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Closed, for now: Batman and Claire Bennet darkknightfall October 31 2009, 05:44:53 UTC
He had been surprised to see Claire, of all people, respond to the post he had made, given he hadn't even been aware of her presence in the City. Given he kept track of newcomers except in cases of emergencies, that meant she had been teleported in sometime in the past 24 hours or so. He still wasn't quite sure to make of the hallucination he had had during Delirium's storm of madness, but he did know that if she was alone in that building for long, no matter how strong her healing factor, the zombies could overwhelm her with sheer numbers and tear her apart more quickly than she could regenerate ( ... )


invincigirl October 31 2009, 05:56:46 UTC
Claire was sitting up against the wall of the apartment building's roof, holding a crowbar in her arms like she was clinging to it for dear life. On the off chance any zombies, you know, learned how to climb walls or broke into the building. It could happen. The mall in Dawn of the Dead didn't last forever, the chances of the apartment complex holding up was slim, too. She got to her feet when she heard the hum of an engine - quieter than any regular kind of plane she'd heard before. It was easy to notice that it was exactly what she was looking for - unless someone else was waiting to get picked up off of a roof to go get her blood drawn for some twisted zombie antidote.

Really, Claire wondered, how was she not used to this kind of thing already? With a sigh directed - mostly - at her own situation, Claire reached a hand up to flag him down, letting the crowbar fall to her side in the other hand, unused.


darkknightfall October 31 2009, 06:12:30 UTC
It wasn't hard to pick her out, especially with her waving, and quietly the plane descended further. The rooftop wasn't large enough for him to land directly and safely on top of it, but opening the cockpit, he sent down what was technically a rope ladder, despite the "rope" being made of titanium-laced threads, and the bars of reinforced titanium. At least the zombies didn't appear to have found her yet. She was surprisingly resourceful for a girl of her age, but then, metahumans without directly offensive powers like superstrength or energy manipulation tended to be. Still, as much as she wanted to help, he wasn't planning on risking her life or letting her risk her life on a possible cure. There were others who could heal, who could use magic to remove the poisons while they went to work. Even if this did work, there would be safeguards to ensure that she wouldn't be pushed to her limits.


invincigirl October 31 2009, 06:20:27 UTC
There were several things that Claire had learned over the course of being chased by The Company and from having a basic sense of common sense that her (adoptive) father had not let her grow past 12 without, and a certain degree of unwillingness to simply... climb up mysterious not-rope ladders? Was definitely one of them. Still, she forced herself to grab the first rung of the ladder, tossing the crowbar aside and climbing into the cockpit of the jet hastily. She wasn't exactly eager to get off the roof, because the chances of her going somewhere else where the zombies were actually still a problem was relatively high. Still ( ... )


darkknightfall October 31 2009, 06:46:15 UTC
With the flick of a switch, the ladder began to retract back into its compartment in the get on its own, and as it finished, the cockpit slid closed, and the jet began to rise before setting off quickly for their next destination as he managed the controls ( ... )


invincigirl October 31 2009, 06:59:35 UTC
"You're Batman?" Claire gave him a look as if he were entirely off his rocker. Then again, maybe he was - he was dressed in a batsuit, flying a jet around a city she'd never seen before. Well. Things had been worse. She just laughed it off, looking him over and then nodding hesitantly. "Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense. I don't think the teleporter's... weakened my powers or whatever, though. I..." Hesitantly, as if she were afraid she was going to get thrown out of the plane for it, she turned over her arm. There was a tear in her jean jacket near the cuff, covered in what was probably at one time her own, flowing blood, but past the tattered fabric, there was no wound ( ... )


darkknightfall October 31 2009, 07:21:43 UTC
"Yes ( ... )


invincigirl October 31 2009, 07:29:25 UTC
"Right," she followed him closely, wondering exactly what she'd done that could be classified as "good". She didn't complain, though, because she was becoming increasingly aware that compliments - or words of any kind, for that matter - were sparse coming from this man. 'Batman.' Yeah, right. She looked up at all the tech in the command center, amazed by it. She certainly hadn't been expecting that. But, coming from Batman, she supposed it was standard. She still couldn't swallow that as truth. She tried to keep up with him but somehow he just kept vanishing and it was like chasing a shadow or a ghost ( ... )


darkknightfall October 31 2009, 08:05:37 UTC
"Yes, no, yes, no, in that order ( ... )


invincigirl October 31 2009, 08:17:24 UTC
Waiting until he turned his back, she held up her fingers, ticking off questions as she tried to recall the order and put the 'yes' and 'no''s with the right questions. Huh. Sounded like a pretty sweet deal, by her calculations. When he started explaining, she snapped her attention back up. So far, the teleporter was sounding like Hiro Nakamura on steroids which was... bad luck for everyone who got caught in its sights, really, if it was under the control of a sentient virus ( ... )


darkknightfall October 31 2009, 08:39:00 UTC
"Yes, it shuffled powers, and can probably do so again at any time, and, yes, that's the theory we're working with. Focusing on finding an antidote now to stem the casualties is top priority, and dealing with the zombies is secondary to that. Whoever's behind is it tertiary at the moment, but just as important to make sure it doesn't happen again. It could be the HIVE, it could be a hidden third party. Either way, not caring who sent them is treating symptoms without taking care of the disease."

Having finished the set up, the Dark Knight gestured towards a hospital bed he had set up.


Assembled nearby on a cart were several basic medical tools for checking temperature, blood pressure, heart rate-- it looked almost as if he were about to run her through a routine checkup.


invincigirl October 31 2009, 08:48:44 UTC
Obediently, she went and sit down. His explanation was sound, and she wasn't about to question Batman. I mean, he was like... king of superheroes or something, right? For the first time in her life, Claire wished she'd spent more weekends at home reading comic books. She swallowed hard, pulling off her jean jacket so he could get to her vein to draw blood from. She'd obviously done this before. She looked at all the equipment, surprised he had this just... lying around.

"This isn't a hospital, is it?" She asked. It was a rhetorical question. She continued. "Is it the batcave? I thought you had to be... special to see the inside of that or something. I don't know."


darkknightfall October 31 2009, 09:08:53 UTC
He didn't take the blood at first, though, instead making sure that all her vitals were within normal ranges. When he was done, he hooked her up to monitoring devices, then, finally, to a sort of reverse-IV drip that would slowly fill the bag with her blood ( ... )


invincigirl October 31 2009, 09:15:30 UTC
"Oh." She said simply, sitting in silence as he set all the equipment up, watching the bag fill with her blood slowly, listening to the quiet, steady beeping of the monitoring machinery. She chewed on her lip for a minute, considering confronting the man about his comic identity. But, that wasn't exactly smalltalk - not that he seemed to want to make smalltalk. Not that she cared if he wanted to talk or not. It made her more comfortable to ramble, and ramble she did ( ... )


darkknightfall October 31 2009, 09:28:48 UTC
As she talked, he continued to monitor both her vitals and the situation with the zombies in the City, fingers flying swiftly but quietly across the keyboard, to all appearances ignoring her until finally she stopped. Not looking up from the screens, though, he actually answered.

"The teleporter manipulates space-time to reach other dimensions. A series of alternate dimensions. In several, apparently including yours, I'm fictional. But if you're asking if I was inspired by a fictional character named Batman, no, I wasn't. I'm a version of him. There have been three so far, none concurrently with the others. As far as I can gather, others that are commonly perceived as fictional but have been here are Spider-Man and Godzilla, neither of whom were from my dimension. There's footage of when Godzilla attacked the City available online."


invincigirl October 31 2009, 09:37:36 UTC
"Godzilla? Seriously? That's... okay, that's weird. This whole place is weird." And, she was ready to go home, but whining to Batman about how hard her life was seemed... juvenile. And, it sounded a lot like a bad idea that might just get her glared at and Batman was intimidating enough as it was. But, if he was really Batman then...

"So, you're one of the heroes who does the whole secret identity thing. Do you think the other versions were different people under the mask?" The urge to reach out and pull it up was there, but it's not like she'd recognize Bruce Wayne in real life anyway. Christian Bale maybe? She certainly wouldn't complain. She folded her hands in her lap to quell the urge.


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