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OPEN TO HAVOK & DAZZLER fangsmile April 16 2010, 23:50:54 UTC

It had been too long since Sabretooth had been able to enjoy a good, long, genuine laugh that wasn't seeped in sarcasm or gallows' humor, but in pure joy. Two underpaid security guards scuttled out of their hidey-holes with handguns. Horrible shots. Bullets ground into the pavement or pinged off of the lamppost above Creed's head. If he didn't know any better, he'd say they were actually trying to miss. Probably couldn't stand the sight of blood, or the burden of murder.

But boy, Creed sure could. By the time he'd dropped one the other was running away, smelling like fear and urine. He grabbed the runner by the back of his neck, and just for kicks, bit off his ear. Blood running down his chin, vision getting a little hazy with a violent, blind lust. This was it. This was old times. Before being the X-Men's little pet, before the Glow, before Birdy... he was just an animal. A killer. All of a sudden he was starting to like it again. It was all coming back to him.


idateforsupper April 17 2010, 00:12:47 UTC
Dazzler and Havok arrived in a small surge of light, an old form of transportation she used to rely on when moving from Mojoworld to Earth. Since it's a power Ali rarely uses these days, it does make her tired for a moment.

She caught sight of Sabretooth not too far from them, and she gaped at just how bloodthirsty he was being. Oh, man. Turning her glow on to defense mode, she grabbed Alex by the arm and pointed. Kicking his butt wouldn't be too hard, yeah?

"Ohmigod, Alex. We need to stop him!"


cry_andletloose April 17 2010, 00:35:50 UTC
Alex hit the ground running, muscles tensed up and senses on the alert. He noticed the situation ahead instantly: screams, and blood, a predator and his prey. A predator they knew. Taking stock of the situation, Alex fired off a warning blast-- but not directly at Creed, since he couldn't risk hurting the man he was ripping apart.

"We'll get him away from the civilians, then take him down. Together," he said shortly, fists already charged up with more power for the next round. They had a bomb to get to, and Creed was getting in their way.

It felt just like old times.


fangsmile April 17 2010, 01:07:10 UTC
The warning blast caught his attention, and Sabretooth turned his head to see two... somewhat familiar faces. He knew they were X-Men, at any rate, and so let the second guard drop to the ground and scurry away while clutching the side of his bleeding head. Creed licked some of the remaining blood from his fangs, at spat it on the pavement between him and the heroes.

"Well?" he grinned, spreading his arms wide as if he expected a hug, "Here I am, kids! All your Network shit-talk is coming down to this. What the fuck are you waiting for?"


idateforsupper April 17 2010, 01:09:23 UTC
"On it, Alex," Alison held her hands out forward, letting a photon blast surge out and target Creed. He was an obstacle in this, but she knew they'd beat him up good and get to where the bomb was.


cry_andletloose April 17 2010, 01:25:06 UTC
The guard was away-- good.

It made more sense for them to blast at him long-distance; Alex knew that Creed could be deadly up close. But Alex also knew that he would get in close sooner or later. Better to seize the moment and blast as hard as they could. He punched outwards, adding his own plasma blast hot on the heels of Dazzler's, and a follow-up wide-ranged shot.

Hopefully one of them would catch him by surprise.


fangsmile April 17 2010, 01:40:17 UTC
Of course both of them had to have sparkley ranged attacks. Of course.

"Ah shit--" FFOOOMM! Sabretooth had just enough time to dodge the first blast before he was hit square in the chest by the second one. He wasn't sure which X-bitch had hit and which had missed, but now they had both pissed him off.

Slowly, achingly, his skin and muscle attempted to stitch itself back together even as they were being continually burned away. Rather than keep dodging, Creed took it, and ran forward, toward the source of the blast. When you can't run... hunt.


idateforsupper April 17 2010, 01:43:29 UTC
Oh, crap! Alison threw out another photon blast, this time aiming for his eyes, and giving Alex the opportunity to try and hit him elsewhere hard. There was no way they were going to become guts on the sidewalk just because of some big, scatchy cat.

Even if Sabretooth was pretty frightning. At times. She supposed.


cry_andletloose April 17 2010, 02:02:53 UTC
"Hard and fast so he has no time to heal," he barked out to Ali as he aimed for Creed's legs with another relentless burst of blasts, concentrating on super-heating his plasma energy to as searing as he could possibly make it. No point holding back here-- there had to be a limit to how much he could take.

Then he was running to the side, splitting off so Creed couldn't get both of them at once. And blasting, still blasting. Alex braced, expecting Creed to come after him instead. He looked like the bigger threat, didn't he?


fangsmile April 17 2010, 11:54:10 UTC
The cute blond one got him right in the face, and for a few vital seconds all he could see were white spots crowding out all other images on the National Mall. It was enough time to get his legs knocked out from under him by what felt like a jet of fire.

Since he couldn't see, and he could walk, he rolled. He rolled to one side quickly until he couldn't feel their blasts on him anymore, and then further until he hit the smooth, cool side of what he could only assumed was some kind of monument. He propped himself up against the back of it, putting it between himself and the attackers.

"God damn..." he breathed heavily now that his lungs were healing, and winced as his shins also began to tingle and heal, "...fucking... X-Men."

Just another minute. He had to stall them for just another minute, and then he'd be ready to pop their little heads off like dandilions. Why hadn't he brought grenades?


idateforsupper April 17 2010, 15:15:01 UTC
Still apart from Alex, Alison held her hands ready, letting more photons flow out. Don't let him heal, don't let him heal. Except, he was healing! She could see it from here, and it was like a reminder of Wolverine. Talk about creepy.

"He's starting to heal!" she exclaimed.

Easily, she could start hitting him with her eye blasts in a minute, as sometimes they could be more powerful and forceful than the photons from her hands. It just all depended on what Alex would do next.


cry_andletloose April 17 2010, 22:43:13 UTC
Alex could tell that they had him, even if there was a monument currently between Creed and themselves right now. He'd seen their blasts hit him squarely in the face and legs (target practice had paid off) and Creed was down this very moment.

Turning to Ali, he gestured to her that they should move in quickly. This wasn't the time to be keeping their distance. Once nearer, they'd hit him with point-blank blasts that should overload his healing factor and knock him unconscious. They had him, they could do this.

All they had to do now was not mess up.


fangsmile April 17 2010, 23:49:46 UTC
Wincing, Creed shrugged out of his oversized coat. His vision was starting to return to normal, and he propped the coat up against the wall of the Jefferson memorial building, hoping it would look somewhat like he was still leaning against the wall and catching his breath. He could smell them both getting nearer, and dropped down onto his chest, keeping to the wall as he moved his way down to turn the corner...

Once he was behind the building and had put at least twenty feet between them, he hopped to his feet and sprinted around the entire building, creeping like a shadow until he was right behind the two curious X-Men who were investigating his coat.

Stupid frail ranged-attackers never should have let him get that close. Just one good punch to the temple, and the male went down like a domino. Sabretooth caught him in his arms and used him as a meat shield to keep the female from trying to blast his face again.


idateforsupper April 17 2010, 23:53:44 UTC
"ALEX!" she exclaimed, holding her finger out like a gun. "Let him go, or I SWEAR--"

What would she do? Kill them both?! This little Dazzler was just in a big mess now, but she drew closer anyways. God, if Alex got hurt any more, she'd never forgive herself. Not to mention, there was a fairly large crowd of females in the city, probably waiting to tear her apart if she made a wrong move here.

"Let him go," she repeated, her eyes glowing dangerously.


cry_andletloose April 18 2010, 00:12:54 UTC
That was STUPID, Summers! Alex raged silently to himself as he struggled somewhat feebly in Creed's strong grip. He tried to charge up enough power in his fists to twist around and hurt Creed, but he was too close and didn't have enough leverage to do anything, and the blow to his temple had dazed him.

If he was using him as a shield, it probably meant one thing: Creed was trying to get away.

"Ignore me," Alex called out urgently to Dazzler. Could he take one of her blasts? He probably could.


fangsmile April 18 2010, 00:18:53 UTC
"Ooh-ho, baby, I'll let him go alright." He grinned at the pretty thing terribly, before throwing ALEX over one shoulder and jumping straight up, to the nearest ledge of the Jefferson memorial. Quickly, deftly, he started to climb, until he'd reached a large pinnacle at the top.

"Quit squirming," he growled at Alex as he hoisted him off of his back and dangled him off of the edge of the dome. He thoughtfully placed the X-Man's puny hands on the ledge and instructed him: "You're gonna want to hang on, wittle Awex. It's a long way down."

Let the blond bitch choose between going after him or rescuing her team mate. It wasn't even a gamble. Fucking superheroes.

Creed was off and running on the green before Dazzler even reached the roof.


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