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OPEN; Koltira rolls up to the base deadelfwalking October 31 2009, 20:51:41 UTC
It took him some time, between not having a goddamn clue where he was and stopping every few feet to slice apart another pack of zombies, but Koltira finally found the base the little girls had told him about. He had to admit that the walls were distinctive enough. Shouldering the runeblade, Koltira strode up to the base, his heavy boots leaving wet, gory prints on the concrete.

Koltira looked around and then, having little patience to begin with, simply shouted to anyone who would listen. "Grant me entrance! I mean no harm."


vision_in_stone October 31 2009, 20:55:24 UTC
They were pretty impressive walls, she had to admit. They were nice and perfectly smooth, so none of the zombies could climb up.

At his yell, she grinned. He'd arrived pretty quickly, all things considered.

"Okay, hold still then!"

There was a sound like a bare foot slapping the stone, and the ground under him rose up, much like an elevator, bringing him to the top of the wall where the blind girl waited for him.


(The comment has been removed)

deadelfwalking November 1 2009, 05:45:43 UTC
Koltira was impressed with the girls' skills--geomancy was a rare talent on Azeroth. But he still felt awkward as he stepped off of the stone column and onto the top of wall, as he stood beside these two females who were no more than children. He towered over them, loomed even, his shadow long over their small bodies. Gore dripped from his pauldrons and Byfrost's blade; it spattered his cracked alabaster skin.

Koltira exhaled cold air and knelt beside Toph. He knew she could not see him, but obviously she could sense him, somehow, given that she knew exactly which part of the wall to raise to bring him to her.

Looking from Toph to Lyra, Koltira said, "Bal'a dash, malanore."


CLOSED, also posted here because it's backdated miraclefusion November 1 2009, 20:43:11 UTC
The door bounced off the inner wall with a clatter after Juudai kicked it open from its place locked in the door frame, after a few tries that probably made it sound like a zombie was trying to get in. He quickly gave the room a cursory glance for any signs of life (and not undead life, either). He'd run into a few lone zombies on the way in, but the MAC itself was relatively empty, unsurprisingly, aside from that, and so he dealt with them and hurried on.

"Johan!!" he called out, hoping to whatever deity would listen that he'd find him somewhere here... not half-dead or worse, with any luck. It didn't seem like there were many zombies left in this area -- maybe they'd already come and gone, and seeing that there was nothing living to corrupt, had moved on already? But if that was the case, they'd either not checked behind locked doors or had already caused the place to be completely vacated. Juudai dearly hoped it was the former, because if it wasn't, Johan could be anywhere, and who knew if he'd checked his comm at all or not?


Re: CLOSED, also posted here because it's backdated guardianrainbow November 1 2009, 21:04:45 UTC
Johan had checked it briefly. Which was exactly why he hadn't went anywhere near the door once he saw that there were zombies wandering around. Cards and holograms couldn't do anything against the undead this time around, so he'd kept himself in his room, wishing there was something, anything that he could do to protect himself, his family, or anyone.

He'd gotten lucky. Zombies hadn't found their way in. When he'd heard the noises at the door, he'd made a quick decision. He removed his deck from his duel disk, put it into his pocket, and took the disk itself off. He raised it up as he heard the door slam open, and started to peer around the corner from the kitchen carefully, ready to defend himself any way that he could.

That was until he heard a very welcome and not undead at all voice. "Juudai?"


miraclefusion November 1 2009, 21:13:24 UTC
Thank god.

Juudai hurried over to the source of the familiar response, though his tension didn't ease, not quite yet. "Johan! Jeez, at least next time let me know you're okay!" It was only partially teasing; he really meant it, after all, and was baffled that Johan hadn't used his comm to at least get in touch with someone who could help him.


guardianrainbow November 1 2009, 21:19:11 UTC
Johan lowered the duel disk with a slight hint of relief. There might still be zombies out there, but at least with Juudai, he was fairly sure he was safe.

"Sorry about that. If zombies invade again, I'll be sure to let you know." He smiled just a tiny bit; he probably should have checked in with Juudai after all. It had just slipped his mind with the fact there were zombies shambling about, and not duel zombies, either.


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