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Comments 340

Closed, for now: Batman and Claire Bennet darkknightfall October 31 2009, 05:44:53 UTC
He had been surprised to see Claire, of all people, respond to the post he had made, given he hadn't even been aware of her presence in the City. Given he kept track of newcomers except in cases of emergencies, that meant she had been teleported in sometime in the past 24 hours or so. He still wasn't quite sure to make of the hallucination he had had during Delirium's storm of madness, but he did know that if she was alone in that building for long, no matter how strong her healing factor, the zombies could overwhelm her with sheer numbers and tear her apart more quickly than she could regenerate ( ... )


invincigirl October 31 2009, 05:56:46 UTC
Claire was sitting up against the wall of the apartment building's roof, holding a crowbar in her arms like she was clinging to it for dear life. On the off chance any zombies, you know, learned how to climb walls or broke into the building. It could happen. The mall in Dawn of the Dead didn't last forever, the chances of the apartment complex holding up was slim, too. She got to her feet when she heard the hum of an engine - quieter than any regular kind of plane she'd heard before. It was easy to notice that it was exactly what she was looking for - unless someone else was waiting to get picked up off of a roof to go get her blood drawn for some twisted zombie antidote.

Really, Claire wondered, how was she not used to this kind of thing already? With a sigh directed - mostly - at her own situation, Claire reached a hand up to flag him down, letting the crowbar fall to her side in the other hand, unused.


darkknightfall October 31 2009, 06:12:30 UTC
It wasn't hard to pick her out, especially with her waving, and quietly the plane descended further. The rooftop wasn't large enough for him to land directly and safely on top of it, but opening the cockpit, he sent down what was technically a rope ladder, despite the "rope" being made of titanium-laced threads, and the bars of reinforced titanium. At least the zombies didn't appear to have found her yet. She was surprisingly resourceful for a girl of her age, but then, metahumans without directly offensive powers like superstrength or energy manipulation tended to be. Still, as much as she wanted to help, he wasn't planning on risking her life or letting her risk her life on a possible cure. There were others who could heal, who could use magic to remove the poisons while they went to work. Even if this did work, there would be safeguards to ensure that she wouldn't be pushed to her limits.


invincigirl October 31 2009, 06:20:27 UTC
There were several things that Claire had learned over the course of being chased by The Company and from having a basic sense of common sense that her (adoptive) father had not let her grow past 12 without, and a certain degree of unwillingness to simply... climb up mysterious not-rope ladders? Was definitely one of them. Still, she forced herself to grab the first rung of the ladder, tossing the crowbar aside and climbing into the cockpit of the jet hastily. She wasn't exactly eager to get off the roof, because the chances of her going somewhere else where the zombies were actually still a problem was relatively high. Still ( ... )


CLOSED//Reaction to Death unnamed_nothing October 31 2009, 05:47:54 UTC
The worst part, he thought numbly, had not been waking up to find his best friend sick from what appeared to be a rapidly-infecting bite wound. Nor had it been the few hours he'd spent desperately trying to reverse the effects with what medicine and trauma supplies he had in his apartment, unsure of his ability to safely transport Quatre to a hospital with the creatures roaming the streets and citizens panicking; he hadn't thought to look at his communicator, then. Doing so had been the last thing on his mind ( ... )


Closed//DONE unnamed_nothing October 31 2009, 05:48:45 UTC
Finally picking up the communicator and realizing, thanks to an anonymous post, that he could have done everything to prevent his current situation had he only checked the network sooner made him go cold inside. Reading about how to end the misery of someone who had already been turned nearly killed him.

In the end, though, as he pointed the gun at the door, still able to hear Quatre's--the creature's--bellows of hunger through and see the moving shadows at the bottom of it, he failed. He failed himself, and Heero, and his Captain. Most of all, however, he failed his best friend.

Trowa knew where his enemy lay, and knew that it was his enemy and no other--and yet, because it wore the face of that boy, because it stole Quatre like a shield and hid behind his features, he could not bring himself to kill it. The gun pointed straight at the door, the bullets sat ready and waiting inside, and his finger tugged hesitantly at the trigger, but it was hesitant, and he could not force it to be anything to the contrary ( ... )


Just Hiruma! About 7 PM hellcommander October 31 2009, 06:54:18 UTC
Hiruma had started using the sword that Saitou had given him. The white shirted zombies (if you could call them white, stained as they were) were fast, could dodge, and were apparently more dangerous. They could get closer to him, especially since he had struck out on his own.

He was sniping zombies from the top of a building. His favorite thing to do, it seemed. He didn't notice the white shirt behind him until he was too close to use a gun on. His ear twitched and he spun around. How had that thing gotten up here?! He growled and slashed with his katana, sending the head rolling to the ground. He didn't notice that the head was still mouthing and didn't notice when it casually sunk it's teeth into his legs. Just kicked it away subconsciously, not even thinking. There were still zombies to snipe after all.


OPEN~ justhitjackpot October 31 2009, 07:26:04 UTC
Fuck. Yes.

This was what he'd been missing all this time, a chance to cut something! As soon as he'd heard the mass panic on the comm network, Travis had rushed outside, beam katana in hand and a certain bloodthirst rising in his chest all over again. This was what he lived for, and--he deftly flicked on his weapon, the green beam of light buzzing as it emerged from the hilt--what he would die for. The high tech weapon's gleam illuminated his own hungry grin, and Travis did what he did best: he charged headlong into the fray.

Like assassinating all over again, he thought. Hack and slash, hack and slash: behead, hack and slash. They seemed to be gaining on him, however, and there was really only so much one guy could do...after a few waves of them, his breath grew ragged, and the grip on his sword began to slacken. Travis gnashed his teeth and stabbed another of the undead in the face. Dammit. He had to keep going.

"Bring it on, assholes!" he cried, kicking away a disembodied head; this was going to be the best Halloween ever.


[OPEN] inheritsthesky October 31 2009, 07:54:59 UTC
Luke had seen all the kids home safely at last, taking them by twos and threes to their parents. Perhaps it was a little excessive--some of his colleagues at the school had thought so--but Luke couldn't do anything less for those entrusted to him. He'd once sent an entire Academy of Jedi trainees off on a months-long tour of the galaxy to keep them safe from the Yuuzhan Vong, and no way was he going to let his young charges here be treated as any less ( ... )


HAY BABY emperorshand October 31 2009, 08:19:24 UTC
Mara had been doing pretty good with the creatures. After running with Ben and his "padawan" last night, she was fired up for more action, and she had been heading towards the apartment when she felt the spike in the force.

Dammit, Kriffing Skywalker and his kriffing need to get in on the action.

She sighed, detouring from her path, and heading straight for him. When she finally neared, after blasting the heads off of a few with some incendiary rounds she'd picked up, she managed to come close, pulling out her own saber.

"So it looks like I get to save your skin for once."


HAY SUP inheritsthesky October 31 2009, 17:34:58 UTC
Luke turned to see her and grinned. No matter what, they made a good team, and when the chips were down he knew he could count on Mara.

Not that they were down, but still.

"I thought sure I'd find you in the thick of the action," he said, shrugging off his cloak and tossing it aside, dropping into a guard. "What took you so long?" Blade humming as he whipped it around, Luke neatly felled two more of the things.


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