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Comments 246

OPEN TO EVERYONE. mouth_breathing April 17 2010, 00:58:34 UTC
In the chaos, there is a very calm, very unassuming black man walking through the crowds, his path taking him from the mall to the highway, from the highway to the city, and from the city to the very front of the Washington monument itself. He barely stays in one place for more than a few moments, seemingly vanishing only to appear miles and miles away; in fact, if you weren't looking for him? You would barely catch sight of him.

Emplate keeps to the crowds, to the terrorized and the frenzied. Only when he finally reaches his destination does he begin, letting go of his holographic form as two pairs of three sharp, bony claws pop out from between his knuckles with a snikt.

The crowd never had a chance.


OPEN TO Starscream mouth_breathing April 17 2010, 00:59:24 UTC
[ Reserved ]


tl;dr tiem loltraitorlol April 18 2010, 01:43:52 UTC

He donned his armor this time, Cybertronian design augmenting his now-robotic body perfectly. In some way, he felt more complete like this, his wings in his peripheral vision, giving him an actual flight surface to work with rather than just rocket-based manuvering.

He flew faster than he had in vorns, opening up his engines to maximum and nearly hitting the upper limit of Earth's atmosphere, his body actually reconfiguring itself slightly to draw still more power. The air shook with a sonic boom as he broke the sound barrier and sped still faster.

He was there in no time at all.

First going in a wide circle, he spent a few moments hacking Air Force frequencies, scrambling radar and trying not to get F-16s on his tail. They were prowling the skies already, ready to rain death from above should the heroes fail.

Eventually, it grew too troublesome to try to maintain flight under radar and perform complex programming while flying. He landed, slipping like thread through a needle between the huge black thorns growing on ( ... )


mouth_breathing April 18 2010, 02:17:17 UTC
He'd been causing as much chaos as he could, moving through the crowds like a ghost, like a violent wind, his borrowed claws lashing out to impale and rend, to cut and slice apart any idiot stupid enough to get near. Humans were -- they were herd animals; monkeys and unevolved troglodytes that refused to respect the natural order, by and large. He considered it a courtesy to his fellow mutant that he was getting rid of so many of them in such a short time.

"--ow yourselves!"

He turned from his latest batch of mangled human limbs and viscera, his holographic eyes catching sight of a man so obviously an anachronism that it made Emplate's love of history hurt. He was also quite obviously a hero, to be calling someone -- anyone -- out like that.

The mutant smiled, sheathing his claws as he made his way to him. No time like the present to thin the herd a bit more, no?

"Save us! Save us!" he cried out, screaming as he ran toward the man.


SUPERMAN vs SCHRODINGER HEAVEN OR HELL LET'S ROCK ex_ofsteel April 17 2010, 01:45:19 UTC
There wasn't a whole lot of time to thank his teleporter; time was of the essence, and the clock was ticking. Once Superman got his bearings (this Washington DC didn't seem too different from the one on his world, at least), he took to the air, flying low as he scanned the buildings with his x-ray vision. That maniac boasted about his bombs, but there was no telling if he had a failsafe hidden elsewhere. He wasn't picking up anything and veered, a bee line to the arches.

Destructable, indestructable. Speed, no speed. Strength, weakness. It didn't matter. Superman's eyes narrowed, already red with the bubbling heat-fury against this crisis.

He wasn't alone in this. Focus on the most important goal. Get that bomb!


THE WHEELS OF FATE ARE TURNING. REBEL 1. ACTION! quantumcatboy April 17 2010, 07:14:25 UTC
This was shaping up to be one of Schrodinger's favorite events since he'd arrived in the City. Months and months of planning all built up to this one grand moment. He was going to make sure that World War III came about, and this time it would be on American soil.

His job was simple, guard the bomb at all costs, no matter what he couldn't let the "heroes" get close enough to diffuse it. On the chance that they do diffuse it, use the remote to trigger the detonation anyway. No matter what happens, that nuke was going to detonate, and everyone in this area would die... Well, except for him and maybe a few others. It didn't really matter.

He was getting bored though. The vampires were just as brutal a force as they were back home, tearing apart any civilian or enemy that stood in their way; and with all of the coalition allies that the Major had sent along with the cat, Schrodinger had yet to lift a single finger, and merely sat back and watched as the Capital burned.

All he had to do was wait patiently for one more hour.


ex_ofsteel April 18 2010, 23:10:28 UTC
There seemed to be more than enough cannon fodder to go around; Superman would let those teleported in with him have at it. He'd save every indivudual along the way if he had the time, but he didn't. The lesser of two evils, as it were.

Creatures clustered around the monument, the goal. Punching through one by one was time-consuming. Superman drew his arms apart and let loose a thundering clap: the powerful shockwave that followed it sent those light of footing flying backward. It lightened the load, and that was a start. Go faster, hit harder. Go.


quantumcatboy April 19 2010, 04:12:55 UTC
He had been having such a good time watching as fireworks lit up the sky in eerie shades of red as all of his allies split off to challenge whichever opponent they chose to face. Schrodinger was inclined to just sit back and watch the fun, but that was until he saw somebody clear a path to him with just one clap.

"You have your orders," He spoke to the vampires guarding the bomb with an ever carefree tone. "Anybody that comes near the bomb, shall be torn to shreds. Do this, and a wonderful award will await you."

With that, he appeared in front of Superman, grinning and clapping his hands. "That was so magnificent!" He complimented, crossing his arms behind his back. "You must be really powerful!

"Unfortunately, I cannot let you go any further than this. You know how orders are, I am sure."


OPEN TO Galen pandablade April 17 2010, 01:45:53 UTC
The straight, white pillar reaches to the sky, clouding out a portion of the sky as it reaches up, and Illidan's sight such as it was, only left the dim outline of green points, not nearly as brilliant or detailed as it would be if he were to either sit and allow his vision to adjust to the different surroundings, nor if he were at home, where the magic of life exuded from even the smallest rock to the greatest tree. From his own frame came the dark energy that roiled and cast from him in waves.

Breathing in the night air, he could smell how much cleaner it was, how the air here was less stifled. He'd felt the difference as he continued to fly from the city, casting the appropriate spells to keep him levitated.

Here in the darkness of the field of grass, he felt a smile tug at his lips. Power would be his. First he would do this, and then he would kill this "Aslan" and destroy him as well.

Behind him, as he walked grass incinerated in green fire with his steps, before he stopped, and lit the field ablaze.


Re: OPEN TO Galen wasstarkiller April 19 2010, 04:46:41 UTC
Galen didn't know why he was in the capitol of this nation until he saw the Major's post, but the Force had lead him there the day before, his meditations letting him know that this was where he was supposed to be.

He had seen the fire as soon as it came up and rushed to the scene, only to find some... creature there, setting it on fire.

"You know," he said, using the Force to push away the flames as he walked through them. "They aren't going to be pleased that you burned all this grass."


pandablade April 19 2010, 04:53:11 UTC
He merely stared, eyes glowing from beneath his blindfold as he laughed softly to himself. They send child-like humans? Against him? He staved off the forces of the Legion, he was a being of immense power, and above that, he was going to ensure that he would be as such here as well.

"Is that to concern me?" he questioned, another wave of flame lashing out from his person, high green flames even more intense than the first wave.

"This grass, it will grow once again. Eventually."

His only mission was to call the heroes to him, to ensure that they were distracted.


wasstarkiller April 19 2010, 05:08:46 UTC
Galen threw up a Force field to block off any of the fires that might come at him. The guy was bigger than a human and broader than any Wookie he had seen, even if he didn't have any magic he might be trouble.

"You seem kind of like a one trick pony there with the fire."


Open seyfertsalvage April 17 2010, 01:53:17 UTC
Juston had no idea how he had managed to talk some heroes he had barely met into letting him come along onto a mission of this much importance. He could feel his heart beating faster than a hummingbird. His face clenched in a determined grimace as he rushed down the mall, a satchel full of tools strung over his side.

"Why couldn't the porter have brought the god damned Sentinel." He muttered to himself as he rushed towards the Worlds War II memorial, something he just barely recognized as the Major's rant appeared on screen.

The boy's plan was simple. Step 1 try to blend into the confused crowed of civilians that had been scattered around the scene. Step 2 find the bomb. Step 3 try not to get everyone killed. No problem... really.


allshock_notalk April 17 2010, 02:17:07 UTC
No problem, Juston. None whatsoever.

Several feet away, Soundwave hears him. Feet pounding the pavement, heartbeat skyrocketing. The pulse is maddening. The boy is nervous, he expects. Or just running on adrenaline. Flight or fight mode. Survival.

Either way, he hears him. It'd be easy to leap in and stop him right off, but why end the chase so quickly?

For a moment, he waits, letting Juston come closer. Soundwave stands in his robotic suit -- formed perfectly around his body to accommodate his more agile-based organic form. As he hears the boy approach, he presses a switch on his shoulder.


A pair of cassettes do indeed eject from his tray. One transforms into a robotic hawk, the other into a canine.

A brief moment passes and he thinks of Ravage, in deep regret. However, that cannot remain; he shoved him aside in order to protect him. Ravage will never understand why it all happened. He doesn't need to. He just needs to hate Soundwave.

It doesn't matter now.



seyfertsalvage April 17 2010, 02:28:59 UTC
Juston kept dashing his head down, his stomach churning as his eyes went wise in shock as he saw the cassettes detaching and transforming. He paused for a split second looking impressed.

Juston couldn't help but shake the thought that if this thing wasn't trying to kill him this would be the coolest thing he had ever seen. His fist shaking a bit as he was so close to the Washington Memorial. He was so close and now this guy just had to get into his way.

"But you are the invader!" he snapped back without thinking.


allshock_notalk April 17 2010, 03:14:59 UTC
The hawk and canine take their leave, heading passed Juston as Soundwave continues to stand there, peering down at the human. Looming, practically.


The Decepticon holds up one hand, letting out a blast of sound from his palm. It's enough force that's like a punch in the gut to anyone in its way.

And naturally, he's aiming at Juston.



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