not directly at Creed, since he couldn't risk hurting the man he was ripping apart.

"We'll get him away from the civilians, then take him down. Together," he said shortly, fists already charged up with more power for the next round. They had a bomb to get to, and Creed was getting in their way.

It felt just like old times.


fangsmile April 17 2010, 01:07:10 UTC
The warning blast caught his attention, and Sabretooth turned his head to see two... somewhat familiar faces. He knew they were X-Men, at any rate, and so let the second guard drop to the ground and scurry away while clutching the side of his bleeding head. Creed licked some of the remaining blood from his fangs, at spat it on the pavement between him and the heroes.

"Well?" he grinned, spreading his arms wide as if he expected a hug, "Here I am, kids! All your Network shit-talk is coming down to this. What the fuck are you waiting for?"


OPEN TO TIM DRAKE wantsapprentice April 17 2010, 00:08:23 UTC
[He's been in Washington since the night before, making sure that everything was ready before the Major made his move. Even more so than most of his counterparts, Slade is a loner so he doesn't expect his insistence upon coming separately to be an issue. He goes to meet the others, of course, when it's time, but he hangs back for the most part, operating from the shadows as he usually does save for a spurt of flame here and there.

All the while, he watches for the incoming 'heroes', knowing that if they fail, he'll have no other option but to act on their behalf.]


OPEN TO PRETTY MUCH ANYONE malegnificent April 17 2010, 00:17:42 UTC
[The stars aren't quite right for her dragon form to manifest the full extent of her wrath, but that is, for once, of little concern to Maleficent. Because she has spent the past twelve hours in conquest and victory, cursing the ground of the National Mall so that great black thorns sprout from one end to the other--all of them converging in a hideous tangle at the base of the Washington Monument.

She has claimed this as her Tower of Despair. Here she will finally be a Queen.]


pinkdoombubble April 17 2010, 01:29:31 UTC
[Well, she's here to protect humans and kick villains down. To that end, Mew figures that GIANT PILLAR OF THORNS might be a good place to start attacking. No one else seems to be fighting there yet.

So, Mistress of all Evil? There's a pink kid in a pink bubble flying towards your Tower of Despair. Just fyi.]


battothefuture April 17 2010, 01:33:41 UTC
Terry stared when he saw what had become of the ground - he'd never been to DC before, but he was pretty sure that it wasn't supposed to be covered in a tangle of dead black thorns-

"What is this, one of the signs of the apocolypse?"

But that didn't matter. He'd deal. There was a bomb that had to be defused.


malegnificent April 17 2010, 02:02:37 UTC
[From the observation room at the top of the Monument, Maleficent surveys the Mall. Yes, it looks much better with thorns. Except--

What is that pink bubble doing there, it ruins the view :|]

Diablo. Go.

[With an answering caw, the raven takes off from her shoulder and dives out of the window to investigate this pink glow.]


OPEN TO ALL pinkdoombubble April 17 2010, 00:51:00 UTC
Mew knew where Washington D.C. was. This was not her first time here, not by a long shot. She had known just where to teleport after hearing that a bomb would go off here.

But why was she here now? She was protecting the humans, obviously. Protecting the humans and those like her who had come from different worlds. This was something like a final admission, finally realizing that she could protect here just as she had at home. She was going to fight now, and she planned to do it as best she could. And she was no slouch when it came to a fight.

And so the Pokemon-turned-human appeared in the National Mall and looked around. She should probably engage someone... but who?


martianmonster April 17 2010, 02:52:55 UTC
Just a suggestion, but maybe that scary looking white-woman in the skintight bodysuit flinging people into the fountain with her... tentacles? Yes tentacles.

She might be a good place to start.


pinkdoombubble April 17 2010, 03:06:41 UTC
Well, that was something.

Let's just assume this is before fighting Maleficent maybe or something. Bah, the timeline can be straightened out later.

In most circles it's a bad idea, should one be a pink-haired female, to approach something covered in tentacles. Mew, however, is going to go ahead and approach in her pink bubble.


martianmonster April 17 2010, 03:14:48 UTC
M'stra hasn't had anything pink and cute to play with since she was still Megan, so, well, sparkly pink bubble-creature gets grabbed by tentacles and shaken like a snowglobe while M'stra peers in at her with a hideous smile that is too happy for so much evil to be in it.

"Ooooh, and what's this?"


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