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Comments 188

tinprodigy March 30 2009, 03:04:15 UTC
Ed hated everything. Specifically, he hated his little brother. He hated Amelia, because Al wouldn't have thought of this if it wasn't for her. He hated Ling for insisting on coming with, and laughing so fucking hard - it wasn't funny, dammit. He hated Lust, because if she wasn't such a nuisance and Al hadn't insisted on coming in order to keep tabs on her, all of this would be completely unnecessary.

Mostly, though, he hated this fucking dress.

Jesus fucking Christ on a goddamn bloody cross, how had he allowed himself to be talked into this? Puffy fucking sleeves. The lengths he went to in order to look out for Al astounded even himself - though he'd drawn the line at frills. At least with the hair dye and colored contacts he was unlikely to be recognized. He'd drawn the line at high heels, though. No way could he walk in them, much less run to assist should things get ugly around here ( ... )


Fuck you guys for pulling me off hiatus for this. AHHH kingofthepeople March 30 2009, 03:14:40 UTC
Oh, Ling laughed. He laughed hard, on the floor, for almost seven straight minutes. Then he'd gotten up. Spared Ed a silent, tear-filled stare, and then resumed his place on the floor, holding his stomach from the volume of his laughter.

After that was out of his system, though, he had no problem tagging along to this little event. Ah, he did love parties after all, and he did enjoy a good undercover plan. He also enjoyed grinning from ear to ear with Ed on his arm in full drag and then glancing at everyone as if he were his trophy wife.

It probably made the Alchemist even more mad than he already was, but he was enjoying this far too much.

Though, they really were quite the pair. Ling for the first time since he'd probably been in the City had dressed up in Prince appropriate attire. His long hair was neatly braided in the back, tied with a delicate red bow. It matched Ed's dress.

"Ah, actually no, I forgot. Run it by me again?" He whispered back, nodding slightly to someone else as they walked by.


c'mon bb, u no u loev it tinprodigy March 30 2009, 04:00:13 UTC
That wide, amused smile on Ling's face grated like nails on chalkboard, but there was little Ed could do to erase it at the moment. But he'd get his revenge. Oh yes. For now he settled for squeezing Ling's arm mercilessly, his strained, theoretically-ladylike smile never wavering.

"You met me at the Chinese restaurant and asked me out. My name's Yolanda. I'm a mutant sympathizer," Ed hissed through gritted teeth. "Don't mess this up."

He looked around, spotting only a few familiar faces. Hopefully none of the ones he didn't recognize were mind-readers, or if they were that they weren't paying attention. Neither Lust nor Al were here yet, it seemed. But there were snacks. Until his brother or their target showed up, they didn't have much to do, so he may as well grab some comfort food. It'd be a long night. He steered Ling towards a table laden with hor d'oeuvres.


shut up sob kingofthepeople March 30 2009, 04:23:12 UTC
Ling faltered just slightly at Ed's squeezing, determined not to drop his grin. It was really way too much. Oh man, he hoped they had pictures for later.

To Ed's last comment, Ling turned to him with a dashing smile and replied, "I wouldn't dream of it, Yolanda, dear." He restrained the giggle because he knew Ed got the name from one of his Soaps. He'd done a terrible thing to get Ed watching them, according to Al.

Noticing Ed was dragging him over to food, Ling made a hum of appreciation and started to pick up a few of the snacks. Another good reason to volunteer for this was the free food that was promised.

"Cheer up~ You should be honored to be courted by a Xingese prince," He said in an almost teasing smile.


returntoeven March 30 2009, 03:57:40 UTC
The remainder of the walk from the rendezvous point to the ball itself was relatively uneventful as neither Knives nor his companion had really spoken during that time. The silence wasn't really an uncomfortable one, though--they were simply two people who knew what they were about so there was no need for idle chatter. They passed by security with relative ease as well so Knives assumed either Lust's alterations to her appearance had worked or that there had been no warnings about her. Either way, they were both in, just as planned.

He took in surroundings, finding none of it really to his tastes, but he masked those sentiments as best he could. Knives had no real desire to mingle either so after swiping two glasses of champagne, he chose a spot in table that seemed to have a good vantage point for observation purposes. Then, once they were seated, he offered her the glass, occasionally sipping at his drink.

"See anyone you know?"


easytochop March 30 2009, 04:22:19 UTC
She had already been giving cursory glances to people as she passed them, of course, but it never hurt to repeat. Lust looked down at the champagne glass and took a sip, more to acknowledge its presence than anything else, and then proceeded to turn her attention to the crowd once again.

Nobody there seemed familiar to her, but that didn't mean much. If Ed and Al had come, they would definitely have disguised themselves, and she still didn't know what that unidentified friend of theirs looked like. Envy and Greed almost certainly wouldn't have shown up to a thing like this--and if Envy had, how would she even be able to tell? Overall, the crowd looked utterly foreign to her, and completely boring.

"Not yet," she admitted, turning back to Knives. "Give them time."


returntoeven March 30 2009, 04:47:10 UTC
And he didn't really have much to say to that beyond the obvious--that they had either chosen not to attend or were in disguise--so he was silent for a moment, just swirling around the fizzing liquid absently. She seemed so sure, but then they were people from her world so who was he to question?

"Do you think they'll try anything?"


easytochop March 30 2009, 04:58:22 UTC
"On me? No, I don't think so," she said. "They wouldn't start something severe in a public place, and they couldn't kill me if they tried." Could they? She highly doubted it, but the question really didn't matter at the moment. She brushed her hair back, closing her eyes in an expression of mild distaste. "Chances are they're here to do the same thing I am--observe."

Lust paused.

"They might try to follow me home afterward. But I think that puts me at the advantage, considering."


alphonse March 30 2009, 04:51:48 UTC
Al strolled into the banquet hall right on schedule, making an effort to seem as little like his usual self as possible. This wasn't exactly how he'd envisioned his first formal party, but with Lust in attendance, it was the way it had to be.

The contacts he was wearing irritated his eyes and he wanted to pout every time he saw the unfamiliar dark hair reflecting back at him from a mirrored surface, but Al didn't dare complain. Not when he could have ended up in the same ridiculous getup as Ed instead. The mere thought of such a thing was enough to make him want to shudder.

As it was Al looked like a normal kid for once, if a bit plain. He could live with that so long as it allowed him to keep an eye on things while remaining undetected. The only problem was that with Ling along to look out for his brother, there really wasn't much to do other than watch and wait for signs of trouble. A necessary job, but dull nonetheless. He would have tried to kill some time by checking out the buffet tables, but a quick glance revealed ( ... )


willofjustice March 30 2009, 05:10:06 UTC
Having tortured Fakir sufficiently through attempted conversation, Amelia continued her passage through the room. This was more her element; that was obvious. She slid between the chairs with ease, even in a skirt far poofier than those of her contemporaries, dropping a greeting to nearly everyone, pausing to talk to a few and trying to draw others out of their shyness. It didn't always work, of course, but she didn't seem daunted, either.

Passing by Al, she gave him the smile she'd given nearly everyone else. It was necessary. She forced it. In truth, her eyes flickered back to him and to Ed and Ling on occasion as much as she dared.

At the very least she would return to Al later. He *had* promised a dance.


alphonse March 30 2009, 13:10:02 UTC
For his part, Al eyed Amelia as if she were any other girl, sparing only the briefest of glances as she passed. Inwardly, though, he was glad to see her acting so happy and comfortable. After everything they'd been through lately, she certainly deserved to have some fun, even if it was only for tonight. Al hoped this evening went well and the precautions he'd taken would ultimately be proved unnecessary--for everyone's sakes.

But fate apparently had other plans, as it was shortly afterwards that Al finally caught sight of Lust. While that meant one obstacle was out of the way, the situation was much worse than he'd imagined. Not only had Lust found herself a date, but Selina was with them too. So much for getting there in time to warn her ( ... )


willofjustice March 30 2009, 20:58:55 UTC
Amelia, meanwhile, took longer to catch sight of Lust. The woman was, after all, virtually unknown to her -- a collection of words and the occasional video post. A name and a personality linked only through connection with the alchemists, and therefore much harder to remember.

She caught sight of them at nearly the same time that Lust saw Ed -- a dark-haired woman her eyes had skipped over before due to the glasses and the relatively unknown face. That gaze was, for a moment, intent, searching . . .

She followed it with her own eyes to Ed.

Alphonse-san . . . The thought was immediate, anxious, but she did not dare to look in that direction as though afraid her eyes would draw Lust's like a magnet, pulling her gaze away from Lust and back to the main crowd ( ... )


areallygoodbook March 30 2009, 05:00:01 UTC
The idea of a ball was not one entirely foreign to Malchior, attired in a suit which reversed the colors most typical of suits, yet suited his pale appearance all the more for it. He had, after all, raided one or two in his time to collect their supply of fair maidens, and Rorek had written of one or two such affairs in the book Malchior had been trapped in. The fundamentals, as he understood it, were much the same as before: it was a celebration by the nobles, or at least the more high-minded, in this class-less age, in which individuals engaged in feasting, dancing, conversation, and romance, at least, in the ideal ( ... )


darkprophecies March 30 2009, 05:51:43 UTC
Raven had been on the far side of the ballroom upon his arrival - not noticing him until much later, when she had slowly begun to work her way back to the entrance. Her eyes seemed to light up the moment they laid on him - finally, someone she truly knew! She hesitated, however, seeing as he was escourting Yomiko here - she did not wish to steal any time away from the girl.

Thus with that thought, it took many more minutes for her to finally make her way to him, having collected her champagne glass again - if nothing else, it gave her something to keep her hands occupied with if she became nervous or jittery.

"Malchior." as she walked ever-so-smoothly towards him, the name rolled easily off her tongue, and she smiled. "You look quite handsome tonight."


areallygoodbook March 30 2009, 10:10:25 UTC

Malchior smiled as he saw Raven towards him, Yomiko having excused herself to the ladies' room a minute or two ago. He noted Raven looked nervous and a little flustered-- it was clear to him before that she was unused to such situations, let alone being a representative of one of those hosting such a situation. Still, to her credit, she seemed to be holding up well under fire, only seeming to his perceptive eyes to be somewhat stressed and out of sorts, rather than completely so.

As she approached, he slipped into a small bow, and though his eyes did rise over her dress as he himself rose, they never lingered, and when they met her eyes, they did not waver nor take a second glance down.

"You look yet more lovely than usual this evening, and my sincerest compliments on the party. It seems to be going quite well, thanks to you."


darkprophecies March 30 2009, 15:44:24 UTC
She blushed somewhat at the bow he gave, along with the subsequent compliments he showered her in afterward, a soft laugh escaping her lips as she slipped a bit closer to him.
"Thank you, I did my best --- I had assistance with the fashion."

"However most of the credit for this goes to my employer, I was mostly put in charge of security for this event." she tossed a slight look over to where Balthazar was standing before her eyes began to focus on Malchior again.
"He is... uneasy tonight. We have a rather important guest in our midst that he is in quite a panic over," she admitted the fact slowly, but with a slight smile, "Honestly I do not know what all his fuss is about, I have spoken with the man myself."

Her fingers drummed lightly along her glass of champagne - her possible third for the evening - it was little wonder why her confidence was growing.
"Otherwise I would say this evening has been quite a success."


blk_arachnia March 30 2009, 06:02:11 UTC
Blackarachnia had been looking forward to this event since it had been announced. She wasn't one for mingling with organics but a chance to dress up and flirt sounded nice to her. Something she could use to relax and take her mind off current issues.

The femme had spent the days before hand going to several dress shops, looking for a dress. Finally she'd found a nice black and gold number that suited her quite well. Her dark purple hair was tied back, curled, a few loose strands that seemed to have been perfectly placed where they were.

For the time being she stuck to the outskirts of the main area, looking for anyone she might recognize.


1000thocean March 30 2009, 20:08:23 UTC
Willow wanted to hide.

She went shopping with the girl brigade, Teddy included, and apparently everyone thought she would look lovely in a skimpy number that she felt she had no business wearing.They even gave her heels and Willow felt like she was going to fall over. Now she finally knew what baby giraffes must feel.

The witch was just glad that she could afford this with her steady paycheck. The store was practically hers any way and she loved every second of pouring into the books, looking over new shipment, and dealing with the customers. Soon, she'll be needing to find new help, and--

OK, stop thinking about work, girl. You're here to dance and be--be fierce! Only Willow was the exact opposite of anything remotely fierce looking.

She sighed woefully, standing near the main entrance and trying to blend in with everyone else despite being one of the reasons for this extravagant event. There was another girl there and she felt like she had to say something. Be social. Pretend to be social"So. U-um," she stuttered. "Nice lights ( ... )


blk_arachnia March 30 2009, 22:48:18 UTC
At first Blackarachnia didn't realize she was being spoken to but when she did she stopped and looked back at the human that had addressed her. "The lights?" she asked, a little confused as she looked up at them. "I...suppose so?" She sounded bored as she turned back to woman.

The temptation to walk away hit her but after her talk with Starscream about moving out of the MAC she had realized she really needed to try to make friends, or at the very least allies. Might as well talk, "Are you here alone as well?"


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