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tinprodigy March 30 2009, 03:04:15 UTC
Ed hated everything. Specifically, he hated his little brother. He hated Amelia, because Al wouldn't have thought of this if it wasn't for her. He hated Ling for insisting on coming with, and laughing so fucking hard - it wasn't funny, dammit. He hated Lust, because if she wasn't such a nuisance and Al hadn't insisted on coming in order to keep tabs on her, all of this would be completely unnecessary.

Mostly, though, he hated this fucking dress.

Jesus fucking Christ on a goddamn bloody cross, how had he allowed himself to be talked into this? Puffy fucking sleeves. The lengths he went to in order to look out for Al astounded even himself - though he'd drawn the line at frills. At least with the hair dye and colored contacts he was unlikely to be recognized. He'd drawn the line at high heels, though. No way could he walk in them, much less run to assist should things get ugly around here ( ... )


Fuck you guys for pulling me off hiatus for this. AHHH kingofthepeople March 30 2009, 03:14:40 UTC
Oh, Ling laughed. He laughed hard, on the floor, for almost seven straight minutes. Then he'd gotten up. Spared Ed a silent, tear-filled stare, and then resumed his place on the floor, holding his stomach from the volume of his laughter.

After that was out of his system, though, he had no problem tagging along to this little event. Ah, he did love parties after all, and he did enjoy a good undercover plan. He also enjoyed grinning from ear to ear with Ed on his arm in full drag and then glancing at everyone as if he were his trophy wife.

It probably made the Alchemist even more mad than he already was, but he was enjoying this far too much.

Though, they really were quite the pair. Ling for the first time since he'd probably been in the City had dressed up in Prince appropriate attire. His long hair was neatly braided in the back, tied with a delicate red bow. It matched Ed's dress.

"Ah, actually no, I forgot. Run it by me again?" He whispered back, nodding slightly to someone else as they walked by.


c'mon bb, u no u loev it tinprodigy March 30 2009, 04:00:13 UTC
That wide, amused smile on Ling's face grated like nails on chalkboard, but there was little Ed could do to erase it at the moment. But he'd get his revenge. Oh yes. For now he settled for squeezing Ling's arm mercilessly, his strained, theoretically-ladylike smile never wavering.

"You met me at the Chinese restaurant and asked me out. My name's Yolanda. I'm a mutant sympathizer," Ed hissed through gritted teeth. "Don't mess this up."

He looked around, spotting only a few familiar faces. Hopefully none of the ones he didn't recognize were mind-readers, or if they were that they weren't paying attention. Neither Lust nor Al were here yet, it seemed. But there were snacks. Until his brother or their target showed up, they didn't have much to do, so he may as well grab some comfort food. It'd be a long night. He steered Ling towards a table laden with hor d'oeuvres.


shut up sob kingofthepeople March 30 2009, 04:23:12 UTC
Ling faltered just slightly at Ed's squeezing, determined not to drop his grin. It was really way too much. Oh man, he hoped they had pictures for later.

To Ed's last comment, Ling turned to him with a dashing smile and replied, "I wouldn't dream of it, Yolanda, dear." He restrained the giggle because he knew Ed got the name from one of his Soaps. He'd done a terrible thing to get Ed watching them, according to Al.

Noticing Ed was dragging him over to food, Ling made a hum of appreciation and started to pick up a few of the snacks. Another good reason to volunteer for this was the free food that was promised.

"Cheer up~ You should be honored to be courted by a Xingese prince," He said in an almost teasing smile.


tinprodigy March 30 2009, 04:47:31 UTC
Ed ground his teeth harder at the ill-repressed mirth in Ling's reply, but he nodded, satisfied. He was pretty sure that if Ling was royalty, he knew how to lie and schmooze well enough to keep this act up as long as they needed to.

Once at the snack table, Ed had to resist shovelling in the bite-sized crackers and things in by the handful, as was his usual method. It was just as well, as it kept him from choking at Ling's last comment.

"Honored? 'Courted'? You gotta be kidding me," Ed hissed, and drew breath for a blistering rant -

And spotted a distressingly familiar busty brunette sitting with a tall, unfamiliar man with close-cropped blonde hair, halfway across the room from them. Instinctively, Ed turned so his bangs obscured his face.

"We got company, lover boy," he said, jerking his chin to indicate the new arrivals. "See Al anywhere yet?"


kingofthepeople March 31 2009, 01:08:54 UTC
Ling really was way too amused about this. He had to keep reminding himself that this was indeed a mission of sorts. They had work to do. Ling finished the last of his hor d'oeuvres and wiped at his mouth subtly with a napkin.

"Hm?" He said in response to Ed when he jerked his head. There she was, at least, from what he knew of Greed's memory, anyway. She was disguised but he knew what to look for. He didn't recognize the other with her but figured it really didn't matter.

Ling only glanced her way for a moment, hoping she didn't catch him and turned back to Ed, "That didn't last long," He said slightly disappointed. He turned and scanned the crowd, shaking his head.

"I don't see him yet, unless he's doing a good job of being scarce."


tinprodigy March 31 2009, 01:23:04 UTC
"The scarcer he stays, the better," Ed muttered. The whole point of this get-up was to keep Lust from connecting the brothers by appearance alone, but all the better if Al was keeping out of sight.

Ed peered cautiously around Ling, trying to see Lust and if she was up to anything suspicious. Unless talking to Selina counted as suspicious, not really. But then her eyes turned in his direction, and Ed quickly duccked away. Chances that she'd recognize him like this were pretty low, but he didn't want to tempt fate. Or listen to her mock him for it later.

"This sucks," Ed said with feeling. But they did have a purpose here, a job to do. If Al wasn't around to keep an eye on Lust, they'd have to do it. As the musical ensemble struck up a waltz, he said, "We need to get closer without looking suspicious."


kingofthepeople March 31 2009, 01:33:31 UTC
Ling had flagged down a waiter with a drink and taken a glass of champagne. He was still trying to appear casual despite how serious the situation. Quiet whisperings were only going to get them stared at. Tipping the glass into his mouth just a bit he pondered.

And then he heard the music. Ah, yes, perfect, he thought. He grinned slightly into his glass and set it down gently on the table. Not saying anything just yet he took a step back from Ed and gave him just the slightest bow.

"May I have this dance?"

He did want to get closer, right? He only hoped Ed made an effort to play along as well to keep Lust from looking over to them. If Ed appeared girly enough she might not catch on.


tinprodigy March 31 2009, 01:49:03 UTC
Ed blinked at Ling, thrown for a loop by the court manners and slight grin. But then he caught on. If they were dancing, they'd have more freedom of movement, and thus could get nearer to Lust. It might also belay suspicion, as no one - himself included - could picture Edward Elric dancing.

This... could get ugly. But he was very glad he hadn't worn high heels. And he suspected that shortly, Ling would be, too.

Trying his best to seem girly and demure, Ed batted his eyelashes and turned his head as if shy. "Oh," he said in a louder, sugary almost-falsetto, "but of course, my sweet prince." He held out his white-gloved hand in the traditional pose he'd seen ladies in movies use, waiting to be lead out onto the floor.


kingofthepeople March 31 2009, 02:55:42 UTC
Ling put on his best you-could-swear-this-bastard-was-British dashing smile and took Ed's hand gently, leading him out to the dance floor with a sort of unusual dignified grace.

Ling had a prince mode, and he was in it.

Once in a nice empty spot, Ling guided Ed's hands where they should be during the dance. He wasn't uh, authoritative on dancing, specifically a western dance, but he'd seen enough youtube videos and soaps to get the basic idea.

"It's a box movement, try to follow my lead," He said in a whisper, sounding almost like he knew what he was doing.


tinprodigy March 31 2009, 03:34:20 UTC
Ed allowed Ling to pull him out onto the dance floor, trying not to be too weirded out by Ling's sudden foray into stately grace that Ed didn't have a prayer of matching. Most of the time, Ed could totally forget that Ling was of royal stock, but being reminded of it now just made Ed feel all the more out of place and awkward ( ... )


kingofthepeople April 2 2009, 00:18:54 UTC
Ling tried to be as easy as he could with hand placements, but he felt Ed jerk a bit when his hand went to his waist. Honestly he took no pleasure in this, himself. He was just doing what needed to be done, Valentine's Day be damned, they were on a mission.

Once they started dancing, Ling did his best not to look like a moron and lead Ed at the same time. Western dancing was such a pain. He glanced around subtly at the rest of the room, catching glances as he did of Lust and the woman she was with.

"We can try, but we shouldn't get too close. She could see us and all this would have been for nothing." He glanced down at his 'date' with an eye brow raised. He refused to admit he had a faint blush too, damn it all.


tinprodigy April 6 2009, 01:28:05 UTC
"Like she'd ever recognize me like this," Ed snapped, bitter with humiliation. He barely recognized himself in the mirror, after the torturous process of Amelia dying his hair, styling it, and pasting all kinds of makeup on his face. The eyeliner and mascera had been the worst, because they brought out his long, horribly girly eyelashes. Goddamn, he was never, ever letting Al and Amelia plot against him again.

He glanced up at Ling's faint flush and then back down at their feet. He hoped the foundation hid the way his own cheeks only got redder. Then a sudden, soft beeping from his lightly padded chest area made him startle, stumble, and step solidly on Ling's foot.


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