
Jan 13, 2012 13:30

WHO: Open
WHERE: Walking around the City.
WHEN: Backdated to the 9th.
FORMAT: Anything

More under cut )

ginny weasley | n/a, † percy jackson | trident, zelgadis | greywords, maxine gibson | batwoman

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inthirds January 13 2012, 16:06:27 UTC
Practice makes perfect is, as far as Zelgadis was concerned, a load of crap, and he was growing more and more convinced of it as he carried on with the practicing.

Before him, near the middle of the vacant lot many used for a spar now and then, was a large, rather out-of-place spire of stone. He'd called it up, just like the others scattered around of a lesser scale. Dug Haut. One of his specialties. It was a pretty impressive spell!

...It was a lot more impressive when he had chimera powers backing it.

But let's not talk about that.

Here, now: a big honkin' rock. In his right hand, a sword. For all the interesting ways humanity invented to kill the hell out of each other, nothing felt more safe and more natural in his hands than a piece of finely crafted steel. Unfortunately, Renaissance fair-quality steel was all he had to work with at the moment, but it would make do.

"Astral Vine."

Sword glowing red, Zelgadis shifted stance and set to slicing that rock right in two with a great show of force and effort.

He got a third of the way through before getting the blade stuck. And was taking more effort than he ever would've liked to try to pry it out.



sonoftheseas January 13 2012, 19:56:44 UTC
Percy had heards a noise like rocks shifting - actually that was unusual, wasn't it? To be able to pick out the noise like that? He had walked towards the direction the noise was coming from - another odd thing when he thought on it but that was besides the point at the moment. He watched as a sword glowed red, and cut through a rock, and then got stuck

"...You need a hand?"


inthirds January 13 2012, 21:54:01 UTC
When the voice sounded, his foot was in the air, about to plant on the side of the rock in order to help him pull. Zelgadis froze in place, awkward as it was, startled.

He turned his head and glanced over his shoulder, looking like a kid caught with a hand caught in the cookie jar?


"Uh--" He straightened out of pose and turned to face the stranger, leaving the sword stuck where it was.

"I'm sorry?"


sonoftheseas January 14 2012, 15:36:04 UTC
"Do you need a hand gettinng the sword, uh, unstuck?" Percy asked, pointing over at the sword in question. "'Cause it looks pretty stuck to me, an' I've seen people, like, ripping open their hands trying to get something that stuck out." There's a brief pause. "Okay, so not ripping open, exactly, but they needed stitches and they couldn't really do anything 'till it healed and hands take longer than you'd think."


inthirds January 14 2012, 16:25:29 UTC
Zelgadis colored, feeling a little foolish. Of course he would do something so novice when there's witnesses; why couldn't this guy have shown up ten minutes ago during the impressive stuff?

"I don't think it'd be that drastic," he replied, a little flat. He sighed, giving the hilt behind him a slight glare.


He looked back at the guy, frowning, squinting. Something...

"...Did we talk before?"


sonoftheseas January 14 2012, 17:56:18 UTC
"Yeah, probably no, I mean, you know what you're doing, I saw the whole red light thin and it was pretty cool, man."

Percy stares back, frowning slightly.

"Uh, probably," he squints. "Uh, yeah, I think we did. Before the holidays, right?"


inthirds January 14 2012, 22:40:51 UTC
Speaking of the red light - the spell causing it dissipated on its own accord, given the absence of the source on the hilt. Now it was just another everyday sword lodged in a hunk of stone. Nothing unusual about that. Practically Arthurian, even.

But regardless, Zelgadis was more focused on the familiar someone, racking his brain behind a facade of mild curiosity that was slowly watering away to a fresh, embarrassed look of uncertainty.

...Crap. For all the effort he'd kind of been making to...to make friends, he was having fairly abysmal luck. Maybe actually remembering who the hell you've spoken to would make that a little easier, a voice (sounding rather Zatanna-like) chided him.

"Yeah, I think so," he replied, sounding only faintly confident in that. A hand went to the back of his neck, pressing against the rising heat there. His gaze dropped to the guy's shoes (Right, like that'll give me any clues...) before looking back up, thinking fast to speak out over the silence.

"It's Zelgadis," he piped up, blinking. After a lapse, he added, "My name, I mean."


sonoftheseas January 14 2012, 23:46:14 UTC
"Zelgadis..." Percy repeats the name to himself, trying to place it. The guy looks familiar, and he's sure he's talked to him before but still, the name doesn't help. "Sorry man, my bad, I'm sure we've talked but your name - cool as it is - isn't exactly striking a familiar note or however that sayin goes."

There's a pause, and he holds out his hand. "I'm Percy though, nice to meet you."


inthirds January 14 2012, 23:55:01 UTC
The smile Zelgadis gave was more relieved than understanding; not being the only one with a muffled memory took the sting out of not being recognized at all. Hell, he was glad Percy had forgotten - he didn't want to make a habit out of forgetting people's names.

From then on, though...definitely going to remember. The handshake is firm, resolved.

"Yeah, same. I'll remember it this time."


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