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CLOSED, also posted here because it's backdated miraclefusion November 1 2009, 20:43:11 UTC
The door bounced off the inner wall with a clatter after Juudai kicked it open from its place locked in the door frame, after a few tries that probably made it sound like a zombie was trying to get in. He quickly gave the room a cursory glance for any signs of life (and not undead life, either). He'd run into a few lone zombies on the way in, but the MAC itself was relatively empty, unsurprisingly, aside from that, and so he dealt with them and hurried on.

"Johan!!" he called out, hoping to whatever deity would listen that he'd find him somewhere here... not half-dead or worse, with any luck. It didn't seem like there were many zombies left in this area -- maybe they'd already come and gone, and seeing that there was nothing living to corrupt, had moved on already? But if that was the case, they'd either not checked behind locked doors or had already caused the place to be completely vacated. Juudai dearly hoped it was the former, because if it wasn't, Johan could be anywhere, and who knew if he'd checked his comm at all or not?


Re: CLOSED, also posted here because it's backdated guardianrainbow November 1 2009, 21:04:45 UTC
Johan had checked it briefly. Which was exactly why he hadn't went anywhere near the door once he saw that there were zombies wandering around. Cards and holograms couldn't do anything against the undead this time around, so he'd kept himself in his room, wishing there was something, anything that he could do to protect himself, his family, or anyone.

He'd gotten lucky. Zombies hadn't found their way in. When he'd heard the noises at the door, he'd made a quick decision. He removed his deck from his duel disk, put it into his pocket, and took the disk itself off. He raised it up as he heard the door slam open, and started to peer around the corner from the kitchen carefully, ready to defend himself any way that he could.

That was until he heard a very welcome and not undead at all voice. "Juudai?"


miraclefusion November 1 2009, 21:13:24 UTC
Thank god.

Juudai hurried over to the source of the familiar response, though his tension didn't ease, not quite yet. "Johan! Jeez, at least next time let me know you're okay!" It was only partially teasing; he really meant it, after all, and was baffled that Johan hadn't used his comm to at least get in touch with someone who could help him.


guardianrainbow November 1 2009, 21:19:11 UTC
Johan lowered the duel disk with a slight hint of relief. There might still be zombies out there, but at least with Juudai, he was fairly sure he was safe.

"Sorry about that. If zombies invade again, I'll be sure to let you know." He smiled just a tiny bit; he probably should have checked in with Juudai after all. It had just slipped his mind with the fact there were zombies shambling about, and not duel zombies, either.


miraclefusion November 1 2009, 21:27:22 UTC
"Considering this place, who knows, it just might." On the other hand, Juudai sounded perfectly serious this time, even a bit wry.

"Anyway, this place isn't safe. There's a couple buildings in the city that have been secured with guards and stuff, and I got a recommendation and an address for one of them. So I'll bring you there." Taking Johan's hand, he didn't hesitate to start leading him out of there, no questions asked. "And if we run into anything on the way, I'll deal with it, just make sure they don't bite or scratch you no matter what."


guardianrainbow November 1 2009, 21:33:21 UTC
Johan didn't protest at all. Being somewhere safe was very high on his list of mental priorities at the moment. "Does this happen a lot around here?" he asked as they headed out, strapping his disk back on his arm by force of habit. He had his comm in his other pocket; he'd check through it when he had a chance and see what he'd missed. Perhaps he should start reading through that more regularly.

After all, if sanity took a vacation regularly around here, he should probably know about it.


miraclefusion November 2 2009, 00:04:56 UTC
"Unfortunately, I've found it does. Not necessarily zombies, but stuff happens, a lot," Juudai replied emphatically, opening the door to the stairwell and looking over the railing to the bottom. Luckily, it seemed to be clear this time. Releasing Johan's hand, he thundered down each flight of stairs quickly until they were at the bottom, and then opened the door of the back exit, looking in every direction once again.

"...Now comes the harder part," he muttered, mostly to himself. As long as they were on the streets, they were targets to whatever might look their way.


guardianrainbow November 2 2009, 00:23:48 UTC
Johan also kept an eye out; Juudai might be the one who could protect them, but even five eyes (counting Yubel as three extra) couldn't look in every single direction at once.

"Which way do we go?" They could talk about what else happened around this place when there wasn't a risk of something trying to eat them in the air.


miraclefusion November 2 2009, 02:02:37 UTC
"...I know the address, but the problem is, I don't know how to get there," Juudai said hesitantly. "Aibou," he called softly, and the cherubic furball appeared beside him with a small purr. "Think you can find the place Bakura told us about?" Considering it had a much greater sense of direction than Juudai himself did, Hane Kuriboh nodded and floated off in one direction with the expectation that the two of them would follow.

Juudai hadn't taken more than ten steps towards Hane Kuriboh when there was a banging sound, and a nearby door fell off its hinges, giving them a clear view of three or four zombies. He didn't stop running, however. "Keep moving," he instructed, glancing over his shoulder to make sure Johan was close behind. "I'm not going to bother with them unless I absolutely have to. The ones in blue are slow in every sense of the word, so just keep moving and we should be able to outrun them."


guardianrainbow November 2 2009, 02:13:38 UTC
Johan kept close to Juudai, throwing a glance now and then back to the shambling zombies. They weren't that close, but it was closer than he'd been yet, and he would have preferred not seeing them at all.

"This is bringing back way too many memories," he muttered. Though at least the duel zombies hadn't reeked like these did.


miraclefusion November 2 2009, 02:30:34 UTC
No kidding, Juudai wanted to say, but decided against it. By comparison, the duel zombies would've been far, far preferable to these ones.

He turned a corner and stopped short, seeing Hane Kuriboh on the far end of another group of zombies that were stumbling towards them. And yet, they couldn't turn around, because that other handful was still trying to give chase as well from somewhere behind them...

"Well, shit," he hissed. "Yubel!"

A strong flap of leathery, fiendish wings, and his guardian was between Juudai and the zombies. It was better than summoning Neos, since Neos punched, not sliced, and that wouldn't be particularly helpful when apparently the solution was to sever the head, grotesque as it was.


guardianrainbow November 2 2009, 02:43:46 UTC
Johan swallowed a bit at the sight of Yubel. He hadn't actually seen her since the day that Juudai had went to duel her after she'd abandoned his own body. He knew what Juudai had said, but it was still a bit unnerving.

If there was only some way that he could protect them. Even with Yubel and Juudai's power combined, could that keep them safe enough?

"How do you stop those things?" Johan wondered, not quite expecting there to be an answer short of 'run away'. Zombie movies had never been his particular cup of tea, after all.


miraclefusion November 2 2009, 03:03:05 UTC
"You have to cut off the head," Juudai said rather nonchalantly, as though it weren't a big deal. Yubel flew forward and sliced one straight down the middle, then wasted no time at lunging at another to sever the head, and then another. She, however, seemed to be taking care of only the ones that came close to Juudai, which were mainly the ones directly in front of them -- the ones that were slowly advancing towards Johan appeared to be being kept for last.


guardianrainbow November 2 2009, 03:17:56 UTC
Johan moved closer to Juudai, though he didn't take his eyes off of those advancing ones. If Yubel were Juudai's guardian, he wasn't surprised that she would watch over him more than anyone else. He'd never been anything but a useful tool to her in the first place.

If only he could do something. He hated being some kind of loose end or a useless lump that had to hide behind Juudai for anything.

Something to protect himself, that was what he wanted more than anything. To protect himself and his family against these monsters or anything else that would hurt them.


miraclefusion November 2 2009, 03:35:51 UTC
Juudai cast a glance behind him, getting a bit anxious about the approaching zombies. He tugged mentally at Yubel to switch sides when she had the opportunity, but she didn't seem to be obliging him. He grit his teeth.

"Yubel! This side!" he yelled, getting impatient. Presuming that she was protecting Juudai over Johan, as she was inclined to do, he decided that nagging her was useless, and decided it was time to summon something that could take care of the other side.


guardianrainbow November 2 2009, 03:51:36 UTC
Johan shifted to the side a little, taking a few quick steps to stay near Juudai and away from the zombies, which were getting a bit closer than he personally liked.

"Something," he murmured to himself, feeling the need burning all through him. Yubel didn't appear to be paying any attention to Juudai's command, a fact which didn't surprise Johan at all. "Something to protect..."

A shield would be nice to have right now. A barrier of some kind that could keep the zombies out. He could virtually see it in his mind's eye, and the harder he thought about it, the harder he wanted it, the clearer the image came. It would shimmer like a rainbow, and nothing would be able to break through it. Well, maybe something could, but zombies probably wouldn't be listed under that.

He could all but see it now...


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