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returntoeven March 30 2009, 03:57:40 UTC
The remainder of the walk from the rendezvous point to the ball itself was relatively uneventful as neither Knives nor his companion had really spoken during that time. The silence wasn't really an uncomfortable one, though--they were simply two people who knew what they were about so there was no need for idle chatter. They passed by security with relative ease as well so Knives assumed either Lust's alterations to her appearance had worked or that there had been no warnings about her. Either way, they were both in, just as planned.

He took in surroundings, finding none of it really to his tastes, but he masked those sentiments as best he could. Knives had no real desire to mingle either so after swiping two glasses of champagne, he chose a spot in table that seemed to have a good vantage point for observation purposes. Then, once they were seated, he offered her the glass, occasionally sipping at his drink.

"See anyone you know?"


easytochop March 30 2009, 04:22:19 UTC
She had already been giving cursory glances to people as she passed them, of course, but it never hurt to repeat. Lust looked down at the champagne glass and took a sip, more to acknowledge its presence than anything else, and then proceeded to turn her attention to the crowd once again.

Nobody there seemed familiar to her, but that didn't mean much. If Ed and Al had come, they would definitely have disguised themselves, and she still didn't know what that unidentified friend of theirs looked like. Envy and Greed almost certainly wouldn't have shown up to a thing like this--and if Envy had, how would she even be able to tell? Overall, the crowd looked utterly foreign to her, and completely boring.

"Not yet," she admitted, turning back to Knives. "Give them time."


returntoeven March 30 2009, 04:47:10 UTC
And he didn't really have much to say to that beyond the obvious--that they had either chosen not to attend or were in disguise--so he was silent for a moment, just swirling around the fizzing liquid absently. She seemed so sure, but then they were people from her world so who was he to question?

"Do you think they'll try anything?"


easytochop March 30 2009, 04:58:22 UTC
"On me? No, I don't think so," she said. "They wouldn't start something severe in a public place, and they couldn't kill me if they tried." Could they? She highly doubted it, but the question really didn't matter at the moment. She brushed her hair back, closing her eyes in an expression of mild distaste. "Chances are they're here to do the same thing I am--observe."

Lust paused.

"They might try to follow me home afterward. But I think that puts me at the advantage, considering."


returntoeven March 30 2009, 05:10:08 UTC
The way she talked was...refreshing. It was a strange thought, crossing his mind before he could really figure out the exact cause, but real nonetheless. Perhaps he'd been speaking with humans and their nonhuman sympathizers for too long, or maybe it was because there hadn't been another mind like his in his own world, but there was a certain edge to her that he could appreciate. It was almost relaxing, simply because he felt there wasn't a need to pretend. He'd slaughtered millions and had no regrets, and though there had been some who'd claimed to understand his position, no one could actually say they didn't disapprove of it. Lust, he had the sense, wouldn't give a damn, and that in itself was welcome.

"It does," he said, taking yet another sip of champagne.


meowminx March 30 2009, 05:27:48 UTC
Well. There was a face Selina certainly hadn't expected to see here. And certainly not so sharply dressed.

She made her way across the hall, fresh glass of champagne in hand. "Knives," she said by way of greeting, managing to keep almost all the amusement out of her voice. "Nice tux." She nodded at his... date? A dark-haired woman she didn't recognize.


returntoeven March 30 2009, 05:42:15 UTC
Knives's eye twitched ever so slightly at the greeting, catching some of the amusement, filtered though it was. He'd rather hoped she wouldn't come talk to him--or even notice him for that matter--but that would have been too easy.

"Selina," he greeted, just managing to keep his voice level with forced patience. As for the compliment, it was difficult to appreciate something like that when he personally hated the damn thing. Still, he got out a brief 'thank you' regardless...at which point he remembered his 'date'.

Attempting to be polite, Knives introduced them. "This is Claire," he said, looking from one woman to the other. "Claire, Selina."


easytochop March 30 2009, 05:49:31 UTC

So it had been worth coming here, after all. Lust withheld the excitement from her face as she looked up at the other woman, putting a blandly pleasant smile there in its stead.

"It's nice to meet you," she said, her voice soft and modulated. It was an easy persona to put on, the sweet and unassuming girlfriend--she had gotten a lot of practice with it, shortly before her death. "You're a friend of Knives'?"

Would she recognize her? She had made multiple video posts, so it seemed inevitable, but the prospect of Selina realizing who was with her friend was even more exciting.

And if the boys came out of the woodwork to defend her, it would just be perfect.


meowminx March 30 2009, 06:14:53 UTC
The voice set off a little alarm in her mind. It took Selina a minute to place it, to realize she had seen the woman without those glasses.


None of these thoughts reached her face. "I doubt he considers us friends," she replied, glancing at Knives. "But we do have a number of mutual acquaintances."


easytochop March 30 2009, 06:23:21 UTC
"I see," she said, her expression composed as ever. If she was lucky enough tonight, Lust might be able to tell Hush to go shove the information fee up his own ass--not in so many words, of course. Contrary to people's expectations, perhaps, she wasn't vulgar.


returntoeven March 30 2009, 06:49:48 UTC
He watched the exchange between the two women, a single eyebrow lifting every so slightly in response. There was an undercurrent of tension between them for some reason he couldn't readily identify. It was curious, to say the least, and almost made him wish he'd done a little more research before coming.

Still, the mention of 'mutual acquaintances'...yes. They did have a fair number of those, he supposed. And he didn't really consider her a 'friend'--not that he considered anyone his friend, but that was beside the point.

He looked at her, fingers drumming a little on the table. "Any word from the one who left?"

Of course, Knives was asking about River, but he didn't feel it necessary (or prudent) to drop her name in the conversation.


meowminx March 30 2009, 07:16:40 UTC
It was a moment before Selina realized that Knives was talking about River. The one who left... her mind had gone to Batman at first. But while Knives knew Tim, she was pretty sure he'd never met Bruce.

"She hasn't called for help, which I assume is a good sign." Her attention was focused on Knives now, as if Lust didn't concern her. "I think Tank Girl's been visiting her."

Selina wasn't sure what to think of that. But she guessed the conversations were... interesting.


easytochop March 30 2009, 16:26:49 UTC
As the two of them talked to each other, Lust returned her attention to the rest of the room; she couldn't be sure whether Selina had recognized her or not, but it was safest to assume she had. Lust knew, from her own painful experience, just where underestimating your enemies led you. Better to scan the crowd again and pick out the boys. She went through more carefully this time, holding her glances longer and searching for any distinguishing factors that might set them apart.

Hmm, she thought. There was a boy near the snack table wearing what looked like particularly Xingese clothing--or whatever the equivalent was here. He seemed to be accompanying a shorter girl, who was eating but looked... a little uncomfortable, in a hard-to-define way. Something about her bearing was stiffer than it should be, and as she turned more into Lust's point of view, her features--


Oh, this was just too much. She couldn't be sure, as always, but the height and the face were enough of a give-away for her to assume the worst. She felt like ( ... )


returntoeven March 31 2009, 01:23:21 UTC
It was a good sign, but honestly, the news didn't satisfy him in the least. Perhaps it was because he was still angry with River's decision to incarcerate herself, or maybe he was peeved at himself for terminating their last conversation so abruptly. It was difficult to tell at this point, and honestly, his feelings on the matter were tangled up anyway so he really didn't care to examine them very much. As for this 'Tank Girl'...well. It really wasn't his business. Not anymore.

"I see." A pause, then, as he realized that he'd just drained the last of his champagne. Suppressing a sign, he rose smoothly, and after a brief "I'll be back", promptly went to find another glass. He wouldn't be gone that long, and in the meantime, he'd keep an eye on Selina and Lust out of the corner of his eye.


meowminx March 31 2009, 02:19:59 UTC
Selina nodded at Knives as he departed. Which left her alone with Lust. She gave the other woman (if you could even call her that) her best little socialite smile. The one used when gossiping about this and that scandalous thing.

"Claire, right?" Nothing in her voice or face gave away that she knew just who she was chatting with. "I have to say, I'm a bit surprised to see Knives here. He doesn't exactly seem like the formal date type."


easytochop March 31 2009, 02:37:49 UTC
"I wouldn't have thought so, either," Lust said; so far, she was telling the truth, "but it appears he has another side." She paused to take another sip of champagne, maintaining eye contact with Selina over the glass. "He asked me, actually. I wasn't expecting it at all."

She pushed the glass away, noting that Ed and his friend had moved away from the snack table, and smiled a little at Selina.

"It seems like there are things about Knives one wouldn't expect."


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