
Jan 13, 2012 13:30

WHO: Open
WHERE: Walking around the City.
WHEN: Backdated to the 9th.
FORMAT: Anything

More under cut )

ginny weasley | n/a, † percy jackson | trident, zelgadis | greywords, maxine gibson | batwoman

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Comments 22

inthirds January 13 2012, 16:06:27 UTC
Practice makes perfect is, as far as Zelgadis was concerned, a load of crap, and he was growing more and more convinced of it as he carried on with the practicing.

Before him, near the middle of the vacant lot many used for a spar now and then, was a large, rather out-of-place spire of stone. He'd called it up, just like the others scattered around of a lesser scale. Dug Haut. One of his specialties. It was a pretty impressive spell!

...It was a lot more impressive when he had chimera powers backing it.

But let's not talk about that.

Here, now: a big honkin' rock. In his right hand, a sword. For all the interesting ways humanity invented to kill the hell out of each other, nothing felt more safe and more natural in his hands than a piece of finely crafted steel. Unfortunately, Renaissance fair-quality steel was all he had to work with at the moment, but it would make do.

"Astral VineSword glowing red, Zelgadis shifted stance and set to slicing that rock right in two with a great show of force and effort ( ... )


sonoftheseas January 13 2012, 19:56:44 UTC
Percy had heards a noise like rocks shifting - actually that was unusual, wasn't it? To be able to pick out the noise like that? He had walked towards the direction the noise was coming from - another odd thing when he thought on it but that was besides the point at the moment. He watched as a sword glowed red, and cut through a rock, and then got stuck

"...You need a hand?"


inthirds January 13 2012, 21:54:01 UTC
When the voice sounded, his foot was in the air, about to plant on the side of the rock in order to help him pull. Zelgadis froze in place, awkward as it was, startled.

He turned his head and glanced over his shoulder, looking like a kid caught with a hand caught in the cookie jar?


"Uh--" He straightened out of pose and turned to face the stranger, leaving the sword stuck where it was.

"I'm sorry?"


sonoftheseas January 14 2012, 15:36:04 UTC
"Do you need a hand gettinng the sword, uh, unstuck?" Percy asked, pointing over at the sword in question. "'Cause it looks pretty stuck to me, an' I've seen people, like, ripping open their hands trying to get something that stuck out." There's a brief pause. "Okay, so not ripping open, exactly, but they needed stitches and they couldn't really do anything 'till it healed and hands take longer than you'd think."


futurebatwoman January 13 2012, 23:53:02 UTC
Max has to say she feels pretty good today. A lot of the tension she's been carrying around has eased with just having had her encounter with Dick. The waiting was the worst part, really.

So she's practically humming as she heads home from work. Work has been fine, the night job is fine, she may not really have a social life at the moment but she's not sure if she even minds. And she's got the time inbetween work and heading out for night if she wants to hang out with people, though this afternoon she has reserved for nap time, which she needs.

Which is probably why she bumps into Percy, spilling her purse on the ground. Thank goodness she keeps her suit tucked in more securely under a false bottom.

"Oh, sorry!" she says, and kneels to begin picking up her stuff. It's almost all work papers anyways, with the stray makeup item and tissues.


sonoftheseas January 14 2012, 15:32:34 UTC
"No, hey, my fault," Percy says, kneeling down to help pick up the work papers. "Should have been watching where I was going." It's true, he should have been. He just tends to let his feet take him wherever they want to go when he goes on aa walk and while it's not entirely a bad habit, it isn't necessarily the best of habits to have either.

He hands over a small pile of papers. "Is this all of them, or are there more...?" he glances around, trying to work out the answer to his own question.


futurebatwoman January 14 2012, 23:04:17 UTC
"That makes two of us," she says. "I just wasn't paying any attention, it was stupid of me." She takes the pile he hands her and stands up, stuffing the last of her stuff back into her bag.

"No, no, that's all of it." She sighs. "I'm Max. Look, let me buy you a coffee, I ran into you with my elbow, it can't have been fun."


sonoftheseas January 14 2012, 23:47:51 UTC
"If neither of us were paying attention, I think it's fair to say it was dumb luck... no, wait, erm, dumb fate?" He frowns, thinking. "That a phrase? Dumb fate? It should be a phrase. I'm going to make that a phrase."

He grins. "I'm Percy, nice to meet you Max. And seriously, it's okay. I wasn't paying attention, you weren't paying attention, I've been hit by harder things than an elbow. Life's good."


ginnydor January 14 2012, 01:19:41 UTC
A new year ought to be full of new possibilities. Instead, the City had taken exactly the same problems as it had gone through last year into this new one. It was depressing, seeing all the damage here. It felt like it hadn't been that long since the streets had looked like this before. After all, it was only a couple of months since then.

The damage was, quite honestly, on a scale that was much too big for her. But she had her wand out, and she was trying to fix pieces of damage that she came across. Broken windows, and areas of cracked pavement could be fixed with a Reparo spell, and she was using Scourgify where she could as well. It still didn't feel like enough, and she'd been at it for hours. Deciding to take a break, she walked out of the backstreets and out into the open. That's when she saw a familiar face moving around. She wouldn't mind a distraction, so she went over to him.

"Hi, Percy." She smiled. "I wasn't expecting to see anyone else around here. You didn't get caught up in all that damage, did you?"


sonoftheseas January 14 2012, 15:29:34 UTC
Ginny's voice was an entirely familiar and welcome one, and the grin came automatically when Percy heard it. "Ginny, hey," he said. He looked around as she spoke, still taking in all the chaos that had happened. "Pft, me, caught up in chaos? What kind of monster magnet do you think I am?" he laguhed.

He looked down at the wand, then around again, frowning slightly. Outt in the open area, there was no evidence of anything having been done, but Ginny was magic, right? "Wait, do you know like ... street fixing spells or something?"


ginnydor January 14 2012, 22:28:09 UTC
She raised an eyebrow at that first question. Did she think Percy Jackson was a magnet for monsters? Well, given what she knew of him...

Yes. That was a fair assumption, yes. It never seemed to bother him, though. He was just always able to laugh it off, which cheered her up a bit. Most people got depressed by that sort of thing. Not Percy.

Her smile faded at the question, and she shrugged a bit.

"There's a lot of damage." Understatement. "I know spells for repairing, for fixing things, for cleaning things...it helps, a bit. But there's too much, I can't fix all this. Not strong enough." She looked up at him. "Why do you ask, did something of yours get broken?"


sonoftheseas January 14 2012, 23:44:29 UTC
Monster magent is a good way to describe Percy, and he's aware enough of the fact that he catches himself checking out all exit points in a place. He never really thought he'd be that guy, but he guesses some things just tend to stick after they've been drilled into you. Not literally though, that would hurt.

"Something of mine? No," Percy assured her, before looking around again. "Just a spark of a thought, they don't usually last long." Though, he wonders, and occasionally some of those wonders stick. "So, like, if a bunch of you were to try one of those repairings spells at once... would that be strong enough?"


unetrustworthy January 14 2012, 03:13:21 UTC
It was cold, but Midii didn't mind the chill so much. She was used to it.

There was no particular reason that day for her to be out. No errands to run, no people to meet. So she decided to tour the city during daylight hours, when it would not have been quite so uncommon to see a 10-year-old walking around. By herself. (Okay, maybe a little strange...but this was The City, after all) Taking mental notes of every street sign and shop she passed by. Committing them to memory.

As such, her head was more focused upward as she strolled along the sidewalk, not paying quite as much attention to where she was going.


sonoftheseas January 14 2012, 15:26:48 UTC
Not paying much attenion to where he was going... Yeah, that sort of summed up how Percy walked wen he wasn't bein chased by some big monster or other. He din't realy have aything to do or any place important to be, so walking was justan automatic thing his body decided he was doing, though he did scan around lazily.

10 year old walking around by themselves. Nothing really unusual there. Except... wait, had he seen a 10 year old walking around by themselves since he'd been here? He couldn't actually remember. But if they were here, then that would mean that they knew how to take care of themselves.



unetrustworthy January 15 2012, 04:30:36 UTC


At the very least, she'd had fairly decent luck so far. Midii had spent all of two months in The City without incident. And it wasn't that she lacked friends; if anything, this was a rare moment for her to have some alone time.

Or, it would have been, had she not sensed a wave of curiosity coming from just behind. She slowly turned around, and saw a young boy...maybe Ginny's age?...staring at her. Her eyes widened slightly. He didn't look as if he meant her any harm, and nothing she felt from him was negative. Still...



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